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Our 21st XP-Seminar
February 25-27, 2025
Early bird registration now open

The annual XP-Seminar
is a ChurchLaw&Tax Top Conference

2025 Featured Speakers

Tim Badal
Lead Pastor, Village Bible Church

A multi-site church with a tent-making pastor

Since 1995 I have had the privilege to serve as General Manager of 5-B’s Catering Service a business my parents started in 1979. This time has enabled me to serve Christ in so many ways by being a light to my employees and customers. My bi-vocational work also allows me to be an example to the rest of the church that ministry doesn’t just happen when we are pastors but through every Christian using their vocation to glorify God.

In 2003, I began to transition from an active lay leader to an interim preacher at Village Bible Church. Then in early 2004, I took on the role of Lead Pastor across all VBC campuses. I also enjoy helping to lead our church staff, writing small group material and leadership training as well as dreaming about what God may have next for us as a church.

Nathan Baxter
SP to XP to Leadership Coach

Nathan has been coaching leaders for over 30 years and in the fall of 2001 he founded Lead Self Lead Others.  For over a decade he was content to be a company of 1 until he realized that there were others who were interested in learning his coaching model and methodology. Today, he has trained 15 coaches and 9 of them have joined the LSLO Coaching Team.

To date they have successfully coached over 3,500 leaders, issued 1800+ Birkman® assessments and 360 performance evaluations, and designed and conducted 200+ individual and corporate surveys.

2025 Keynote Speakers

Mike Batts
Managing Partner, BMWL

Rob Faulk
Partner, CapinCrouse

Bill Gaultiere
Co-Founder, Soul Shepherding

Kristi Gaultiere
Co-Founder, Soul Shepherding

Jason Hamrock
CEO, Missional Marketing

Dave Hess
Vice President, Financial Planning Ministry

David Lee
Senior Relationship Manager, Thrivent Church Financing

Brad Leeper

David Middlebrook
Founder, The Church Lawyers

Dave Milam
Vice President of Strategic Design, Visioneering Studios

William Vanderbloemen
CEO & Founder, Vanderbloemen

Bruce Woody
President, HH Architects

Unsolicited Comments from Attendees

As usual, it was well worth the time and done with excellence. There was much to learn, much to experience, and relationships were built.


Wow, what a week—I don’t think I’ve ever stayed up past my bedtime in such a professional way. There was so much that I learned from the incredible speakers and more that I learned in my conversations with all of you. I have a renewed sense of encouragement in how the Lord is working in the Church as you advance the kingdom.


Thanks for a great conference. It was my first and I was very glad I attended.


The conference was another home run. As much as I enjoyed and learned in prior years, this round I walked away with more actionable ideas.  This was both good for my soul and a great investment for my church.


The list of what the XP needs goes on and on. The seminar’s value was so much more than the cost of admission, plus the people, dang!


Thank you for all the work that you put into XPastor this week. Over these last 12+ yrs, your ministry has been so instrumental in helping shape me as a husband, as a dad and as an XP. This year I had the opportunity to speak with several new XPs. It was great hearing their stories and being able to provide them input and insight!


The information, networking, and interaction was great! I learned a lot from each speaker. Still going through material and trying to digest it. I look forward to next year!  Already suggested to our SP and Elders that they should come.


I wanted to say how excellent the live stream was! I was so thankful to still be able to glean a lot from so much helpful content (while missing the in person connection that makes this my favorite conference of the year). I was super bummed to not be able to be in person this year, pesky flight cancellations!


Your ministry and yearly seminar have been an incredible lifeline for me. Grateful for you and all you do to minister to XPs in the trenches.


Thank you for such an amazing conference. I have been to a lot of conferences over the last 20 years and most are not worth the time, but this one was.


The seminar was extremely beneficial. 100% relevant and applicable to my role. Tons of takeaways. Looking forward to the keynote videos being posted. Glad I attended!


I don’t of anyone that is doing what David Fletcher is doing with the XP Seminar! It’s such a unique, niche gathering of like-minded professionals that get equipped with immediately helpful information from some of the best leaders in this field from around the country. It’s an absolutely don’t-miss-this seminar every year.


Am grateful for the conference last week.  God has used your ministry to XPs to help me greatly.  Glad to have now attended for three years.


I grew so much by listening to the speakers and talking with fellow XPs. The whole experience is a gold mine of knowledge, wisdom and experience. Totally worth it!


Thanks again for a great XP event! It was informative and inspiring.


One additional blessing on top of all the good stuff that goes on at the XP-Seminar is watching the teamwork between Tami and David—it inspires us as we want to grow in our teamwork in serving Jesus and His church. Thank you for blessing us! We  look forward to the next XP Seminar!


