XPastor tries to help churches by providing some of the essentials for running a church—items like job descriptions, employment applications, review forms and policies. Below is the Employee Handbook of Christ Community Church of Chicago, Illinois.

Message from the Senior Pastor

Welcome to the staff of Christ Community Church! We are excited that you have joined our team to use your gifts, talents and treasures to serve Jesus Christ, the community of believers and the many seekers who walk through our doors. It is a tremendous responsibility and privilege and we know God will be glorified and honored through your service with us.

As a staff, we are committed to working together to share the saving message of Jesus Christ. Working in ministry can be demanding and often requires extraordinary effort, but it is rewarding as well. We know the eternal impact of your service in ministry will outweigh anything the world has to offer.

We hope you experience genuine community that is such an integral part of our staff. I look forward to partnering with you in the building of Christ’s Kingdom.

History of Christ Community Church

Theological Position

Christ Community Church is an evangelical, contemporary worshipping, seeker-sensitive church with strong reformed leanings. Senior Pastor Jim Nicodem received his undergraduate degree from Wheaton College, and his Master of Ministry and Doctor of Ministry degrees from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.

A Brief History

Jim and his wife Sue, along with six other couples, began meeting in October of 1984 to plan a church for the unchurched. The first service was held in December of 1984 in what was then known as the St. Charles Mall Theater. Over the first six years, in various rented facilities, Christ Community grew to over 700 weekend attenders.

In 1990, a first-phase facility was built on forty acres of prime real estate purchased in the northwest area of St. Charles. A second phase addition was completed in 1995. The third phase was completed in 2003 with the addition of a 1,500-seat auditorium and atrium. In 2004, an additional 500 seats were added to the balcony, bringing the total seating capacity in the main auditorium to 2,000. Today, Christ Community Church has over 3,500 attenders at our weekend services at the St. Charles Campus. Another 750 people are regularly attending at the DeKalb campus, which first opened at the Pen’s Point market building in October of 2004. In November 2006, we added our third campus when we received confirmation on the adoption of the existing Blackberry Creek Church in the Aurora/Sugar Grove area. In September 2011, the church launched its fourth campus in the Oak Room of the Bartlett Community Center.

Basic Strategy

Christ Community regards itself as a “seeker church with depth.” While there exists a strong passion to reach the lost, there is a clear love and passion for Scripture, worship and discipleship of believers.


Christ Community Church is a “Staff-directed, Elder-protected” ministry. At present, there are approximately one hundred full and part-time staff members at four campuses. Our “Structure of Ministry” booklet can provide more detailed information on the leadership structure of the church, including the role of the Elder and Trustee boards.


Christ Community has a strong, healthy staff who are deeply committed to the Lord, to each other and to the community in which God has placed them. The surrounding communities are growing rapidly and the church is positioned to make a difference for Christ and His Glory.

Motto, Motive and Mission Statements

Motto:  Know Christ: Make Him Known

Motive:  Loving God. Loving People (Matt. 22:37-39 and 28:19-20)

Mission: Make Disciples of Jesus Christ (Who Are …)


Goal                                                                          Resources

Weekend Service attendance                                Belonging C.G. Study

Conversion experience                                           CG participation

Baptism                                                                      Baptism class

Community Group membership

CCC membership

Romans 12:5—So in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.


Goal                                                                     Resources

Personal Bible Study                                         CG studies

Stewardship                                                        Financial Freedom/FPU

Prayer                                                                   24/7 Prayer

Worship                                                               Ignite

Peter 3:18—But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to Him be glory both now and forever! Amen!


Goal                                                                     Resources

Serving the Body                                                Discovering Your Ministry

Serving the Broken                                            Serving C.G. Study

                                                                               Community Impact

Matthew 20:26b—Whoever wants to be great among you must be your servant.


Goal                                                                     Resources

Personal Evangelism                                         CG studies

Reaching the World                                          International Impact

                                                                       Go Teams

Acts 1:8—But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

Statement of Faith

The Bible

The sole basis of our belief is the Bible, composed of the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments. We believe that Scripture in its entirety originated with God, and that it was given through the instrumentality of chosen men. Scripture thus, at one and the same time, speaks with the authority of God and reflects the backgrounds, styles, and vocabularies of the human authors (2 Tim. 3:16-17, 1 Pet. 1:10-12, 2 Pet. 1:20-21).

We hold that the Scriptures are infallible and without error in the original writings. They are the unique, full and final authority on all matters of faith and practice, and there are no other writings similarly inspired by God (Matt. 5:17-20).


We believe there is one, true, holy God, eternally existing in three persons–Father, Son, and Holy Spirit–each of whom possesses equally all the attributes of deity and characteristics of personality (Deut. 6:4-5, Matt. 28:19).

In the beginning, God created, out of nothing, the world and all the things therein, thus manifesting the glory of His infinite power, wisdom, and goodness. By His sovereign power, He continues to sustain His creation and to fulfill His redemptive purposes (Gen. 1:1-2, Acts 17:28, Heb. 1:3).

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is the eternal second person of the Trinity who was united forever with a true human nature by the miraculous conception of the Holy Spirit, being born of a virgin. Thus, He is fully God and fully Man (John 1:1-2, Luke 1:26-37).

He lived a life of perfect obedience to the Father and voluntarily atoned for the sins of all by dying on the cross as their substitute, according to the Scriptures. Thus, He satisfied divine justice and accomplished salvation for all who trust in Him alone (Heb. 4:14-16, Heb. 10:5-18).

He rose from the dead in the same body, though glorified, in which He lived and died. He ascended into heaven and sat down at the right hand of the Father, where He, the only Mediator between God and Man, continually makes intercession for His own. He shall come again to earth, personally and visibly, to consummate history and the eternal plan of God (Luke 24, 1 Tim. 2:5-6, Heb. 7:23-25, Acts 1:11, 1 Thes. 4:13-18).

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, was sent into the world by the Father and the Son to apply to mankind the saving work of Christ. He enlightens the mind of sinners, awakens in them recognition of their need of a Savior, and regenerates them (John 3:5-8, John 16:7-15).

At the point of salvation, He permanently indwells every believer to become the source of assurance, strength, and wisdom, and uniquely endows each believer with gifts for the building up of His people. The Holy Spirit guides believers in understanding and applying the Scriptures. His power and control are appropriated by faith, making it possible for the believer to lead a life of Christ-like character and to bear fruit to the glory of the Father (John 14:16-18, 1 Cor. 12:13, Gal. 5:22-25, Eph. 1:13-14, Eph. 5:18).


The central purpose of God’s revelation in Scripture is to call all people into fellowship with Himself. Originally created in God’s image to have fellowship with God, man defied God, choosing to go his independent way. He thus became sinful, suffering alienation from God and the corruption of his human nature (John 5:39-40, Eph. 2:1-3).

