

What are the best practices for hiring staff? Should you hire from inside or outside the church? Should you hire quickly or take your time, even if it stresses out the staff filling in temporarily? Should you check references and do background checks?

Keys to Successful Hiring

By |May 16th, 2024|

The cost of a bad hire could be up to $250,000! That figure is from to the Society of Human Resource Management, an expert HR organization. Say what?!? How can that be? When you [...]

Keys to Successful Hiring and Firing

By |April 26th, 2024|

The number 1 resource that Executive Pastors manage is human resources. The top two keys to stewarding human resources is how we hire and fire. In this webinar we will talk about the values [...]

Five Reasons You Might Not Be Hired

By |December 19th, 2023|

You can learn from other’s mistakes. If you avoid these areas, the chances of a long-term successful career at your next church will be greatly improved. I recently had the opportunity to correspond with [...]

Hiring In 2022 & Beyond

By |March 23rd, 2022|

Attracting Top Talent With Flexible Staffing Solutions Hiring takes an average 36 to 42 days from an application submission to the first day on the job. The gig economy, and other unconventional hiring methods, [...]

Hiring in the Post-Pandemic World

By |July 2nd, 2021|

There is and will be a great deal of turnover in staff positions in the post-pandemic world. What do staff searches look like in this new landscape? Some think that it will be “same [...]

Hiring for the Future of the Church

By |March 30th, 2021|

If going through this recent pandemic has shown us anything, it’s that it’s critical for churches to have an online presence and engage with our online community. Not to mention, engaging digitally can fuel [...]

Code of Conduct

By |March 10th, 2021|

Hey Fletch ... We are hiring a part-timer in the tech area. The candidate is a great person, well qualified and a new believer. The issue is that I think he is living with [...]

Church Hiring Toolkit

By |October 22nd, 2019|

Tiffany Henning has created a helpful guide in "The Church Hiring Toolkit." She goes from A to Z, with: Carve out position A. Analyze current staffing structure for options and fit B. Describe the [...]

Background Check Blueprint

By |October 22nd, 2019|

When making personnel decisions including hiring, retention, promotion, and reassignment, employers and organizations sometimes want to consider the backgrounds of volunteers and employees. For example, some organizations might try to find out about the person’s [...]

An HR Professional’s Perspective on Reference Checks

By |October 22nd, 2019|

Tiffany Henning is an expert in human resource issues. Henning earned certifications of Professional Human Resource (PHR) and Chartered Retirement Professional Counselor (CRPC). She created a non-profit human resource network called HR Ministry Solutions [...]

Questions for Reference Checks

By |May 15th, 2019|

Hey Fletch … Are there any limits to the questions we can ask in a reference call? I ask because I used to work for a para-church organization and was involved in hiring a few [...]

Hiring Questions

By |May 8th, 2019|

Hey Fletch … I have a question about hiring a new staff member. I am the lead pastor at my church and have never been on this side of the hiring process. I know [...]

Questions for a Senior Pastor Candidate

By |April 2nd, 2019|

Hey Fletch … We have a senior pastor candidate who will be visiting our church this weekend, Thursday-Monday. I am attaching a list of questions that I think the board of elders should ask. Do [...]

Questions for an XP Interview

By |March 28th, 2019|

Hey Fletch … I am interviewing for an XP role in a church in another city in Europe. I am part of the shortlist of 3 people. Can you suggest some answers to prepare? DRF—Congratulations [...]