XPastor tries to help churches by providing some of the essentials for running a church—items like job descriptions, employment applications, review forms and policies. Below is the 2010 Care Ministries Strategy, Process and Job Descriptions from Southside Nazarene Church of Chesterfield, Virginia.

This booklet is designed to define the areas of Care Ministries that will help connect our people within the congregation during times of crisis or need. Care Ministries will enable our people (staff and membership) to provide care, support and encouragement to individuals and families. Training of volunteers in the Care Ministry will take place at least once a year.

The purpose of Care Ministries is to ensure that all those within the congregation are cared for in the event of a physical, financial, emotional, or spiritual crisis in their life that would require additional care from the congregation or pastoral staff. A time of celebration can also be a time when the church comes alongside an individual or family with support and praise.


In the event that an individual is in need of counseling, pastors might be called upon to provide it. Due to the many individuals in the congregation and the many needs at hand, the requested or assigned pastor who will provide counseling will first assess the need and determine if the individual(s) would be better served with professional counseling. If so, Footsteps Counseling will be recommended. If more than three sessions of pastoral counseling are needed for the individual(s), then again, Footsteps will be encouraged and recommended. We, at Southside, have the privilege of offering Footsteps Christian Counseling, staffed by caring professionals, as a tool for meeting the counseling needs of individuals in distress. The contact information for Footsteps Counseling is: 804-715-3215; 804-715-3233 (fax); [email protected]; www.footstepscounseling.com


All pastoral emergency calls that come into the Southside Church of the Nazarene line after hours are transferred over to the Pastoral Care Pastor for those attending the Courthouse Campus or your campus pastor. The Pastor then assesses the need and follows up as appropriate.

Loss of a Loved One Care

We, at Southside, are structured to care for our people through Life Groups.

  1. Communicating the Information and Follow-up Care
    1. Upon receiving the information about the death of a loved one in our congregation, all the pastors and the coordinator over this area will be informed of the loss.
    2. The Coordinator, Campus Pastor, or Pastoral Care Director/Pastor will inform the Life Group leader of the loss so their group can provide care for the individual and family.
    3. The adult ministries department will place the family on the prayer chain and on the prayer list.
    4. The attendee will be placed on the Care Ministries list found on the Southside Home Page, “Care After the Loss of a Loved One” to provide follow-up care as outlined on the list/form. The individual’s name will remain on this site for a month.

In the event that an individual is not in a Life Group, the coordinator or Campus Pastor will assist with the follow-up care.

II. Follow-up Care

  1. If the loved one who has passed away is local/in the congregation:
    1. A card is provided to the team to sign as a group.
    2. Food will be arranged through volunteers to provide for the family.
  2. If the loved one lived out of the area:
    1. A card is provided to the team to sign as a group for the individual/family.
    2. A call will be made to find out how we as a church can help and action will be taken to assist the best we can as a congregation.

Financial Care/H.U.G.S. (Helping, Uplifting, Giving, Serving)

  1. Purpose: To provide emergency assistance to meet the financial needs of those who regularly attend Southside Church of the Nazarene such as:
    1. Unexpected financial changes
    2. Loss of Job
    3. Calamities/disasters
    4. Illness which reduces income
    5. Financial hardships
  2. Procedures
    1. A committee composed of no more than five members of Southside Church of the Nazarene will be appointed by the Senior Pastor for a term of one year to administer and evaluate the distribution of funds. The committee names are not to be publicized.
      1. H.U.G.S. Assistance Request Form filled out (Appendix A).
        1. The maximum amount of benevolence for one family unit will not exceed $500 one time per year. However, if, on occasion, a family unit would need additional help, the H.U.G.S. committee can recommend approval and refer it to the finance team after consultation with the Executive or Senior Pastor.
        2. Checks must be made payable to a company or corporation and never to the individual for which the benevolence is requested.
        3. Documentation of the requested amount will be required in the form of bills, receipts, or letters from the person(s) actually owed the amount requested, along with the current addresses.
    2. Recommendations for benevolences must be referred to the H.U.G.S. Committee by a member of the Pastoral Staff with the following information being considered:
      1. Specific circumstances that require the need for benevolence.
      2. Why the individual could not take care of the need through other sources (i.e. family, friends, bank loan, other agencies, etc.)
      3. Has the individual exhibited behavior indicating responsibility for their situation by being willing to seek help and advice as needed? If so, have arrangements been made to provide such counseling?
      4. Have you explained the limits for financial benevolence to the person?