The fall of mankind took place at the beginning of human history, and all individuals since have suffered these consequences and are thus in need of the saving grace of God. The salvation of mankind is, then, wholly a work of God’s free grace, not the result, in whole or in part, of human works or goodness, and must be personally appropriated by repentance and faith in Jesus Christ (Gen. 3, Rom. 3:9-26, Rom. 5:12, Eph. 2:4-10).

When God begins a saving work in the heart of any person, He gives assurance in His Word that He will continue performing it until the day of its completion. The fact that God has begun and is continuing such work in an individual’s life is demonstrated by that person’s perseverance in the faith (Phil. 1:6, John 6:38-40, John 10:27-29, 1 Pet. 1:3-5).

Human Destiny

Death seals the eternal destiny of each person. For all mankind, there will be a resurrection of the body into the spiritual world and a judgment that will determine the fate of each individual. Unbelievers will be separated from God into everlasting condemnation, God’s judgment thus revealing His just response to their own rejection of God. Believers will be received into eternal communion with God and will be rewarded for works done in this life (Matt. 25:31-46, Rev. 20:11-15, 1 Cor. 3:12-15, 1 Cor. 15:12-28).

The Church

The corollary of union with Jesus Christ is that all believers become members of His body, the Church. There is one true Church universal, comprised of all those who acknowledge Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord (1 Cor. 12-13, Eph. 4:3-6).

Scripture commands believers to gather together to devote themselves to worship, prayer, teaching of the Word, observance of baptism and communion as ordinances established by Jesus Christ, fellowship, service to the body through the development and use of talents and gifts, and outreach to the world (Acts 2:42-47, Heb. 10:23-25, 1 Cor. 12:12-27).

Wherever God’s people meet regularly in obedience to this command, there is the local expression of the Church. Under the watchcare of elders and the supportive leadership of deacons, its members are to work together in love and unity, intent on the one ultimate purpose of glorifying Christ (1 Tim. 3:1-13, Eph. 1:11-12, 1 Pet. 2:9).

Faith and Practice

Scripture is the final authority in all matters of faith and practice. This church recognizes that it cannot bind the conscience in individual areas where Scripture is silent. Rather, each believer is to be led in those areas by the Lord, to whom he or she is ultimately responsible (2 Tim. 3:16-17).

We believe this Statement of Faith to be an accurate summary of what Scripture teaches. All members shall refrain from advocating doctrines that are not included in this Statement of Faith in such a way as to cause dissensions (1 Tim. 1:3-7, 1 Tim. 4:7-8, 16).


The Bible

The Bible is God’s uniquely inspired Word (2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Pet. 1:21) and the means by which we come to know him (2 Tim. 3:15; Rom. 10:17) and His will for our lives (Matt. 4:4; Psa. 119:105; Psa. 19:7-9). Corporately, we teach the Bible in a relevant way that emphasizes the application of its truths for life-transformation (James 1:23-25; Matt. 7:24-27). Leaders must become skilled in the use of Scripture as their most important tool for making disciples of others (2 Tim. 2:15). On a personal basis, we encourage Bible reading, study and memorization (Psa. 1:1-3; Josh. 1:8; Psa. 119:11).


Just as Jesus came to earth to seek and to save spiritually lost people (Luke 19:10), so this is our primary mission as a church (John 20:21; Luke 15:4-7; Matt. 28:19). We best accomplish this as we invest ourselves in the lives of unbelievers (Matt. 9:9-13; 1 Cor. 9:19-23), inform them of what God has done in us (i.e. “our story:” Mark 5:19-20; John 9:25; Acts 22:2-16) as a result of Christ’s saving work on the cross (i.e. “His story:” 1 Pet. 3:18; Rom. 1:16), and invite them to a service, special event, or group where this message will be reinforced in the context of a loving community (John 1:40-42; 4:28-29).


Scripture exhorts us to pray continually (1 Thes. 5:17). This was the practice of the early church whose members were devoted to prayer (Acts 2:42). The church was birthed at a prayer meeting (Acts 1:12-14; 2:1-4). When these believers faced opposition, they responded by praying so passionately that the place where they were gathered shook and they went out from there with boldness and power (Acts 4:23-31). The church’s leaders saw prayer as one of their primary responsibilities (Acts 6:2-4). While they were praying, God led them to appoint the apostle Paul to be the church’s first missionary (Acts 13:2-3). We want prayer to be woven throughout our ministry as well. Prayer will be a key ingredient of our worship services, Community Group gatherings and leadership meetings. The staff will set aside time each week, corporately and individually, to pray for the church. Bands of prayer partners will pray during the weekend sermons. Prayer counselors and elders will be available for prayer after every service. A prayer team will intercede for needs that are called in or registered on welcome cards. We will make disciples who pray.


While the word, “worship,” describes the total surrendering of ourselves to God (Rom. 12:1), it can also refer to the specific activity of exalting Him with songs of praise (Psa. 100:2). Our weekend services are intended for corporate worship. We desire to balance spirit and truth in these services (John 4:23-24)—that is, to worship with both heart-felt enthusiasm and solid, biblical content. Insights from God’s Word are interspersed among several songs. We also value a balance of old and new. The old connects us with believers of previous eras, provides worshippers with something that is familiar and demonstrates a respect for tradition. Hymns, creeds, communion and written prayers represent the old. The new is reflected in contemporary worship songs (Psa. 96:1).

Another attempt at balance is our selection of musical styles. Just as the early church valued variety in this regard—singing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs (Col. 3:16)—so do we. We believe that a creative God is honored by this approach and that it reflects the diversity of the body of Christ. A final concern for balance is evidenced by our desire to make our worship accessible to both believers and seekers. We hope that the latter group will experience God’s presence and be drawn to Him (i.e. worship evangelism). In an effort to promote the daily personal worship of God, we offer a list of over 250 attributes, names and titles of God that can be used to stimulate prayers of praise.


The Bible commands those who put their faith in Christ for the forgiveness of their sins to declare this new allegiance through baptism (Acts 2:36-38). Baptism does not “save” us, as Scripture makes clear that we are saved through faith and not by good works of any kind (Eph. 2:8-9; Titus 3:5). On the other hand, baptism is an extremely important step of obedience in a believer’s life (Acts 2:41; 8:12, 36; 9:18; 10:47-48; 16:14-15, 30-33; 18:8) and one to be taken as soon as possible. It is the outward act by which a person symbolizes an internal transformation that has been brought about by identifying with Jesus in His victory over sin through death and resurrection (Rom. 6:3-4). Jesus says that He will not acknowledge us before His Father in heaven unless we are willing to acknowledge Him before others on earth (Matt. 10:32-33). Because baptism also identifies us as being members of Jesus’ community, we celebrate it publicly, as a church, during weekend morning services at CCC (i.e. not at Community Group meetings, youth retreats, or any other location/event). The added bonus of this approach is that it gives the many unbelievers who are present an opportunity to hear real-life stories of Christ’s work of salvation.

