
1,400 Articles
from 400 Leaders

Listed from the most recent

Keys to Successful Hiring

By |May 16th, 2024|

The cost of a bad hire could be up to $250,000! That figure is from to the Society of Human Resource Management, an expert HR organization. Say what?!? How can that be? When you [...]

Facility Costs in a Church Merger

By |May 1st, 2024|

Hey Fletch … Our church is talking about merging with another church. We would be the lead and adopt their church. We are a setup/teardown church, and they have a paid-off building. I’m working [...]

Not the Fun Guy on Staff

By |April 4th, 2024|

Hey Fletch … I’m not the fun guy on staff. Do you have any ideas or resources for doing some fun or creative or helpful activities together that might help us? I’m thinking eating [...]

Facility Stewardship

By |March 21st, 2024|

Facility Management, or as we like to call it Facility Stewardship, is a complex and demanding role that requires a combination of skills, foresight, and adaptability. In pursuing excellence, facility stewards often seek inspiration [...]

Teacher Salaries

By |March 18th, 2024|

Hey Fletch—Why do you utilize teacher compensation data for comparison data? I don’t necessarily believe they are compensated very well on average. Fletch—Some folks don’t think teachers are paid a fair and living wage. [...]

Clear Priorities Drive Good Decisions

By |March 15th, 2024|

Your decisions create the story of your life. And while nobody plans to complicate their life with bad decisions, far too many people have no plan to make good decisions. Andy Stanley in Better [...]

Transforming Your Data into Discipleship

By |March 15th, 2024|

Every data point represents a soul. Are you treating it that way? You and I got into ministry because we know people matter. We feel compelled to help people meet, follow and share Jesus. [...]

Despondent over Lack of Fruit in Ministry

By |March 14th, 2024|

I’m no stranger to disillusionment in ministry. For 47 years I’ve served the Lord in a variety of roles: church staff member, seminar leader, Christian university professor, and writer. Not every position has panned [...]

When and How to Change Ministries

By |December 23rd, 2023|

Questions to Consider Before and After You Decide to Leave Feuding Cripples Church—

That headline was plastered on page 1 of the city newspaper. By a 17-6 margin, the deacons and trustees had voted the [...]

Five Reasons You Might Not Be Hired

By |December 19th, 2023|

You can learn from other’s mistakes. If you avoid these areas, the chances of a long-term successful career at your next church will be greatly improved. I recently had the opportunity to correspond with [...]

Talking to Visitors

By |November 30th, 2023|

Hey Fletch—We have a lot of people who visit our church but they don’t come back. We send out letters and emails to newcomers. Apparently these are not working. Any thoughts? Fletch—I stumbled on [...]

Be the Unicorn

By |November 28th, 2023|

William Vanderbloemen William Vanderbloemen’s latest book, Be the Unicorn: Data-Driven Habits that Separate the Best Leaders from the Rest, is a goldmine of information. He gets right at what the best leaders [...]

The Necessity of a Child Safety Team

By |November 22nd, 2023|

One of my favorite pastimes after a long day of work is to sit and watch sports. During each sports season, you’ll find me enjoying my favorite Atlanta-based teams as they work together to [...]

5 Ways to Protect Against Being a Bad Boss

By |October 12th, 2023|

There was a recent study that showed that two Walgreens stores had completely different success metrics and employee retention even though they were close to each other, had the same clientele, had the same [...]

Is There Life After Vocational Ministry?

By |October 12th, 2023|

When I was a pastor, I would have days where I thought I was the luckiest person on earth. Standing in front of a couple renewing their wedding vows, preaching a message I was [...]