We have individuals in the congregation who can come alongside individuals in need when a group is not available or able to do so. Such areas of help might include meals, light housekeeping, lawn care, minor repairs, car assistance, etc.

  1. Assisting Widows
    1. Our widows are encouraged to participate in a “Life Group” for support, encouragement, spiritual growth and care.
    2. The widow must make the need known in order for the church or group to provide assistance.
  2. Assisting Singles/Single Parents
    1. “Life Groups” are provided for those who desire to participate in a singles group for support growth and care.
    2. The single must make the need known in order for the church or group to provide assistance.
  3. Assisting Senior Adults
    1. “Life Groups” and “Support Groups” are available for our senior adults to participate in for support growth and care.
    2. The senior must make the need known in order for the church or group to provide assistance.
  4. Assisting Unemployed Person
    1. Once the unemployed person has made known their need, their name will be given to the coordinator of this area for follow up.
      1. Learn about the person’s employment history.
      2. Discern the extent of person’s perseverance in locating employment.
      3. Refer them to people who might give them contacts within companies.
      4. Help them with their resume, if needed.
      5. Refer them to employment agencies.
      6. Help them locate education and training schools, if needed.
    2. The coordinator should be patient and sensitive, while providing encouragement and demonstrating genuine concern, as this can be a very difficult time in this person’s life.
  5. Assisting Special Needs/Handicapped
    1. Those with special needs will need to make their needs known for us to be able to assist them while they are here on the SNC campuses.
    2. A wheelchair is available for use on the Courthouse campus, as needed.
    3. Restrooms are wheelchair compatible.
    4. An elevator is located in the lobby for those who need it.

Homebound Care

We care about our homebound by providing care for their spiritual and social needs in the following ways.

  1. Care for our homebound is overseen by a coordinator with a team of caring individuals assigned to minister in one or more of the following ways.
    1. Send cards
    2. Visit
    3. Call
  2. Seasonal Opportunities:
    1. A pastor is assigned to give communion to one or more of the individuals twice a year (Easter and Christmas season are a good choice).
    2. Our children and teens will minister to our homebound once a year in the following ways; craft projects for each homebound, group singing, or giving student-created cards.
  3. Nursing Homes:
    1. Lucy Corr—A coordinator arranges a worship service bi-monthly at the facility.

Hospital Care

We, at Southside, are structured to care for our people through Life Groups. However, all hospitalized are visited and cared for by someone.

  1. Communicating the Information
    1. Upon notification of an individual being hospitalized, all the pastors and the coordinator over this area will be informed by the Care List on the Southside home page.
    2. The coordinator will inform the Life Group leader of the situation so they can provide care.
    3. The adult ministries department will place the individual on the prayer list.
    4. In the event that an individual is not in a Life Group, then the coordinator will assist with the follow-up care.
  2. Visitation
    1. The Pastoral Care Director/Pastor will arrange a schedule with the hospital visitation team to ensure that the person is visited every day they are in the hospital.
    2. In the event that an individual is not in a Life Group, one of the hospital visitation team will visit the individual every day they are in the hospital.
  3. Follow-up Care After Leaving the Hospital
    1. A call by the Hospital Care Coordinator will be made to find out how we as a church can help. The Adult Pastor and Pastoral Care Director/Pastor will be informed of the follow-up care provided.
      1. Food will be arranged to provide for the family as needed.
      2. In-home help may be arranged as needed through volunteers.
    2.  A card is provided to the Pastoral Staff to sign as a group for the individual.

Terminal Patients, Cancer Patients, etc.

We at Southside are structured to care for our people through Life Groups.

  1. Communicating the Information
    1. The Pastoral Care Director/Pastor, Coordinator or Campus Pastor can receive information from the communication card, another staff member, phone call or other.
    2. An information report will be provided weekly to the Adult Pastor to show how the terminal patients are cared for.
  2. Follow-up Care
    1. Individuals who have a terminal disease, is receiving physical or emotional help from a doctor due to cancer or a life threatening disease will be placed on the Courthouse prayer list.
    2. Individuals going through difficult situations will be placed on the Care Ministries list found on the Southside website “Care for terminal patients and those receiving physical help due to a possible life threatening disease” to provide follow-up care as outlined on the form.
    3. In the event that an individual is in a Life Group, the Pastoral Care Director/Pastor will receive bi-monthly information on how the individual is doing and how the group is providing support and encouragement to them.
    4. If the individual is not in a Life Group, then the Pastoral Care Director/Pastor will ensure that weekly communication is being made to know the condition of the individual and provide assistance, as needed.