The only examples in the Bible of people being baptized are those who have first made their own personal decisions to trust Christ for salvation. So we do not baptize infants and we encourage those who were “baptized” as babies to follow the New Testament practice of pursuing baptism after they themselves have asked Christ to become their Savior and Lord. Because of the profound nature of this step, we also encourage children who profess faith in Christ to wait for baptism until they are old enough to understand and appreciate its significance (fourth grade and up).

The Arts

Because we have been made in the image of a creative God (Gen. 1:1-27), He is pleased and honored when we express ourselves through the arts. Music (Psa. 150:3-5), dance (Psa. 149:3), drama (Jer. 13:1-11; 18:1-16; 32:1-15; Eze. 4:1-13; 5:1-12; 12:1-11) and craftsmanship (Exo. 28:3; 31:6; 35:10, 25, 35; 36:1) play important roles in our ministry as means of praising God, utilizing spiritual gifts, and communicating truth in a creative and compelling fashion.

Spiritual Growth

Spiritual growth is to be expected of every genuine Christ follower (Col.2:6-7; Eph. 4:14-15). Lack of growth is abnormal (Heb. 5:12-14) and quite possibly an indication that a person has not truly been made alive in Christ (Col. 1:22-23). Spiritual growth is not a passive process but requires deliberate effort on the part of a believer (Phil. 2:12; 2 Pet. 1:5-8; 1 Cor. 9:24-27). This takes the form of certain disciplines such as Bible study, prayer, fasting, worship and stewardship. A daily time of meeting with God, as was Jesus’ habit (Mark 1:35), contributes significantly to spiritual growth. The evidence of developing maturity in Christ is fruit—Christ-like character (Gal. 5:22-23), good works (Col. 1:10) and a passion for sharing the good news of salvation with others (Col. 1:6).

Community Groups

Since the earliest days of the Church, believers have found it beneficial to gather together in both large, public meetings as well as small, intimate groups (Acts 2:46; 20:20). Community Groups provide the relational connection that we need in order to grow (Eph. 4:15-16; Heb. 10:24-25). This is the context in which we have the opportunity to practice the “one another” commands of Scripture. As we get to know a handful of fellow Christ followers, we are able to carry each other’s burdens (Gal. 6:2), encourage one another (Heb. 3:13), teach and admonish one another with Scripture (Col. 3:16), comfort one another in difficult times (2 Cor. 1:3-4) and pray for one another (James 5:16).


As members of Christ’s body, we have the responsibility to speak the truth to one another in love (Eph. 4:15). This requires that we take the initiative to confront fellow believers who are ensnared in serious sins (Gal. 6:1; Matt. 18:15) or to pursue reconciliation with those who have something against us (Matt. 5:23-24). It is highly recommended that every believer find an accountability partner with whom to meet on a regular basis for the purpose of sharing personal and moral struggles, and receiving encouragement and prayer (Gal. 6:1-2; James 5:16). Elders and ministry staff members are required to have such partners.

If individuals persist in sin to the point of doing damage to themselves or to the church, it may become necessary for leaders within the church to confront them (Matt. 18:15-18) and for the offending persons to be rebuked (publicly, if elders or pastors; 1 Tim. 5:20) and possibly removed from fellowship (1 Cor. 5:11-13). This disfellowshipping is intended to be a “wake up” call that will hopefully result in the guilty party’s repentance and restoration to God (1 Cor. 5:15) and to the community of believers (Matt. 18:15b).


Every believer has been gifted by the Holy Spirit for the purpose of building up the body of Christ (Rom. 12:2-8; 1 Cor. 12:7-11, 27-28; Eph. 4:11-13, 16). We discover our spiritual gifts by studying the relevant Scripture passages, evaluating our personal S.H.A.P.E. (spiritual gifts, heart, abilities, personality and experience), and trying out various ministries. Finding a place to serve requires initiative on each person’s part and should be motivated by a servant’s heart (Mark 10:42-45)—a willingness to jump in and to do “whatever it takes.” Ultimately, we will each have to give God an account of how we have used the gifts He’s given us for His sake (Matt. 25:14-30).


As we serve God we must constantly keep in mind that He is worthy of our best efforts (Mal. 1:6-14). Every job, no matter how small, is to be done with excellence, as unto the Lord (Col. 3:17, 23). Because God gifts us for the work that we do (1 Pet. 4:10-11), it is appropriate that He expects it to be done skillfully—whether we are making music (1 Chro. 15:22; 25:7; Psa. 33:3), or building something (1 Chro. 22:15-16), or leading others (Psa. 78:72). In order to maintain this high standard, we will constantly evaluate the quality and effectiveness of our ministries and personal performance (Prov. 27:17). Staff members will do this, comprehensively, each semester.


Leadership in the church is reserved for those who have been recognized as having the Spirit-given gift (Rom. 12:8) and the godly, mature character (1 Tim. 3:1-7) with which to lead. Leaders are entrusted with directing the various ministries of the church (1 Tim. 5:17) —setting goals, casting vision, overseeing programs, recruiting workers and allocating resources. They are to be respected, supported and faithfully followed by the people they lead (Heb. 13:17). Their greatest source of influence is the example of their personal lives, as they model the values and priorities that they promote (1 Pet. 5:2-3).

Community Impact

The second greatest commandment, to love your neighbor as yourself, is summed up in the parable of the Good Samaritan as a concern to meet the needs of those who are destitute (Luke 10:25-37). Sometimes we do this by providing food, clothing, shelter, labor, or medical care. Other times we demonstrate this concern by defending the rights of the unborn, the weak, or the oppressed (Psa. 82:3-4; Prov. 24:11-12; 29:7; 31:8-9). Early Christ followers were well known for the way in which they met the needs of others (Acts 2:45; 4:34-35; Gal. 2:10; James 1:27). This is not only a priority of ours as individual believers but also as a church. We offer opportunities to serve with partner-ministries in our extended community who are caring for those who are poor or destitute (e.g. the homeless, unwed mothers, prisoners, troubled youth, addicts, the elderly). Jesus said that the genuineness of our relationship with Him would be judged, one day, on the basis of how we cared for these kinds of people (Matt. 25:31-46).

International Impact

Christ calls us to be His witnesses, beginning in our own community and spreading out to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). Our mission is to make disciples in all nations (Matt. 28:19). This necessitates that we partner with indigenous leaders in other countries who share our passion for broadcasting the good news of Christ. We work with a limited number of international associates so as to focus our efforts, resources and prayer. We encourage all CCC regular attenders to participate, periodically, on short-term GoTeam trips to serve alongside our International Impact partners. These adventures stimulate us to become world-conscious Christians who pray for and give toward God’s work beyond the confines of CCC.


