Join Fletch and Chris Lewis, Senior Manager at Thrivent, for a look at the financial implications of emerging from Covid. We will look at ministry strategy, costs, cash reserves, expansion issues and more. Your church may have done well in the last year or may have worked through some challenges. With people spending more on vacations and person items post Covid, what will happen to your church budget?

Chris brings experience from the hundreds of churches of churches that he has helped. He has an insiders perspective on church finances, real estate expenses and ministry.

About Chris

Born in Brazil, where his parents served as missionaries, Chris learned 3 languages: Spanish, Portuguese and English. In 2006, after assisting the church he was attending with a capital campaign, Chris discovered that there was a need for lenders to work with growing ministries. Over the years, Chris has worked with growing ministries by providing sustainable financing solutions for construction, acquisition and refinancing.