Prayer Ministry

We want to be a people that are known by the way we pray. Prayer is an important way in which we at Southside care for one another. Each campus will provide multiple opportunities for requests to be made known so that intercessory prayer can be made on behalf of the concerns of the people.

  1. Communication Cards
    1. Prayer requests are submitted via the communication cards, called into the office, or given to anyone on staff to start the information flowing.
    2. Volunteers are recruited to assist the Pastoral Care Director/Pastor to read through the prayer requests to discern whether a follow-up action should take place. Notations are made.
    3. Every prayer request will also be read by the Pastoral Care Director/Pastor or Campus Pastor to decide and ensure the best follow-up plan for those with prayer needs for their campus:
      1. Should a call be made to the individual?
      2. Should a hospital visit be scheduled?
      3. Should the name be placed on the prayer list and/or prayer chain?
  2. Prayer Chain
    1. Individuals with urgent prayer requests or emergency needs should notify the church of their situation in order to get on the prayer chain. It is a centralized, all-campus initiative.
    2. A coordinator of the prayer chain informs the representative from each campus and the individual who makes the phone calls of the prayer need so as to get the prayer out to those who have signed up to be on the prayer chain.
  3. Prayer List
    1. A prayer list is generated weekly from the communication cards, call-ins and care list names and made available in the lobby at the Courthouse campus.
    2. Each campus will have their way of communicating prayer needs to those at their campus.
  4. Rooftop Ministries
    1. We believe that God is willing and able to supernaturally heal us of any infirmity whether it is physical, emotional or spiritual and is open and advertised at all campuses.
    2. The second Monday of each month is a time when individuals with needs can come to the Courthouse campus for prayer, anointing, and a time for communion for those who want to participate.
    3. The Rooftop Ministries is advertised at all of the campuses.
    4. A disclaimer form is filled out by the individual wanting prayer.
  5. Prayer Response Team
    1. Individuals can receive prayer at all of the campuses.
    2. The prayer response team is ready to pray for all who respond to the message at one of the services.

Senior Adults

The senior adults are those individuals who are retired and available to attend functions, trips and events that meet their need. Those who are 70 and older are our Senior Adults.

  1. Reach Events
    1. Special events are planned as needed (i.e. guest speaker, guest artist, etc.)
    2. Yearly trips are planned that interest the senior adults.
  2. Connect Events
    1. Fellowship and connection groups will be for support and fellowship (i.e. Young at Heart, Inspirations, etc.)
    2. A once a month worship service is provided for and geared for our seniors.
  3. Growth and Training Events
    1. A future financial planning class will be provided yearly for our senior adults.
    2. Life Groups will be provided for our senior adults.
    3. Training and informational classes are provided on such topics as Medicare benefits, nutrition and exercise.
    4. Support groups are provided as needed (i.e. loss of a loved one, transitioning into retirement, etc.)


As followers of Christ, we believe in and stand in support of the covenant relationship of marriage between a man and a woman as ordained by God.

Couples requesting to be married by one of Southside’s pastors will be offered the opportunity to receive pre-marital counseling from the officiating minister or from another qualified person. Counseling is recommended but not required.

Couples desiring the wedding ceremony to be performed on-site must submit three possible dates to the administrative assistant. The administrative assistant then brings the proposed dates to the Team Lead Meeting for final approval.

Anyone desiring to be married on-site by one of our ministers will follow the guidelines as established in the wedding rules and procedures (Appendix B).

In the event that there are many individuals in the congregation living together and not married, the Pastoral Care Director/Pastoral will develop a plan to encourage marriage ceremonies so as to make it easy for those needing to take the next step of commitment and live in obedience to God’s design and plan for marriage.

Job Descriptions

Pastoral Care Director/Pastor—Job Description

Position Title: Pastoral Care Director/Pastor
Department: Adult Ministries
Purpose of Position: To recruit, train and oversee coordinators and volunteers in the Pastoral Care Ministry.

As a follower of Christ:

  • The Pastoral Care Director/Pastor will foster and deepen their own relationship with Christ through the following ways:
    • Be in the Word on a regular basis for spiritual nourishment.
    • Be in close communication with God through prayer.
    • Be led by God’s Spirit in all matters; at home, in ministry, and in all relationships.
    • Follow the commands of God’s Word such as living justly and loving mercy, tithing, humility in serving others, worshipping alone and with others, etc.


