New XP2024-07-08T19:08:53-05:00

Articles on the New XP

So, you’re new to the XP role. Welcome to the front row of ministry! Your job is a position of power, influence and, at times, the one to take the criticism and hard conversations. Take comfort in knowing that many have walked this road before you. They have documented their thoughts and learnings in the form of articles, posted here … so that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel!

Not for the Faint Hearted …

By |May 29th, 2015|

My first ninety days as an Administrative Pastor at my church was not for the faint hearted. Take your pick of the more interesting opportunities for growth that I experienced in my new position in [...]

The Revolving Door

By |September 3rd, 2014|

Recently, after eventful days at the church office, David and I have compared those events to the movie, Grand Hotel. Grand Hotel, which came out in 1932, is the movie in which Greta Garbo famously [...]

Who Needs an Executive Pastor, Anyway?

By |January 8th, 2014|

Pastors have been on the scene for a couple thousand years. Executive Pastors, by many different definitions, have been around for about twenty-five years. We obviously know more about how to be the former than [...]

A Shameless Plug for XPastor Online Courses

By |November 13th, 2013|

To all my fellow XP’s out there---many who, like me, have come out of marketplace---I say, “If you 'wanna learn' what you need to know to be an effective pastor, administrator, leader, and coach, look [...]


By |November 11th, 2013|

Before even opening this book, the title caught my eye. Whenever we think of words with the prefix “re” before it---words like review, rewind, re-do---we automatically think of things or situations that we must [...]

The Effective Executive

By |November 6th, 2013|

Peter Drucker’s goal in The Effective Executive seems so simple; as he states in the preface, “The subject of this book is managing oneself for effectiveness.” It does not take long to realize, however, [...]

Networking—Inside and Outside the Church

By |August 28th, 2013|

Leaders can effectively communicate their mission with people from all walks of life by using several different methods of communication. One of the best ways I’ve found for communicating your message is through networking [...]

Ministry Briefing

By |August 5th, 2013|

Matt Steen and Todd Rhodes are putting together an interesting concept. In XP Ministry Briefing, they summarizing 200+ articles that you need to know as a church leader from the past thirty days. It [...]

Tsunami Leaders (Part 2 of 3)

By |March 27th, 2013|

[The following is Part 2 of a three-part series. To start with Part 1, read "Working with Strong Personalities at the Top." The link to Part 3---Working in Healthy Ways with Strong Leaders can be found [...]

Changes in the XP Role

By |March 5th, 2013|

Oh, how the XP job has changed! Over the last decade or two, the role of the Executive Pastor has changed significantly. Once a more business role, the position seems to have developed into [...]

Three Kinds of Executive Pastors

By |February 18th, 2013|

Who will be your next XP? What is the rise and function of the Executive Pastor? Whether you call the position Executive Pastor or Senior Associate Pastor or Chief Cook and Bottle Washer, there are [...]

The Heart of an Executive Pastor

By |January 31st, 2013|

"God has blessed me with the heart of a pastor, and I love people," says Olson, 48, who joined the Lake Avenue Church staff last summer after eighteen years in ministry at Rolling Hills Covenant [...]

Good Fit or Poor Fit: How Can You Tell?

By |December 27th, 2012|

When Goldilocks visited the Three Bears’ house, she tried three different rocking chairs. Papa Bear’s was “too big,” she decided. Then Baby Bear’s broke into a dozen pieces under her weight. “Too small,” she declared [...]

SP-XP Communication

By |December 17th, 2012|

One of the vital elements of the XP role is that of communication between the Executive Pastor and the Senior Pastor. The core of the XP-SP relationship is one of trust. Many new XPs are hired [...]