
Articles on Staffing

Whether you have a staff of 3, 30 or 300, your staff leads the way in growing the church in your community. Having the “right people on the bus, in the right seats” is important for the health of your staff and church. Are you treating your staff right and helping them grow in their abilities and spiritual walk?

Keys to Successful Hiring

By |May 16th, 2024|

The cost of a bad hire could be up to $250,000! That figure is from to the Society of Human Resource Management, an expert HR organization. Say what?!? How can that be? When you [...]

Keys to Successful Hiring and Firing

By |April 26th, 2024|

The number 1 resource that Executive Pastors manage is human resources. The top two keys to stewarding human resources is how we hire and fire. In this webinar we will talk about the values [...]

Not the Fun Guy on Staff

By |April 4th, 2024|

Hey Fletch … I’m not the fun guy on staff. Do you have any ideas or resources for doing some fun or creative or helpful activities together that might help us? I’m thinking eating [...]

Fletch Answers Your Salary Questions

By |April 2nd, 2024|

Bring your salary questions. This special episode is devoted to the issues that you raise. Bring your biggest headache, the hardest question or a common issue. See if Fletch can answer it. Our money [...]

Avoiding Succession Sins (or Potholes)

By |March 18th, 2024|

What has changed since Covid on Pastor Succession? What are the biggest mistakes and traps that do-it-yourselfers in this process tend to make? The webinar will address these topics and: How a church can [...]

Compensation: A How-to from the Salary Guru

By |January 22nd, 2024|

Fletch knows church salaries! He will walk you and Mike through how to set compensation for your church staff. This will feature the just released Salary Forecaster 2025. The Forecaster is free and has [...]

Is There Life After Ministry?

By |January 8th, 2024|

Helping Staff Transition To What's Next A question that lingers in the hallways of church offices and in the hearts of some pastors is, "Is there life after vocational ministry?" We know ministry work [...]

When and How to Change Ministries

By |December 23rd, 2023|

Questions to Consider Before and After You Decide to Leave Feuding Cripples Church—

That headline was plastered on page 1 of the city newspaper. By a 17-6 margin, the deacons and trustees had voted the [...]

Five Reasons You Might Not Be Hired

By |December 19th, 2023|

You can learn from other’s mistakes. If you avoid these areas, the chances of a long-term successful career at your next church will be greatly improved. I recently had the opportunity to correspond with [...]

5 Ways to Protect Against Being a Bad Boss

By |October 12th, 2023|

There was a recent study that showed that two Walgreens stores had completely different success metrics and employee retention even though they were close to each other, had the same clientele, had the same [...]

Is There Life After Vocational Ministry?

By |October 12th, 2023|

When I was a pastor, I would have days where I thought I was the luckiest person on earth. Standing in front of a couple renewing their wedding vows, preaching a message I was [...]

Sabbaticals—Sayonara or Siesta?

By |July 25th, 2023|

Leading a church can be a 24/7 role. Even when taking a regular day off, stress can accumulate over the months. Many churches have instituted sabbatical policies to help their key leaders get needed [...]

The Power of a Restorative Sabbatical

By |March 9th, 2023|

Pastor, could God use a sabbatical to re-energize your passion, realign you with His direction for you and your church, and restore your soul towards sustainability in the next season of serving? Let me [...]

Managing Creatives

By |January 23rd, 2023|

Creative types are leaving the church. Many feel overworked, burned out or had unrealistic demands. The creative person is essential for your church and has a huge role to play in Christ’s kingdom. Some [...]

Marketplace Team or Ministry Family?

By |December 1st, 2022|

If you knew there was someone out there who could tell you your future, wouldn’t you want them to tell you? In my book Transitioning Well, I give a glimpse into a possible future and [...]