  • To ensure that individuals are visited and prayed for in the hospital.
  • To ensure that the Southside home page care list is updated so that the pastoral staff is informed.
  • To cast vision and provide evaluation tools to the coordinators under the Care Ministry so as to improve the different areas of care on an ongoing basis.
  • To make sure that each area is meeting the need.
  • To communicate at least monthly with the coordinators in the Care Ministry.
  • To train yearly all volunteers in the Care Ministry.
  • To cast vision and provide evaluation tools for the Senior Adult Ministries so as to improve the ministry and care to our Senior Adults.
  • To oversee the leadership over the Senior Adults.
  • To oversee the area of ministries as outlined in the Care Ministries Handbook.

Key Relationships: Coordinators of the Care Ministry and Adult Pastor

Reports to:  Adult Pastor and Campus Pastor

Position requirements:

  • Member of Southside Church
  • Compassionate heart, good communication skills, organizational skills, and a willingness to learn and lead

The Pastoral Care Director/Pastor shall serve over the Care Ministry at Southside Nazarene, and shall fulfill the responsibilities of the minister in the spirit of 1 Timothy 3:2-7. This pastor is also expected to live in harmony with the general and special rules of the Church of the Nazarene as stated in the Manual: Church of the Nazarene. Employment and volunteering at Southside Nazarene is at will, and you can at any time be released for or without cause but you may also resign at any time. Each year on your anniversary date, or in preparation for a new church fiscal year, we will review your position for continuation (Manual, paragraph 161.2)

Homebound Care Coordinator—Job Description

Position Title: Homebound Care Coordinator

Department: Adult Ministries

Purpose of Position: To recruit, train and oversee volunteers in the homebound ministry area of Compassion Ministries.

As a follower of Christ:

  • The Homebound Care Coordinator will foster and deepen their own relationship with Christ through the following ways:
    • Be in the Word on a regular basis for spiritual nourishment.
    • Be in close communication with God through prayer.
    • Be led by God’s Spirit in all matters; at home, in ministry, and in all relationships.
    • Follow the commands of God’s Word such as living justly and loving mercy, tithing, humility in serving others, worshipping alone and with others, etc.


  • To identify all our homebound from Southside Church of the Nazarene.
  • To report monthly to the Pastoral Care Director/Pastor of the contacts made with the homebound.
  • To train and encourage, as needed.
  • To receive updated information from the homebound visitation team when changes occur.
  • To recruit volunteers to be on the homebound visitation team.
  • To connect at least one volunteer to every homebound individual.
  • To provide love and spiritual care weekly to all our homebound.
  • To arrange communion for the homebound to be given by one of the pastors at Southside Church at least once a year.
  • To arrange with the children’s department and student ministries a time when they can come and minister to the homebound.

Key Relationships:  Pastoral Care Director/Pastor, Adult Pastor, Campus Pastors

Reports to: Pastoral Care Director/Pastor, Adult Pastor, Campus Pastor

Position requirements:

  • Member of Southside Church
  • Compassionate heart, good communication skills, organizational skills, and a willingness to learn and lead.

This position is expected to live in harmony with the general and special rules of the Church of the Nazarene as stated in the Manual: Church of the Nazarene.

Homebound Visitation Team—Job Description

Position Title: Homebound Visitation Team

Department: Adult Ministries

Purpose of Position: To provide love and spiritual care to the homebound at Southside Church of the Nazarene

As a follower of Christ:

  • The Homebound Care Coordinator will foster and deepen their own relationship with Christ through the following ways:
    • Be in the Word on a regular basis for spiritual nourishment.
    • Be in close communication with God through prayer.
    • Be led by God’s Spirit in all matters; at home, in ministry, and in all relationships.
    • Follow the commands of God’s Word such as living justly and loving mercy, tithing, humility in serving others, worshipping alone and with others, etc.


  • To be assigned a homebound individual from the Homebound Care Coordinator.
  • To communicate weekly with the homebound assigned through a visit, a card, or a call.
  • To pray regularly for the homebound.
  • To report to the Homebound Care Coordinator monthly of contacts made.

Key Relationships: Homebound Care Coordinator, Pastoral Care Director/Pastor

Reports to: Homebound Care Coordinator

Position requirements: Compassionate heart, willingness to serve

This position is expected to live in harmony with the general and special rules of the Church of the Nazarene as stated in the Manual: Church of the Nazarene.

Hospital Care Coordinator—Job Description

Position Title: Hospital Care Coordinator

Department: Adult Ministries

Purpose of Position: To recruit, train and oversee volunteers in the Hospital Care Ministry area of Compassion Ministries.