God is the owner of everything we have (Psa. 24:1). He has given us the responsibility of managing these resources in a way that advances His kingdom (Matt. 25:14-30). The biblical baseline for our investment in kingdom work is a tithe—ten percent of our income. Jesus endorsed this standard (Matt. 23:23). The Bible teaches that the person who withholds this amount from the Lord is robbing Him (Mal. 3:8). Because Scripture has so much to say about how to manage money, we regularly teach on this topic. In addition, every Christ follower is encouraged to go through the ten-week Crown Ministries stewardship curriculum in a Community Group setting. Failure to be good stewards can lead to serious problems (1 Tim. 6:9-10): materialism choking out our spiritual life (Mark 4:18-19); debt enslaving us (Prov. 22:7); God refusing to trust us with “true riches” (Luke 16:10-11). On the other hand, when we are wise and generous stewards, we become like our generous God (John 3:16; 2 Cor. 8:9; 9:15), we spread the love and message of Christ on earth (2 Cor. 9:8-10) and we store up treasure for ourselves in heaven (Matt. 6:19-21).


The apostle Paul wrote that there was one thing he aimed to accomplish in life (Phil. 3:13). Jesus told a wealthy young seeker that there was only one thing he lacked (Luke 18:22) and he told a workaholic Martha that there was only one thing she needed to do (Luke 10:42). The man that Jesus healed of blindness declared that there was one thing he knew (John 9:25). The psalmist expressed his heart’s desire in terms of one thing he asked of the LORD (Psa. 27:4). The Bible seems to commend a focused approach to life. We want our ministry to be characterized by this sort of intentionality. Before we launch a program or schedule an event, we must be able to answer the questions: What do we hope to accomplish? How will this contribute to our mission? Goals are set in every area of ministry so that we don’t substitute activity for productivity. Our progress will be measured against these goals.


One aspect of the “Great Commandment” (Mark 12:28-30) is that we are to love God with all our minds. Genuine Christ followers are willing to exert mental energy in the pursuit of knowing and serving God. If we want to grow spiritually, our minds must be renewed (Rom. 12:2). Obviously, the Bible plays a key role in this renewal process (2 Tim. 3:16; Psa. 19:7-9). Whether or not we have been readers in the past, we must devote ourselves to becoming readers of God’s Book. Additionally, Scripture exhorts us to passionately pursue wisdom in general (Prov. 1:5-6; 2:3-4), which can be found in the writings of wise people. By walking with the wise, Proverbs says, we become wise (Prov. 13:20). We encourage Christ followers to develop the discipline of reading (“leaders are readers”) as a means of gaining wisdom. We provide bookstores on our campuses so that people can select good books by Christian authors. We caution believers against spending excessive time with forms of entertainment that rob them of an interest in reading and the opportunity to do so.

Wording Hard

When God made the first man and woman in His own image, they were placed in the Garden of Eden to work and take care of it (Gen. 2:15). This was before Adam and Eve chose to disobey God, so work was not a result of their later moral fall. It was a blessing and an opportunity to partner with God (Gen. 1:27-28). Doing ministry, as the apostle Paul observed, is hard work (1 Cor. 4:12, 27). Paul set an example, in this regard, of working harder than anybody else (2 Cor. 11:23). Those who serve at CCC, both as paid staff and as volunteers, work hard. We don’t complain when ministry demands a lot from us (Phil. 2:14). We are self-starters who give our best effort even when nobody (not even a supervisor) is watching (Col. 3:22-23). This is not to say that we should neglect family responsibilities or times of rest and renewal as we serve God (Exo. 20:8-11; Psa. 127:1-5). But neither should we be surprised when ministry turns out to be hard work. We are called to be God’s “fellow workers” (2 Cor. 6:1). The result of all this effort will be the joy of seeing people brought to Christ and transformed by Him (1 Cor. 15:58; Col. 1:28-29).

Regional Campuses

While we minister to our Jerusalem from our St. Charles campus and to the ends of the earth through our International Impact partners, we believe the most effective way to reach our Judea and Samaria is by establishing regional campuses in their respective locales (Acts 1:8). Seekers are not likely to drive all the way from these neighboring communities to St. Charles for church so we bring our church to them (Matt. 28:19). We are one church in multiple locations, our regional campuses presenting identical services with video-cast teaching. This allows us to take advantage of the drawing power of a central, effective communicator (Eph. 4:11-12; 1 Pet. 4:11a). It also practices good stewardship (Matt. 25:14-30) by sharing the resources of staff leadership, training and programs throughout the ministry. One additional benefit of this approach is the momentum that’s created when the multiple campuses work together on projects such as outreach events or Go Teams trips.

Marriages and Families

When God united Adam and Eve as “man and wife” (Gen. 2:21-25) and blessed them with children (Gen. 4:1-2), He launched the first institution upon earth: the family. The importance that God places upon marriage can be seen in the fact that it serves as an analogy to Christ’s loving relationship with the church (Eph. 5:22-23). And the priority of good parent-child relationships is reflected in the fifth commandment (“honor your father and mother”), as well as in the requirement that leaders of local churches be chosen on the basis of their ability to manage their own families well (1 Tim. 3:4-5). CCC seeks to strengthen marriages by teaching sermon series on the topic, hosting conferences for husbands and wives, offering workshops and counseling for troubled relationships and providing recovery groups for those who have gone through divorce. When it comes to raising good kids, we recognize that the church only has them for a couple of hours a week and so we must do everything possible to equip parents to do this critical job at home (Deut. 6:4-7).

New Generation

Children are like wet cement. We have a unique opportunity, while they are young, to shape their lives before they become set in their ways. The writer of Proverbs observes that if they are trained to walk with God at this age, it is likely that they will continue on this path in later years (Prov. 22:6). The primary responsibility for this spiritual mentoring belongs to parents (Deut. 6:4-7). However, the influence of peer groups cannot be overstated (Prov. 13:20). The children’s and student ministries of CCC take full advantage of positive peer pressure by providing programs for kids that teach them biblical principles while they are hanging out with friends. We have invested significantly in a building that allows the different age groups to have their own space. We recruit and train scores of volunteer leaders who will love, mentor, teach, counsel, encourage and have fun with kids.


People with significant needs can be found right within our church family as well as in the extended community. The first century church had a reputation for its compassionate care of its own (Acts 4:34-35). At CCC, we meet the desperate financial needs of our body (e.g. for food, housing, etc.) through a benevolent fund. Other needs are addressed through a wide variety of programs that make up our Harbor Ministry. Recovery groups for those who desire to break various addictions, grief-care for those who have recently experienced the loss of loved ones and a special support group to build confidence in kids who have weathered the divorce of their parents are examples of our attempts to carry each other’s burdens (Gal. 6:2). These focused ministries give us the opportunity to provide need-specific teaching, counseling, community and accountability.