Again, the XP-Seminar both met and exceeded expectations. What continues to impress me about is that each presenter brings forth fresh and creative approaches to ministry with humility and conviction. Everything is actionable. There’s never empty hype. Each presentation is rooted in reality, and it’s an encouraging reality that God is good, and the body of Christ has avenues for flourishing. Well done!

Senior Pastor

Its the major leagues, not A or AA ball.


This was a good reminder of how much we don’t know that we don’t know. I’ve been working through my notes and creating key takeaways for the past few hours. Much to think through to boil it down to 2-3 actionable items that could help us move our mission forward.


Working on my trip report … up to 18 pages with several charts.


You guys are amazing. Thank you for an awesome event last week. It really is a tribe and not a town. The chance to connect with so many church leaders and run into them repeatedly over three days was amazing. I can tell you that it was an amazing event and I was thrilled to be a part of it.


I am watching online and am so glad to have found a place and a people that I can relate to and be encouraged by. I pray to be able to attend in person next year and participate in the workshop discussions.


You guys are doing an incredible work in gathering and resourcing XPs. I heard story after story of the hope and insight your events have provided to leaders over the years.


It was another excellent conference.


This is my favorite conference of the year.


Words can’t express the gratitude I have for you.


The XP-Seminar was just magnificent. My big mystery is that I don’t know when you eat–since you’re up there interviewing during most meals for 48 hours! 


Once again, Mrs. T and Fletch delivered such a wonderful event and helping sow and water so many seeds and can’t wait to continue to see the fruits of your labor!


I attended my second XP -Seminar this year. I am a CPA that has had to meet CPE requirements my entire career, therefore lots of conferences. This conference was the finest I have ever attended. So many times conference titles are engaging and timely, but the context is a bust. Every single session met and exceeded expectations. From my seat it is a labor of love, and a true gift to people like me for the benefit of our church


You did a magnificent job organizing the XP-Seminar. It was my first time there and I’m sure you’ve evolved your protocols over the years—and it shows. Every time I asked a question of you, and there were several, you had the answer and you were so very helpful. God bless you on your path as you fulfill God’s calling on your life.


I really enjoyed attending my first XP conference. I’ll surely do it again.


I had no idea what to expect, but definitely came away with a great appreciation for how you two love everyone so well—the pastors, sponsors, speakers, and tech support.


Our team had a great time. I can’t believe it will be 20 years next year! What an amazing ministry have built. We love encouraging and equipping leaders with you! 


We all have the thing in our lives that we would sacrifice for. XPastor is the thing for us. Icing on the cake was spending time with you just talking about life.


This was the best XP-Seminar ever.


Already have plans to come back next year Lord willing. My trip report is 4 pages for just my top 3 takeaways. Without a doubt, this was the most beneficial conference I’ve attended to date. In all I took 18 pages of notes for my 13th XP-Seminar.


Thank you for another power-packed conference.  Your ministry is needed more than ever as XPs are getting bombarded by the enemy from all sides regardless of church size.  The relationships you have with all the keynote and workshop speakers and their willingness to share ideas to strength the body of Christ is so much appreciated.


You two are the poster children for how to run a conference well … and how to communicate well … and how to be timely in all you do.


The XP Seminar is always my favorite conference for so many reasons.


Loved the seminar! Well done!


That was a great conference. Definitely one of my favorite ones that I’ve ever attended!


Thank you for the uniquely profound ministry of the XPastor Seminar. There is something beautiful and enriching about the design and format of the conference that fosters connection and shared learning. The size, the meals, the round tables, etc. all make it very special and meaningful. I had a great experience listening, learning and making connections. Fletch has a unique gift of interacting with the presenters and the audience in a remarkable way that engages people in conversation and reflection.


Read the article from Dave Travis, Three Items I Learned at the XP-Seminar that Worried Me. It has some key take-aways from the 2024 XP-Seminar.

Dave is the Director of Strategic Counsel to Pastors and Church Boards at Generis.

30 Workshops Are Planned During the Seminar

Last year’s XP-Seminar was a significant milestone for us. We decided to initiate my succession over the next seven years. I would never have started this process had I not attended the conference.

The outstanding workshops made me realize that the best way I can ensure the legacy of the church I planted is to skillfully and intentionally pass the baton to those who will lead in the next generation.

Why Come?

Gene Getz, Senior Pastor and Author of 60+ Books

I love what Fletch is doing through the keynotes and workshops. This is a fantastic place. I’ve seen first hand the results of Fletch’s leadership in the local church level and in cross-cultural situations.

