

Blueprints, architects, building supervisors, punch lists … sounds like a headache waiting to happen! Included here are some helpful articles, from architects that have worked with churches on a new building, as well as from church leaders that have survived the building experience.

What makes for a great church building? That depends. What is your church culture? Who and what age group are you targeting with the gospel? And how does your facilities team keep your resources looking great? If your church looks like it stepped out of 1983—dust and all—you might as well lead visitors in the front door and out the back.

Strategic Designs for Active Shooter Readiness

By |August 15th, 2019|

Dave Milam has helped hundreds of churches around the country with their facilities. One of his most frequent questions is, "How can we make our campus safer?” This webinar provides a lively discussion from [...]

Cultural Factors that Affect Building Design

By |July 20th, 2018|

When we design a church building, cultural factors heavily influence us. We add certain elements, such as a steeple, for cultural reasons. The size of the building is culturally-driven. The decision to install air [...]

The Design-Build Process—Free Resource

By |March 7th, 2017|

Our colleagues at Visioneering Studios have created a free resource to help you learn what you don't know about the design-build process. The fast-paced nature of ministry can leave little room for researching all [...]

Partnering With Your Community for Sustainable Impact

By |March 17th, 2016|

John Cissel of Visioneering Studios talks about new uses of church property. This involves churches doing joint ventures with developers for impacting a church’s local community. The issue is how to build church facilities in expensive [...]

What Do Your Facilities Say About Your Church?

By |November 4th, 2015|

Building healthy churches is certainly not the same thing as constructing buildings. Yet we all intuitively know that buildings and their interiors can and do contribute to the growth of many healthy churches if used wisely. [...]

Evaluating Kids’ Ministry Space

By |July 16th, 2015|

Facilities are an enormous blessing and a simultaneous curse. Having an efficient facility takes careful thinking about traffic flow, space utilization and knowledge of what is cost effective. Brad Simmons has done some great thinking in [...]

How to Pick a Facility for a Church Plant

By |May 25th, 2015|

No two church plants are exactly the same. People, communities, economics and ministry purpose are only a few of the many variables church planters must work within. While God’s purpose should be the centerpiece of [...]

The Cost of First Impressions

By |May 14th, 2015|

Here’s my challenge to all pastors: Go outside your church, stand at the curb and look at your facilities through the eyes of a person making a decision to come in and “check it out.” [...]

Aligning Church Facilities with Leadership Vision

By |August 5th, 2014|

Do your church facilities seamlessly serve or are they simply frustrating? A well-run campus is a blessing to every church ministry. But building troubles strain our operations and our people. So how do we run [...]

Negotiation and Shalom with Our Sites

By |July 15th, 2014|

Is it possible to seek the Shalom—peace and prosperity—in the people with whom you are negotiating a lease and still achieve the results you need for your church or organization? That is the big question. [...]

Five Lease Negotiating Tips for Churches

By |February 27th, 2014|

As the multisite and church planting movements continue to become the fastest form of multiplication and community impact, an increasing number of churches are looking to facilities they would lease rather than own. Given this [...]

Multisite vs. Multi-venue

By |September 16th, 2013|

The excitement of seeing God bring more people to the doors of the church—as He works in the hearts and lives of our neighbors and friends—can also bring challenges. The reality of physical space—worship center [...]

Newly in Charge of Unresolved Issues

By |June 13th, 2013|

When I accepted the role of Executive Pastor at EvFree Fullerton two months ago, everybody forgot to tell me that I would be the staff contact on the Worship Center remodeling project. I started getting [...]

Discovering New Urbanism

By |April 12th, 2013|

How does the church fit into the restoration of compact, walkable, mixed-use communities? While large tract homes (sometimes unkindly called McMansions), big box stores, and seas of parking lots have defined the suburban ideal for [...]

Moving Into Your New Facility

By |December 9th, 2012|

The following was a presentation made at a conference, explaining the process of moving into a newly-built church building. The PowerPoint is available at the bottom of this page, complete with photos and samples [...]

An Architect’s Presentation

By |December 9th, 2012|

The presentation that your architect will give you will provide you with a perspective on so many things. Is the architect understanding your spiritual DNA and how it will be represented in the building? Do [...]

Construction Manager At Risk Questions

By |December 9th, 2012|

When you are interviewing potential Construction Managers for your church's building project, what type of questions should you ask? What things should you ask them to discuss and describe? Below are some suggested questions, provided by [...]

Request For Proposal: Hiring an Architect

By |December 9th, 2012|

The Request For Proposal is a basic element of hiring an architect. But what is this document, this "RFP?"  John Jackson, of Jackson Galloway Architecture, has given a 7-page sample of an RFP, to help [...]

Typical Architectural Process

By |December 9th, 2012|

What is the architectural process, from start to finish, for planning a new  church building? Below is insight and wisdom from John Jackson, an architect experienced in helping churches build, on the process of designing a [...]