

Does it feel like you’re always standing at the pulpit, asking for more money from your congregation? Is offering time a chore for your people? Well, are you taking the time to celebrate ministry that is happening? Perhaps if your people hear testimonies of how God is working, they will be more generous when the plate is passed.

End-of-Year Giving Communication 2007

By |December 6th, 2012|

This is a sample of what Brad Leeper, President of Generis, sends to his ministry partners---churches that he helps to guide regarding their generosity. Although it is from years ago, the principles of wisdom are [...]

Making Unusual Generosity the New Normal

By |December 6th, 2012|

There it was again … a passionate group of church leaders explaining how their exciting vision stalled in the thick mud of financial shortfalls. Their vision exploded with innovation, precision, and compelling results. The [...]