As a follower of Christ:

  • The Homebound Care Coordinator will foster and deepen their own relationship with Christ through the following ways:
    • Be in the Word on a regular basis for spiritual nourishment.
    • Be in close communication with God through prayer.
    • Be led by God’s Spirit in all matters; at home, in ministry, and in all relationships.
    • Follow the commands of God’s Word such as living justly and loving mercy, tithing, humility in serving others, worshipping alone and with others, etc.

We at Southside church are structured to care for our people through Life Groups.


  • To be notified of all those who enter the hospital who are a part of Southside Church of the Nazarene.
  • To be in communication with the adult department to gain information about the hospitalized (i.e. hospital location, condition of patient, Life Group, etc.)
  • To communicate with the Life Group leader of the hospitalized individual to ensure care is provided to the individual or family, as needed.
  • To ensure that contacts are being made for those not in a Life Group.
  • To provide new and updated information about the hospitalized.

Key Relationships: Pastoral Care Director/Pastor, Adult Pastor, Campus Pastors

Reports to: Pastoral Care Director/Pastor, Adult Pastor/Campus Pastor

Position requirements: 

  • Member of Southside Church
  • Compassionate heart, good communication skills, organizational skills, and a willingness to learn and lead.

This position is expected to live in harmony with the general and special rules of the Church of the Nazarene as stated in the Manual: Church of the Nazarene.

Hospital Visitation Teams—Job Description

Position Title: Hospital Visitation Team

Department: Adult Ministries

Purpose of Position: We at Southside Church are structured to care for our people through Life Groups. In the event that an individual is not in a Life Group, then the purpose of the hospital visitation team is to provide visits and prayer to the individual hospitalized, prior to the procedure and as needed during their stay. Each visitation team member will be assigned to the hospital(s) of their choice.

The purpose is to visit and pray for those in the hospital, prior to and during their stay.

As a follower of Christ:

  • The Homebound Care Coordinator will foster and deepen their own relationship with Christ through the following ways:
    • Be in the Word on a regular basis for spiritual nourishment.
    • Be in close communication with God through prayer.
    • Be led by God’s Spirit in all matters; at home, in ministry, and in all relationships.
    • Follow the commands of God’s Word such as living justly and loving mercy, tithing, humility in serving others, worshipping alone and with others, etc.


  • To be notified of all those scheduled to their assigned hospital(s) to verify their availability to visit and pray with the individual prior to surgery.
  • To arrive at least one hour prior to the procedure to pray with the patient.
  • To pray with the individual the following days as needed,
  • To communicate and provide an update to the Hospital Visitation Coordinator of contacts made and condition of patient,
  • To notify the Hospital Visitation Coordinator when unavailable to provide visits and prayer to patients due to vacation, illness, etc.

Key Relationships: Hospital Care Coordinator, Pastoral Care Pastor

Reports to:  Hospital Care Coordinator, Pastoral Care Pastor

Position requirements: Compassionate heart, willingness to serve and give, gifts in giving in the area of need.

This position is expected to live in harmony with the general and special rules of the Church of the Nazarene as stated in the Manual: Church of the Nazarene.

Hospital Care Team—Job Description

Position Title: Hospital Care Team

Department: Adult Ministries

Purpose of Position: To follow-up with meals or provide assistance for those who have been in the hospital, are not in a Life Group, but who attend Southside. We at Southside church are structured to care for our people through Life Groups. Each team member will be asked to meet a need no more than once a month. There are some who may have the ability to meet the need more than once a month and can make that known to the coordinator.

As a follower of Christ:

  • The Homebound Care Coordinator will foster and deepen their own relationship with Christ through the following ways:
    • Be in the Word on a regular basis for spiritual nourishment.
    • Be in close communication with God through prayer.
    • Be led by God’s Spirit in all matters; at home, in ministry, and in all relationships.
    • Follow the commands of God’s Word such as living justly and loving mercy, tithing, humility in serving others, worshipping alone and with others, etc.


  • To be notified of all those who are scheduled for hospital procedures to verify their availability to follow-up with help and assistance.
  • To offer help and assistance as recommended by the Hospital Care Coordinator (i.e. transportation, cleaning, meals, etc.)
  • To communicate with the Hospital Coordinator of contacts made.

Key Relationships: Hospital Care Coordinator, Pastoral Care Director/Pastor

Reports to: Hospital Care Coordinator, Pastoral Care Pastor

Position requirements: Compassionate heart, willingness to serve and give, gifts in giving in the area of need.