Clint Smith, XP of NORTH Church

The Seminar has a huge impact on my leadership and development in networking, mentoring and insight. I attend to increase my knowledge in church law, HR, staff development and so much more. I believe in the Seminar and want to give back any way I can.

Tim Samuel, CFO of Bridgeway Church

The Seminar enables me to create future opportunities. It connects me with church leaders from around the country so that I can innovate and save money for my local church.

Eddie Park, Church Planter

I was exposed to some of the most experienced church leaders from all over the nation. I never thought I would ever be prepared for senior leadership until I came to the seminar and received the invaluable wisdom and resources provided. 

Matt Branaugh, Editor at Church Law & Tax Team

I’ve attended four XP-Seminars and can vouch for its Christ-centered, ministry-minded approach. I highly recommend the good work David Fletcher is doing!

Dan Brubacher, XP at Connexus Church

Blessed to interact personally today with gurus @drfletcher, @DanReiland, @Mike_Bonem, and @philtaylorxp. Each is the real deal.

Mike Batts, Managing Partner, Batts Morrison Wales & Lee

We are off-the-hook impressed with the XP-Seminar … no wonder you have such a strong following!

Rod MacIlvaine, Senior Pastor, Grace Community Church

I loved the entire XP conference. Probably the best overall conference I’ve attended in 21 years of Senior Pastor ministry.

The Annual Event

XPastor’s unique format combines nationally-known authors, the most current thinking in church leadership and pastors from cutting-edge churches. No one has the mix of thought and practice that XPastor offers.

The Seminar brings together Executive Pastors, Senior Pastors and other church leaders from around North America. We have pertinent and penetrating sessions.

Why XPastor?

XPastor is the market leader with proven capacity in reaching church leaders. XPastor brings together influential decision-makers from churches, both coast-to-coast and around the world.

XPastor has 1,300 free, insightful online articles and annually receives hundreds of thousands of visits.

Learn from peers who are in cutting-edge churches around the globe.

Grow with Friends

Meet peers from similarly-sized churches. You are a key decision maker in your church, so grow with others like you. We have a wide assortment of denominations and church polity.

Get input in the large group presentations and your questions answered in the small group discussions. We bring in outstanding national leaders such as Sam Chand, Gene Getz, Will Mancini, Reggie McNeal, Larry Osborne, Ken Sande, Jim Tomberlin, Dr. John Townsend and Dr. Thom Rainer.

Investing in the XP-Seminar was a catalytic decision for our organization. The value of an expanded network and broadened perspective helped us take major steps forward.

Learning to develop both the business brain and pastoral heart, and having the self-awareness of which to lean on in various situations, is crucial for anyone in the Executive Pastor role.

It’s a gift to have a community like this to provide support, insight, and education through the ministry journey.

XP McKenzie Schreck
Capital Church, Salt Lake City

What Attendees Say

The most important part to me is the ability to ‘network.’ I loved being able to ask questions, probe and encourage the other folks I spent time with outside of the scheduled events.

Enrich your life and ministry here!

I love that the conference is small. I liked the clarity I received regarding, ‘What I should do as a new XP?’

Thank you so much for the obvious work that was put into the conference. It was my first time attending and it was very beneficial. The Open Forum Workshop was great. It’s so helpful to dialogue and process out loud with other XPs.

—attendance limited to 200 people—

On our flight home, my XP said to me, ‘So was the conference worth it for you?’ I answered, ‘Yes it was.’ He agreed as well.

I appreciated hearing from two Senior Pastors regarding their partnerships with their XPs. And, it was great to hear from David, Mike and Paul about navigating challenges. Those kinds of stories are unique in seminars where typically it’s all success.

Thank you for continuing to offer this most wonderful vehicle for growing, learning and stretching in service to Him!

A few of the beneficial things for me: The structure of the conference. The speakers are accessible. The large room is comfortable. The free material is amazing. Chatting between speakers.

The keynote sessions are a content-rich time to learn. Take home deliverables for your church.

It’s never a dull moment at the Seminar. The days are full of vital information for your church.

By sitting around tables, discussion is easy. Get to know other church leaders.

Whether in the 25 plus workshops, through individual discussions or in the keynotes, bring a pad of paper, tablet or computer to take notes.

After Carey Nieuwhof spoke on Spiritual Leadership, he takes a picture of William Vanderbloemen …

… while William was delivering his keynote address on Hiring: Behind the Scenes Lessons in Interviewing.

Bill & Kristi Gaultiere, Soul Shepherding to Get Through the Wall.

The amazing tech crew from Clark, always giving the best in audio and visual.

Senior Pastor David Hsu, Implementing a Church Vision