Expectations of Employment

Representation of Christ

Every staff member represents Christ and Christ Community to the congregation and to the community. How we conduct ourselves is extremely important for the Kingdom and must not be taken lightly. People make sweeping judgments based on how they are treated by the representatives of Christ Community Church.

Our personal contact with the public, our manners on the telephone, and the communications we send to people not only affect the public’s perception and image of Christ Community, but more importantly, can impact our efforts in reaching people for Christ. It is, therefore, one of the highest priorities of our staff to assist every person as we are able. Nothing is more important than being courteous, friendly, helpful, and prompt in the attention you give to those who enter into our building or that communicate with us either by phone or by email.

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. (Matt. 7:12)

Biblical Standards of Character

At Christ Community, the sole basis of our beliefs is the Bible; God’s infallible written Word, the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments. It is the inerrant, supreme and final authority in all matters on which it speaks and therefore, our ultimate authority.

As a condition of employment, all staff are expected to model and live a lifestyle consistent with general biblical standards. Not living a lifestyle in accordance with these standards can lead to disciplinary action and/or termination of employment.

The following are some of the general biblical standards that we value in the life of a staff member. This is not an exhaustive list, but it gives some examples of how a biblical lifestyle may be lived.

Faithful Ministry

Regardless of your position, your work here at Christ Community is a spiritual ministry. Maintaining a consistent walk with God and a lifestyle honoring to Him are of critical importance (1 Tim. 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-9).

Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, serving as overseers–not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. (1 Pet. 5:2-4)

Holy Character

Although living to honor God implies holiness in all areas, Christ Community wants to put a special emphasis on living in sexual purity. Scripture clearly limits sexual relationships to the context of marriage. Biblical marriage is defined as one man joined to one woman (1 Tim. 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-9).

But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people. Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving. For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person such a man is an idolater has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. (Eph. 5:3-6)

The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissension, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. (Gal. 5:19-23)

Team Spirit

One of the greatest joys of serving at Christ Community is the opportunity to be a part of a team.

If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus. (Phil. 2:1-5)

This team spirit not only means working together with your peers, but also positively responding to your supervisor and the leadership of Christ Community.

Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch over you as men who must give an account. Obey them so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no advantage to you. (Heb. 13:17)

Wholesome Communication

Communication is the key to building and maintaining team spirit on our staff.

Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body. “In your anger do not sin:” Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold. … Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. (Eph. 4:25-32)

Excellent Service

We serve a glorious God who deserves our very best; therefore we highly value excellence and hard work.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. (Col. 3:23-24)

Stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. (1 Cor. 15:58)

Personal Growth

Spiritual and professional input is necessary in order to stay sharp. While we strive to provide a stimulating work environment, each staff member is responsible for his or her own personal growth.

If the axe is dull and its edge unsharpened, more strength is needed but skill will bring success. (Ecc. 10:10)

Gift-Based Service

God has designed service as an extension of who He has created us to be. It is important that your service on staff be consistent with your spiritual giftedness.

Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. (1 Pet. 4:10-11)

Supporting the Motto, Motive and Mission

(To view chart, please see the original PDF below article)

In addition to the core values stated above, staff members of Christ Community Church are encouraged to:

… be knowledgeable about:

  • Church position papers—Documents that define the church’s formal position on various key issues, as endorsed by senior leadership. Copies of these documents can be found in the Staff Handbook.
  • Bridge illustration—Staff should be familiar with the Bridge illustration, know key scripture verses and be practiced at walking someone through this important evangelistic tool.

… support/take part in:

  • Prayer/Praise events—As a church that deeply values corporate prayer, we set aside specific nights during the year for this purpose. Attendance is strongly encouraged.
  • Significant Scope Events/Values—Significant scope events are scheduled throughout the year and are developed for the purpose of either outreach or spiritual growth. CCC staff are strongly encouraged to support these events through attendance and service.
  • Faithful Giving—We believe in the biblical command for Christ-followers to give the first ten percent of their income to the Lord’s work through the local church. Therefore, it is an expectation of all staff members that they are fulfilling God’s minimum standard for giving at Christ Community.

Position Papers

The Gospel We Proclaim


At the heart of our ministry at CCC is a passion to present the gospel of Jesus Christ in a way that transforms people’s lives and redirects their eternal destinies. With so much at stake, it is of the utmost importance that we clearly understand what the gospel is and how God wants us, both individually and corporately, to share it with others.

The apostle Paul underscored the seriousness of this topic when he wrote to the Galatians: “But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned! As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned” (Gal. 1:8-9). The gospel, Paul warns us, is something that we must get right!

The Bible (both the New Testament and the Greek version of the Old Testament) uses the noun, “gospel,” 77 times and the verb, “preach the gospel,” an additional 77 times. Most often the meaning of these expressions is assumed rather than defined. So we’ll have to begin by doing some defining.

What is the Gospel?

A simple translation of the Greek word, gospel, is: good news. Good news about what? The gospel is the good news that God offers us salvation through his Son, Jesus Christ.

When the angel announced the birth of Jesus to the Bethlehem shepherds, he said: “I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today, in the town of David, a Savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:10-11). So the gospel is, primarily, good news about a Savior—and about the salvation He brings. The apostle Paul declared that he was not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes (Rom. 1:16).

But, if the gospel is about salvation, what is it that Christ came to save us from? Another angel clarified this issue when he told Joseph what to name Mary’s baby: “You are to give Him the name Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins” (Matt. 1:21). And what, specifically, did Jesus do in order to save us from our sins? The apostle Peter answers this way: “For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit” (1 Pet. 3:18). Peter identifies Jesus’ work of salvation with His death and resurrection. These events, then, represent the heart of the gospel.

The apostle Paul spells out this same theme when he defines the gospel for the Corinthians: “Now, brothers, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. By this gospel you are saved … For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures …” (1 Cor. 15:1-4). Obviously, then, any presentation of the gospel must focus on the death and resurrection of Jesus. No wonder that Paul equated the preaching of the gospel with the preaching of the cross (1 Cor. 1:17-18).

The gospel is not a call to follow Christ’s example. It is not a proclamation of His kingly reign. It is not (directly) an invitation to join His church. It does not include a promise of His return. These are all aspects of Christian teaching. But the gospel, very specifically, is the starting point. It is the good news that Jesus came to save us from our sins by dying on the cross and rising from the dead.

How is the Gospel to be Received?

Paul reminds the Ephesians of how they responded to the gospel with these words: “And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in Him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit” (Eph. 1:13). The Ephesians received the gospel and its benefits by believing—by faith.

