Reviews & Rest2024-07-04T15:42:10-05:00

Reviews & Rest

“Am I doing a good job?” “Do I need to change anything?” All staff needs to regularly hear that they are hitting the mark with their work. An annual review is good too … a time to officially hear of their strengths and limitations …  a chance to talk through hopes for future growth. Hear some wisdom from one pastor:

One thing I want to do is avoid the typical evaluation, which is more about what’s wrong and needs improvement. I have never liked evaluation meetings which I go into wondering what I have done wrong this past year and what I am going to have to change or improve. Granted, some of that is necessary, but for that to be the main impression is not good.
—David Kasselman, Central Church of Christ, Amarillo, Texas

Webster defines “Sabbatical” as: “A period of time during which someone does not work at his or her regular job and is able to rest, travel, do research, etc.” Does your church have a Sabbatical Policy? If so, who gets one? Just the Senior Pastor? Just the Executive Team? All the pastors? How often?

Sabbaticals—Sayonara or Siesta?

By |July 25th, 2023|

Leading a church can be a 24/7 role. Even when taking a regular day off, stress can accumulate over the months. Many churches have instituted sabbatical policies to help their key leaders get needed [...]

The Power of a Restorative Sabbatical

By |March 9th, 2023|

Pastor, could God use a sabbatical to re-energize your passion, realign you with His direction for you and your church, and restore your soul towards sustainability in the next season of serving? Let me [...]

The ROI Of Employee Engagement

By |August 9th, 2022|

A New Way To Measure Your People Development Efforts According to Gallup’s recent State of the Global Workplace report, 85% of employees are disengaged in their work. But how do we measure improving that alarming [...]

Taxable Sabbatical Expenses

By |June 9th, 2022|

Hey Fletch ... Our elders developed a sabbatical policy that provides our pastors with benefits that includes normal salary and benefits. There is additional pay for activities like meeting with mentors, studying, developing relationships [...]

How Not to Take on Undelegated Responsibility

By |February 26th, 2022|

Some personality types, like mine, simply love taking on a challenge and taking on responsibility. It comes naturally, especially for leaders. Taking responsibility is a good virtue and it is celebrated in every sphere [...]

Balance Before Burnout

By |August 22nd, 2021|

Dealing with Significant Church Issues Covid is the current stress factor for pastors. At day 584 and counting, it has brought many pastors to burnout, more than any other event in our lives. This [...]

4 Ways To Avoid Burnout

By |July 19th, 2021|

Are you ready to trust—and relax? Because to avoid burnout, you need to encourage your church employees to pour back into themselves a little each day – while you reinvest in yourself, too – [...]

A Theological Case for Sabbatical Policies

By |July 19th, 2021|

Every faith-based organization—especially churches—should set itself apart from its business and government counterparts by putting a sabbatical policy in place not as a perk or a benefit but rather at the heart of its [...]

Knowing the Health of Your Staff

By |August 15th, 2019|

Few staff members feel they can be completely forthright with their superiors concerning “tough situations.” This puts church leadership in a jam. How can leaders know how staff are feeling about their pay, work [...]


By |April 5th, 2019|

Hey Fletch … After 60 years of our church’s history, 28 years on the pastoral staff, our leadership has granted a 12-week sabbatical for our Senior Pastor. We have the material and suggestions on how [...]

360 Reviews for Senior Pastors

By |September 19th, 2018|

Wednesday, September 19, 2018 Hey Fletch … Do you have any experience or connection with a church that has employed a 360 type evaluation of the Senior Pastor? DRF—While I have done 360 reviews, [...]

Reviewing the Senior Pastor

By |September 3rd, 2018|

Monday, September 3, 2018 Hey Fletch … Can you point me to resources Boards may use for setting up a system to evaluate the Senior Pastor? DRF—The best place to start when considering a review [...]

Staff Evaluations

By |August 6th, 2018|

Monday, August 6, 2018 Hey Fletch …    I am a new XP to the church I serve and staff evaluations are coming up. My previous experiences at churches are either too formal (a graded [...]

Thursday is Think Time

By |May 25th, 2018|

Friday, May 25, 2018 Hey Fletch … I have all Thursday called #NMT (No Meeting Thursday) and set it aside to do just that. I only do strategic planning. I don’t do any other [...]

Part-Time Pastor Ready to Burn Out

By |May 12th, 2018|

Saturday, May 12, 2018 Hey Fletch … I’m a church planter. We have a part-time pastor on our staff. Her husband makes a good living and we would love to pay her more. However, [...]

Stress Relief for Pastors and Leaders

By |December 27th, 2014|

Does it feel like helping others is sometimes hurting you more? Are you taking deliberate steps to manage stress in your life? Everyone experiences stress. Even good events like weddings, births, and graduations create stressful conditions. [...]

Questions for the New Year

By |December 27th, 2014|

The New Year brings new opportunities to focus our lives on what and who matters most. In my mentoring and consulting practice, I am working with my clients this month, helping them talk through their [...]

Sabbatical Policy

By |September 23rd, 2014|

XPastor tries to help churches by providing some of the essentials for running a church---items like job descriptions, employment applications, review forms and policies. Below is the 2005 Sabbatical Policy of the Westminster Church [...]