This position is expected to live in harmony with the general and special rules of the Church of the Nazarene as stated in the Manual: Church of the Nazarene.

Loss of Loved One Care Coordinator—Job Description

Position Title: Loss of Loved One Care Coordinator

Department: Adult Ministries

Purpose of Position: To recruit, train and oversee volunteers providing care to those who have lost a loved one and are not in a Life Group.

As a follower of Christ:

  • The Follow Up Care Coordinator will foster and deepen their own relationship with Christ through the following ways:
    • Be in the Word on a regular basis for spiritual nourishment.
    • Be in close communication with God through prayer.
    • Be led by God’s Spirit in all matters; at home, in ministry, and in all relationships.
    • Follow the commands of God’s Word such as living justly and loving mercy, tithing, humility in serving others, worshipping alone and with others, etc.

We at Southside church are structured to care for our people through Life Groups.


  • To ensure that all the pastors and the Life Group leader are notified when an attendee’s loved one has passed away and provide updated information as it arises.
  • To ensure that the family is placed on the prayer list through the adult department.
  • To provide a card for the pastoral staff to sign for the family.
  • To be in communication with the adult department to provide information about the plans for the family and the deceased (i.e. funeral arrangements, viewing, follow-up gathering, etc.)
  • To communicate with the Life Group leader to ensure care is provided to the individual or family, as needed.
  • To ensure that contacts and follow-up care is being provided as needed for those not in a Life Group.

Key Relationships: Pastoral Care Director/Pastor, Adult Pastor, Campus Pastors

Reports to: Pastoral Care Director/Pastor, Adult Pastor, Campus Pastor

Position requirements:

  • Member of Southside Church
  • Compassionate heart, good communication skills, organizational skills, and a willingness to learn and lead.

This position is expected to live in harmony with the general and special rules of the Church of the Nazarene as stated in the Manual: Church of the Nazarene.

Appendix A: Hugs Assistance Request Form

(see form in PDF below article)

Appendix B: Weddings Rules and Procedures

  1. Weddings held on Saturdays, which include a reception, should be scheduled no later than 3:00 pm. Large and/or late receptions may be subject to additional janitorial fees to ensure all is in order for service set up.
  2. Applications must be received at least three weeks prior to wedding date and will not be officially on the church calendar until the application is properly approved by the church staff, a deposit received, and availability of a wedding director and sound technician (if needed) confirmed.
  3. Only rooms designated on page one, restrooms, and two dressing rooms are to be used.
  4. No sound equipment is to be moved, or used, by any individuals other than authorized sound and lighting technicians.
  5. There is to be no use of alcoholic beverages (or appearance of alcoholic beverages) or any type of social dancing on church premises.
  6. There is to be no use of rice or related material for farewells. Birdseed may be used outside, if totally swept up afterward, or bottled bubbles.
  7. All floral items (flowers and stands), candelabrum/arches, and furniture are to be removed from the area used for the ceremony immediately following the wedding.
  8. All candelabrums are to hold non-drip candles (no exceptions). All candles used must have plastic underneath.
  9. Wedding party is responsible to see that all furniture and floral items belonging to the church, that have been moved, are placed back in their original setting.
  10. Wedding party is responsible for contacting the officiating pastor and wedding director and informing the church of these names. Wedding party is also responsible for contacting, if desired, musicians and videographers.* A sound technician will be assigned by the church, depending on availability. (*Videographers are to be employed and paid directly by the wedding party).
  11. Wedding party is responsible for all music and ensuring it has been approved by the wedding director.
  12. A person(s) will be identified to the wedding director who will be responsible for set-up and for clean-up to ensure this process is completed smoothly.
  13. Applicant is responsible to adhere to the Rules & Procedures and Clean-up Checklists. Deductions from the deposit monies will be made if checklists are not completed satisfactorily.
  14. Applicant(s) will be held responsible for the proper conduct of persons in attendance.
  15. Applicant(s) will hold the church harmless from any damage or claims arising from the action of applicant’s patrons or employees while using the facilities.

Appendix C: Wedding Ceremony—Application for Church Usage

(see form in PDF below article)

Appendix D: Clean-up Checklist

(see form in PDF below article)

Appendix E: Hospital Visitation Sign-up Sheet Chippenham Hospital

(see form in PDF below article)

Appendix F: Area Hospitals

(see form in PDF below article)

Appendix G: Organization Chart

(see form in PDF below article)

View the forms and charts in the original PDF: Southside Care Policy