This is what makes the gospel good news. Not only has salvation been purchased by the death and resurrection of Christ, it can be received by simple faith. It would not be good news to learn that this salvation must be merited. No, it is the fact that it is offered as a gift which makes an announcement of such good news. This is why Paul refers to his message as the gospel of God’s grace (Acts 20:24). The gospel is all about grace!

Paul reiterates this truth throughout his epistles. He wants to make certain that we do not try to earn our salvation by good works of any sort (e.g. religious, moral, charitable, etc.). Consider the following Scriptures:

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. (Eph. 2:8-9)

He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy. (Titus 3:5)

Now when a man works, his wages are not credited to him as a gift, but as an obligation. However, to the man who does not work but trusts God who justifies the wicked, his faith is credited as righteousness. (Rom. 4:4-5)

Because faith is the key to receiving what the gospel promises, it is essential that we understand the nature of genuine faith. Faith is more than mentally assenting to God’s truth (i.e. what some have called “easy-believism.”) James points out that even demons subscribe to correct doctrine (James 2:19). A summary of what the Bible teaches about saving faith must conclude that it is a response of our minds, our hearts and our wills.


There are some basic facts with which we must agree. For starters, facts about Jesus. We are not free to make up a Savior who suits our personal tastes. Who Jesus is has been revealed in God’s Word. We must believe that He is fully man or He could not serve as our representative on the cross (Heb. 2:14-15; Phil. 2:6-8). We must believe that He is fully God (John 8:58; 10:30-33; 14:8-9) or His sacrifice would not be of infinite worth, covering all who put their trust in Him (Heb. 9:14).

Then there are facts about ourselves which we must affirm. That we are sinners and that our sins deserve the punishment of a perfectly just and holy God (Rom. 2:16; 3:23; 6:23). That there is nothing we can do to save ourselves from this eternal condemnation (Eph. 2:8-9).

And, finally, we must believe—with our minds—that Christ’s death upon the cross paid for our sins and that His resurrection proved His power over them (1 Pet. 2:24; 3:18).

Any gospel presentation that does not recount these facts is incomplete. Those responding to such may not fully understand the decision they are making or may be basing their decision on emotion instead of truth. This is a prevalent danger when special speakers tell moving stories of their own conversions and then ask their audiences to put their faith in Christ. Will that faith be based upon subjective experiences or objective facts?


Faith is also a matter of the heart. This is a two-sided affair: turning away from our sin; turning to Christ. The Bible calls the first of these activities “repentance”—which is definitely a heart-felt response to the realization that our sins have offended God and cost Him the life of His Son. The apostle Paul notes that godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret (2 Cor. 7:10).

Repentance is so foundational to receiving the gift of salvation that sometimes Scripture describes the gospel message, in simple terms, as a call to repentance. Jesus told His followers that repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in His name to all nations (Luke 24:47). Early Jewish believers rejoiced when Peter told them that God has granted even the Gentiles repentance unto life (Acts 11:18). This same Peter told a crowd of spiritual seekers who wanted to be saved to repent and be baptized … for the forgiveness of your sins (Acts 2:38). And he explained the delayed second coming of Christ as due to the fact that the Lord doesn’t want anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance (2 Pet. 3:9).

Simple faith, then, includes a sorrow for sins and a willingness to turn from them. This must come from the heart. Also from the heart must come a love for Christ. To turn to Him in faith means to value Him for who He is and what He has done for us. “Though you have not seen Him,” Peter writes, “you love Him; and even though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls” (1 Pet. 1:8-9).

John Piper, pastor and theologian, eloquently describes the connection between our response to the gospel and a love for God as follows: “Until … the gospel promises of justification and eternal life lead you to behold and embrace God Himself as your highest joy, you have not embraced the gospel of God. You have embraced some of His gifts. You have rejoiced over some of His rewards. You have marveled at some of His miracles. But you have not yet been awakened to why the gifts, the rewards, and the miracles have come. They have come for one great reason: that you may behold forever the glory of God in Christ” (quoted from God is the Gospel).


The apostle Paul describes a faith-response to the gospel as a submission to the Lordship of Christ. That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved (Rom. 10:9). This is not to say that one must be living in perfect obedience to Christ in order to be saved. It is more an acknowledgment of His rule in our lives and of our desire to follow Him.

We must be careful, when talking about this aspect of simple faith, that we do not add good works back into the equation—at least, not on the wrong side of the equation. Faith plus good works do not equal salvation. On the other hand, faith (if it’s genuine) does equal salvation plus good works. It’s been said that, while we are saved by faith alone, true faith is never alone. It will always be followed by good works. (The epistle of James drives home this point with gusto. See James 2:14-26.)

The apostle Paul declared that his mission was to call people from among all the Gentiles to the obedience that comes from faith (Rom. 1:5). We know that we have really put our faith in Christ when we see a new desire to walk in obedience to Him. Paul challenged his listeners to prove their repentance by their deeds (Acts 26:20).

Why Must the Gospel be Proclaimed?

The answer to this question may appear to be so obvious that it’s hardly worth stating. But in our postmodern culture, which puts an emphasis on doing everything possible to avoid offending those of differing viewpoints, many Christians have opted for living the gospel (so they say) instead of proclaiming it.

There is no denying the fact that we should be living our faith—and that, if we do this well, it will draw others to our Savior. “Let your light shine before men,” Jesus taught in His Sermon on the Mount, “that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven” (Matt. 5:16). In a similar vein, the apostle Paul exhorts employees (“slaves”) to show respect for their bosses and to work hard for them so that in every way they (the employees) will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive (Titus 2:9-10).

But while our lives may lend credibility to the gospel, the gospel itself is something which must be proclaimed. Its very definition, remember, is good news. News requires that it be communicated by words. Paul referred to himself as a herald or preacher or teacher of the gospel (wordmeisters all). He declared, “Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel” (1 Cor. 9:16). He was constantly asking others to pray that God would give him the courage and clarity he needed to do his proclaiming effectively (Col. 4:3-5; Eph. 6:19-20). He saw his life mission in terms of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace (Acts 20:24).

The necessity of proclaiming the gospel is stated most emphatically in Romans 10:13-14, 17. “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them…” Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message. The gospel cannot just be lived. It must be told.

CCC Applications

  1. We will do everything possible to help believers tell the gospel well. This will include training seminars, such as Becoming a Contagious Christian, as well as the provision of tools that can be used when explaining the gospel to others. (CCC’s Blue Booklet is similar to Campus Crusade for Christ’s Four Spiritual Laws and the Billy Graham Association’s Steps to Peace With God. These are all helpful tools and their use should be encouraged. Similarly, the simple “Bridge” diagram is a great visual aid when presenting the gospel—we will teach believers how to draw it.)
  2. We will sponsor special events that outsiders can be invited to and where the gospel will be presented. This presentation may be made in the form of a written brochure or a DVD testimonial or a closing word. If it is being spoken “live,” it will most often be communicated by a staff member of CCC so that we can ensure that it is faithful to what Scripture teaches and that it invites a balanced response of mind, heart and will.
  3. Our public services and departmental ministries will regularly present the gospel and extend an invitation for listeners to respond by making a faith-decision. Those who put their faith in Christ on these occasions will be encouraged to pick up follow-up materials that we will provide in order to get them started in the Christian life.

