Churches should always over-communicate with the congregation. This is especially so during a crisis, such as the pandemic. Here is a superb video from Lighthouse Community Church. It is a message from their elders to the congregation. The leaders are talking to the people. Good communication is essential during and after the pandemic. This is an example of care, concern and love. It is a great model for all such communication efforts.

Their Written Post Said …

Dear Lighthouse,

We hope that you had a blessed Easter reflecting on how Christ’s resurrection gives us hope. This past Sunday also marked our fifth Sunday since we transitioned to doing services online.

Much has changed since our first online service, but the elders, pastoral staff, and deacons remain dedicated to serving you our church family. With the heart of service, we, the elders, want to share Lighthouse’s action plan in response to COVID-19. The hope of this plan is to spur us toward a greater dependence and faith in Christ.

Lighthouse’s Action Plan

As gospel-centered disciples, here’s our four-part action plan so that we may grow a greater dependence on Christ through this pandemic.

  • Pursue Christ“Set your mind on things that are above …” Colossians 3:2
    • Sunday Services and Lighthouse Kids
    • Truths for Troubled Times–Daily Video Devotionals for Adults; family worship guides; and a collection of Christ-Centered articles, book recommendations, and worship music.
  • Pray Faithfully“…apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:4
    • Monthly Prayer Gatherings–2nd Monday Evening at 7 p.m.
    • Truths for Troubled Times–Daily Prayer Requests
  • Participate in Community“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works …” Hebrews 10:24
    • Through Virtual Community—through Small Groups and Fellowship Groups (Youth, Beacon, Praxis, Branch, Vision)
    • Through Giving–Joyfully supporting Lighthouse’s ministry with our finances
    • Through Compassion Ministry–Asking for help and seeking to help others by contacting [email protected]
    • Through Staying Connected –Lighthouse Weekly, Stories of Grace and Instagram
  • Proclaim the Gospel“… we are ambassadors for Christ …” 2 Corinthians 5:20
    • Invite friends and family to take Christianity Explored
    • Have Gospel conversations and use what is happening to point people to Christ
    • Be a good neighbor
    • Be generous

Contained within these four action points are all the ways Lighthouse is ministering to you. We hope this provides you with a clear plan on how to not only survive, but to thrive during this season.

Connecting with Us

One of the things the pastoral staff misses most about not being able to gather together on Sundays are the conversations. Each Sunday, there were hundreds and hundreds of conversations. These conversations were entry points into each other’s hearts—to catch up on what happened the past week, to sharing a struggle or an encouragement, to be able to pray for one another.

Those conversations naturally happened as we were physically together. Though we are now physically apart, we still desire the same fruit from those kinds of conversations—to hear how you’re doing, your encouragements, struggles, and prayer requests.

Lighthouse will continue to reach out, but we would also love for you to reach out to us. Send an email to [email protected] to connect with us.

Here are some ideas of what you can email about:

  • Let us know you’ve been attending online.
  • Let us know if you have a prayer request.
  • Let us know if you need assistance.
  • Let us know how we might better minister to you and our church family.
  • Send us a story of how God has been working in your life.

Sharing Christ

Finally, one grace of COVID-19 is that many of our idols have been stripped away. Many non-Christians are asking questions that ultimately lead to Christ. We hope that some are tuning in to Lighthouse’s online services. We want to connect with them to start gospel conversations, so in the details section of the YouTube page is a link for our guests. This will lead to the “New to Lighthouse” page on our website where they can fill out a Communication Card and sign up for Christianity Explored.

We are so thankful for your support, your encouragements, and your prayers and we look forward to the day when we’ll be able to physically meet again. Until then, we’ll continue to do our best to serve you and point you to Christ.

His Grace,

The Elders of Lighthouse