Hindsight View of the Re-Expansion of the Church

In March of 2020, the church was just humming along! Or so we thought. Without warning, covid became a part of our vocabulary, and life in the church changed forever. The crisis proved to separate the men from the boys as church leaders embraced forced change.

In hindsight, the impact on some churches hasn’t been wholly terrible! The health of every local congregation has been exposed. Churches are emerging once again—but different! Jeff, and the rest of his team at Portable Church, have a front row seat as the church is now emerging with the power of renewed focus, newly sharpened strategies, empowered to accomplish the Matthew 28 mission!

Join us as Jeff shares how churches are using portability as a tool in their strategy to accelerate the impact on their congregations and neighboring communities.

About Jeff

Jeffrey Beachum, in his role with Portable Church® as the Multiplication Specialist, comes alongside church leaders who are engaged in multisite and planting strategies. His primary purpose is to help churches determine strategies for choosing new communities to launch in, choosing the right property/facilities, preparing a timeline for launching, and developing a balanced affordable portfolio of real estate. He brings a rich background to his current role with Portable Church®. Armed with a business and marketing degree, Jeff worked in the commercial real estate appraisal profession both before and after serving more than a decade as a pastor in the local church. Following service on a denominational leadership team, Jeff led the Indiana Commercial Board of Realtors for several years as a Certified Association Executive. Using this cacophony of opportunities he is now helping church leaders build and grow the momentum of their multisite and planting strategies toward Kingdom Advancement.


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