205—Tools to Prevent Financial Fraud

Tools on Financial Fraud and Strong Churches

9 Essentials of Avoiding Fraud

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Fraud is just about losing money, right? Fraud does have negative financial implications for churches, but the impact goes far beyond money. Fraud and misuse of church resources can create sensational news—and not good [...]

Areas of Risk Management

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We have brought together material from Mike Batts and from Brother Mutual to see the scope of risk management. Mike Batts is the managing partner of Batts Morrison Wales & Lee. He has more [...]

Red Flags of Embezzlement

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This material is from The Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. With its mission of Enhancing Trust, ECFA now certifies nearly 2,300 Christ-centered churches and ministries based on its high standards in financial management, governance [...]

When Embezzlement is Discovered

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The Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability has a downloadable PDF detailing what to do when fraud is discovered.1 When a church discovers embezzlement within the ministry, the following issues should be considered with the assistance [...]

When to Use Outside Experts

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Churches used to be able to handle a crisis or major event on their own. The current scenario is complicated by publicity on social media, a tangle of laws and regulations and the prevalence [...]

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