Women In Leadership

The Elders at Christ Community strongly affirm the role of women in leadership. We do not believe that the spiritual gift of leadership is distributed on the basis of gender (1 Cor. 12:11; Rom. 12:8). There are godly women, as well as men, who have been equipped by God’s Spirit to influence others in our church body as leaders.

In the exercising of this spiritual gift, however, we believe that Scripture offers some specific guidelines, which govern a woman’s leadership with respect to other men. 1 Timothy 2:12 prohibit women from leading men in an authoritative fashion in Christ Community. This is not an isolated restriction in God’s Word, but one that is reiterated in a number of ways. Consider the following:

  • Creation Design. While Adam and Eve were given the joint responsibility of ruling over creation, Adam played a leadership role in their partnership. This is underscored by the fact that he was created first (1 Cor. 11:3, 8-9 for the significance of such); he assigned names to all of God’s creatures, including Eve; and he was the one whom God called to account for having eaten the forbidden fruit (Gen. 3:9), although Eve had been the first to disobey and had encouraged her husband to do the same.
  • The Relationship Between the Family and Christ Community. God’s Word repeatedly challenges husbands to be loving leaders in their marriages. Wives are instructed to graciously submit to that leadership. While some claim that Scripture teaches “mutual submission” between the spouses, the Bible never asks husbands to submit to their wives. This command, however, is directed to wives in Ephesians 5:22, Colossians 3:18, Titus 2:5 and 1 Peter 3:1, 5. It is inevitable that leadership patterns in the home will be reflected in the leadership structure of Christ Community, which the Bible refers to as “God’s household” (1 Tim. 3:15). The elders of a church serve as father figures in Christ’s family. We are even told to choose such men on the basis of how well they manage their own homes (1 Tim. 3:5).
  • Christ’s Selection of Apostles. Christ’s example, in appointing twelve men as apostles, seems to establish a pattern of male leadership for Christ Community. It is difficult to argue that Christ was merely accommodating the social customs of His day, since He repeatedly broke such customs to the outrage of His critics. And it hardly seems appropriate to view Christ’s selection through a first century lens only when we remember that these apostles were chosen to rule in God’s eternal kingdom (Matt. 19:28) and to have their names inscribed forever on the foundations of the heavenly city (Rev. 21:14).
  • The Pattern of the New Testament Church. There is no doubt that the Bible clearly teaches the equal worth of men and women, especially in the body of Christ (Gal. 3:28). At the same time, it is obvious that such equality does not necessarily mean the obliteration of all role distinctions. If it did, we would expect to find mention of women in positions of authoritative church leadership in the New Testament. There are no clear examples of such—even though women were among Jesus’ closest followers and were named by the apostle Paul as highly valued co-workers.

How can we promote the leadership of women at Christ Community without violating the boundaries that are placed upon it in Scripture? This has not been an easy question to answer. The restriction in 1 Timothy 2:12 seems to apply to situations or contexts in which ultimate authority is a key issue or consideration. When this is the case, the Bible restrains women from leading men.

At Christ Community, this sort of authoritative leadership, which the Bible reserves for godly and spiritually gifted men, would seem to be linked to three formal roles:

  1. Serving as an elder.
  2. Serving as a supervisor to other pastoral staff members.
  3. Serving as a teaching pastor (i.e. a preacher who regularly and systematically addresses the entire congregation).

Based upon our understanding of 1 Timothy 2:12 and the overall pattern found in Scripture, we do not believe that it is appropriate for women leaders to serve in these three roles. However, this should not keep women from leading in other contexts where both men and women are present.

We affirm the leadership of qualified women as:

  • Staff members
  • Special event coordinators
  • Workshop/seminar instructors
  • Community group leaders
  • Ministry directors
  • Weekend special speakers
  • Worship leaders
  •  Trustees

In order to keep authority from becoming a dominant issue in these contexts (i.e. when men are being led by women) we recommend that the following guidelines be observed by women leaders:

  1. Secure the help of a male co-leader when personally confronting a serious spiritual or character concern in the life of one of the men in ministry.
  2. Share a portion of the vision casting for the leadership team and the discipline of its members with a male co-leader.

We do not believe that these restrictions and guidelines will limit the influence of a female leader at Christ Community or keep her from becoming all that God intends her to be. God’s desire is to protect us from misunderstandings and conflicts in our relationships with each other as we exercise the gifts He has given us.

Divorce and Remarriage


God established marriage as a covenant relationship mirroring the intimate union and profound love that exists between Christ and the church (Eph. 5:31-32). When a man and woman marry, they become “one flesh,” a single entity comprised of two people, just as Christ and the church are a single body comprised of two parties.

By using covenant language for marriage (Prov. 2:17, Mal. 2:14), the Bible sounds a clear word on the blessedness of this union. Covenants in general provided people with terms for mutual peace, joy, security, and prosperity. In the same way, the marriage covenant creates a sacred union between two people for their mutual benefit and experience of God’s blessing.

But by using covenant language, the Bible also sounds a clear word on the solemnity of marriage. In history past, covenants were deep and binding. They were not merely made, they were “cut.” In the Old Testament, a covenant relationship was ratified by butchering an animal, laying its pieces in two rows, and walking between them. In this way, a life-and-death seriousness was associated with the agreement, and a visual reminder was created of the deserved fate of any person who might choose to break it.

A covenant is what the Lord established with Israel at Mt. Sinai, swearing by His own name to be their faithful God. And a covenant is what He established with us through His Son, “cut to pieces” to reconcile us with the Father.

Given these associations between marriage, covenant, Christ, and salvation, we understand why the writer of Hebrews would say, “Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral” (Heb. 13:4).

God intends for marriage obligations to endure until death (Rom. 7:2). Since God alone forges a marriage, ideally He alone should end it. “Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate” (Mark 10:9).


We, as sinful people, do not always honor our marriage vows, guard our sexual purity, or take seriously the commands and warnings of God. When sin creates relational difficulties what should we do?

God’s Word establishes some clear principles to govern such situations.

As a primary value, the people of God should demonstrate the grace and reconciliation of God by resolving their marital conflicts. In the church, there ought not be “irreconcilable differences.” If a holy God can overcome humanity’s sin to become reconciled with us, then He can bridge any relational gulf. The work of Christ for us is our ground for reconciliation with one another.

For He himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility. (Eph. 2:14)

Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. (Col. 3:13)

Recognizing the covenant nature of marriage and the power of God to restore broken relationships, the Bible prohibits divorce in almost all cases. Personality clashes, financial stresses, changing feelings, conflicting desires—none are biblically sanctioned reasons to divorce.

