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2025 Salary Forecaster

Gain insights into fair Compensation. XPastor’s Free Salary Forecaster has over $2 billion in church data from hundreds of churches. It all began at XPastor’s the first XP-Seminar when someone started a grassroots effort for salary data. Within a few minutes, there were 60 salaries. The data now is so large as to give strong statistical reliability. Church sizes range from 35 to 10,000+.

Around the country, salaries and benefits are 54.6% of church budgets. This area deserves your best attention.

If you are wondering what to do with all the data in the Salary Forecaster, see the DIY. Boggled by all the data and the time it will take to create a salary study, Get Fletch’s Help. See common issues as Fletch Answers Salary Questions.

The largest free church database

A church in the south submitted data to the Salary Forecaster and pushed it over the $2 billion mark in church budgets.

There is a ton of salary data in the free Salary Forecaster! Get involved and use top quality data.

That church received a free $1,500 Salary Study from XPastor. Learn more about those studies here.

Easily Compare Data

Find churches in your region of a similar size. Compare those salaries to your church. See the relative salary differences between top management and staff. The salaries include base salary plus housing. The worship size is the average worship attendance per Sunday in each church. The data is sorted into the four census regions of the United States—midwest, northeast, south and west.

It is amazing that the range of annual budget sizes and salaries in churches with 900-1,050 in attendance. The summary data is extremely helpful for our Administrative Team. —DH

As someone that did something similar for over 20 years with large churches, I think the Salary Forecaster is well done. —Dave

Two Easy Steps

  • Enroll using the button above. You will be sent an email with a link to this file: Salary Data Form

  • When we receive your data, we will grant access to the Salary Forecaster for 365 days.


All data is posted anonymously and your confidential information is secure. No city or state location data is shared. Titles are smoothed out for anonymity and easy comparison. For example the title, College Pastor to Harvard University, is changed to College Pastor/Director. Your anonymity is important and safeguarded. We use 58 titles in our published data.

Samples of the Salary Forecaster

The Salary Forecaster has billions of dollars in data.

There are line items for over 20,000+ church employees.

See line item salaries from Senior Pastor to Facility Worker.

The data is forecast for the next year so that you can set where salaries should be.

This is ideal for creating budgets and setting fair compensation.

Four samples of the Salary Forecaster
One for each of the four census regions

Pivot Tables

The Forecaster has pivot tables.

Download the sheet to activate the pivot tables.

Pivot tables allow you to see just the roles or census areas that you want to see.

Bell Curve Charts

The Forecaster has bell curves for Pastors and Directors:

  • Senior Pastor
  • Executive Pastor
  • Worship
  • Campus
  • Adults
  • Students
  • Communications
  • Operations
  • and more …

When you are registered for the Forecaster, and logged into your XPastor account, you will see the link to the Forecaster below