New XP2024-07-08T19:08:53-05:00

Articles on the New XP

So, you’re new to the XP role. Welcome to the front row of ministry! Your job is a position of power, influence and, at times, the one to take the criticism and hard conversations. Take comfort in knowing that many have walked this road before you. They have documented their thoughts and learnings in the form of articles, posted here … so that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel!

The Origin of Executive Pastors

By |April 27th, 2018|

Bob Buford passed away recently. If you’re younger than about 40, it’s possible you’ve never heard of Bob Buford. But if you’re an executive pastor of any age, you owe your position to Bob [...]

Mentally Unchallenged

By |April 25th, 2018|

Wednesday, April 25, 2018 Hey Fletch … I’ve been a pastor for 15 years and I’m mentally dying. I’m at a place of intellectual stagnation. What can I do to get out of my [...]

Coaching for New XPs

By |March 30th, 2018|

Friday, March 30, 2018 Hey Fletch … I've heard you might provide coaching for new XPs. If that's the case, how do you structure the coaching experience and how much does it cost? DRF—Great [...]

Two XPs in Our Church

By |March 26th, 2018|

Monday, March 26, 2018 Hey Fletch … I'm trying to research churches that have a double XP organization. We are thinking of an XP of Operations and an XP of Ministries. We currently have [...]

Executive Pastor as Dr. No

By |February 27th, 2018|

Tuesday, February 27, 2018 Hey Fletch … one of the challenges that I face as Executive Pastor is that everyone is pitching things to me. I feel like I’m “Dr. No.” There are tons [...]

SP is Ready for an XP

By |February 23rd, 2018|

Friday, February 23, 2018 Hey Fletch … 21 years ago God gave me the privilege of leading a team to plant our church. Thank you for your ministry to XPs around the world. We [...]

Who Needs an XP?

By |January 26th, 2018|

January 26, 2018 Hey Fletch … What is the best way to convince a strong Senior Pastor of the necessity for creating an XP role at the church? DRF—The answer is “complexity.” Strong Senior [...]

Clarifying the XP Role

By |January 17th, 2017|

“And all other duties as may be assigned.” This is commonly the last line in a job description, but the practical reality for many second chair leaders is that this is their first responsibility. [...]

Organizing Selectively

By |October 3rd, 2016|

“To organize or not to organize? That is the question.” While this may be a bad take-off on Shakespeare, it’s a key issue for second chair leaders. One possible response to this question is, “Don’t bother [...]

The New Leader’s 100-Day Action Plan

By |August 1st, 2015|

The New Leader’s 100-Day Action Plan: How to Take Charge, Build Your Team, and Get Immediate Results, written by George Bradt, Jayme Check and Jorge Pedraza, is a book about helping executives succeed in [...]