But the Bible marks out two situations in which divorce is permissible, although not necessarily desirable.

First, Jesus permitted divorce in the case of marital unfaithfulness, which is defined as illicit sexual activity. In such cases, adulterous sex breaks the marriage covenant, giving grounds for dissolving the marriage legally through divorce.

But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery. (Matt. 5:32)

I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery. (Matt. 19:9)

Second, Paul permits divorce in the case of abandonment.

If a woman has a husband who is not a believer and he is willing to live with her, she must not divorce him. … But if the unbeliever leaves, let him do so. A believing man or woman is not bound in such circumstances; God has called us to live in peace. (1 Cor. 7:13, 15)

In 1 Corinthians 7, Paul originally specified abandonment by unbelievers as the grounds for dissolving a marriage, since some in that church were experiencing rejection by non-Christian spouses. However, abandonment is sometimes perpetrated even by one claiming to be a follower of Christ. In either case, one who abandons a spouse breaks covenant faithfulness by failing to “cleave” or “cling to” that spouse—which is the very foundation of marriage (Gen. 2:24).

Furthermore, it is recognized there are cases when abandonment happens even though the couple are still living in the same house. This may involve emotional and/or physical abuse, drug or alcohol abuse, pornography, financial abandonment, intimidation and other forms of behavior. It is recognized that the Bible does not give a detailed list of all possible behaviors that may rise to the level of abandonment. If it is determined that abandonment exists, we recommend there be a period of no less than six months before any formal actions to dissolve the marriage are initiated. In all cases, extreme care must be taken to protect not only the sanctity of the marriage vows but the emotional and physical safety of the abandoned spouse.

It should be noted that in 2 Corinthians 6:14 the Bible commands us not to become yoked together knowingly with unbelievers. Although “spiritually mixed” marriages are still binding before God, they are inherently unstable. Yet such unions are unavoidable when one partner comes to faith in Christ after the marriage vows have been taken. In these cases Paul urges believers to remain faithful to the covenant. Only if the unbelieving partner abandons the home or desires a divorce may dissolution of the marriage be pursued.

In extreme cases, it may be advisable for believers to separate from either their unbelieving or believing spouses, in order to break destructive habits and gain a new start. Such separations should be undertaken with clear timeframes and guidelines in place. The marriage covenant remains in effect during a separation and should provide the impetus for believers to work and pray for relational healing.


Legitimate remarriage presupposes legitimate divorce. Without a biblically legitimate divorce, remarriage is considered an act of adultery, because the former union is still intact before the Lord. Consider again Jesus’ words cited above:

But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery. (Matt. 5:32)

I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery. (Matt. 19:9)

Although Paul does not explicitly allow it, we believe remarriage in the Lord is also permissible for the Christ-follower who has been abandoned by a spouse, since this, too, constitutes a breaking of covenant at the foundational level. And Paul does state that “a believing man or woman is not bound in such circumstances” (1 Cor. 7:15).

If believers divorce for reasons other than adultery or abandonment, they maintain an obligation to their marriage covenant. Paul underscores this when he charges such separated or divorced believers to either reconcile with their estranged spouses or remain single.

To the married I give this command (not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband. But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife. (1 Cor. 7:10-11)


We recognize that a wide variety of circumstances will present unique challenges to the application of these biblical principles. As we work with couples in need, we will prayerfully seek to maintain faithfulness to God’s Word while ministering His grace in each particular situation. Christ Community seeks to offer loving, prayerful, and insightful shepherding for the strengthening of marriages and the fulfillment of God’s redemptive purposes.

By way of broad application, some ramifications of the above biblical guidelines include:

  1. The challenge to married believers to strive with all God’s strength to maintain covenant faithfulness with their spouses.
  2. The expectation that if two believers divorce, they will honor God’s commands with regard to remarriage.
  3. The policy that we will only officiate the remarriage of persons whom we deem to no longer bear responsibility before the Lord for a previous marriage vow, and who have been divorced for at least two years. Remarriage of believers may not be approved for any of these reasons:
    1. Divorce is being used as a means to marrying a different mate.
    2. There is no evidence of repentance and brokenness over the previous divorce.
    3. Restoration of the original marriage remains a viable option.
  4. The responsibility of the church to exercise redemptive discipline in the life of any member or attender who refuses to honor his or her marriage covenant.
  5. The hope that believers who discover that they have been divorced or remarried illegitimately will humbly seek God’s forgiveness, receive His grace, and maintain covenant faithfulness from this time forward. Christ-followers in second marriages do not need to live under the condemnation that would come from viewing their marriages as perpetually adulterous.

Tithing: If “Money Talks” … What is our Money Saying?


Perhaps you’ve heard the old saying: Money makes the world go ‘round. While this is, of course, not true, it is the case that our lives often revolve around money. A lot of our time and effort goes into making, spending, budgeting, investing and worrying about money! No doubt this is why God’s Word has so much to say about the topic. There is more said about money and possessions in Scripture than about faith or prayer or heaven! It’s estimated that one out of every ten New Testament verses, including a third of Jesus’ parables, deals with the subject.

The focus of this position paper is on one particular aspect of managing our money: tithing. Although some refer to this as “stewardship,” stewardship is a much broader topic. It covers the management of all the resources that God has entrusted to us: our money, our time, our talents, our relationships, etc. Tithing is only concerned with our money. And although it has to do with the giving of our money, tithing is even narrower than giving in general. It’s a very basic kind of giving that is often surpassed as we grow in generosity.

Tithing is an important issue for every Christ follower to consider because it reflects the truth of another old saying about money: Money talks! When we tithe, we are making significant declarations about our relationship with God. In fact, we cannot wholeheartedly make these statements unless we are tithing. Here they are:

I Am Determined to Obey God

Tithing is the giving (literally, the returning) of the first ten percent of our income to the Lord. Tithe comes from the word “tenth.” This practice is commanded of believers in Scripture. Because tithing was included in the Old Testament law, some have suggested that it is no longer expected of us since we don’t live under that law. But Abraham, the first tither to appear in the Bible (Gen. 14:20), gave his ten percent to the Lord hundreds of years before tithing became part of the Old Testament law that Moses introduced.

Tithing is a practice for believers of all times. Although the New Testament does not say as much about tithing as the Old Testament does, nowhere do we read that this command has been abolished. It is noteworthy that Jesus endorsed it (Matt. 23:23). Some say that the ten percent baseline amount is no longer mandatory since the apostle Paul instructed that: “each man should give what he has decided to give” (2 Cor. 9:7). But Paul was referring to a special offering that he was collecting for the impoverished church in Jerusalem. Contributions to such would have been over-and-above people’s tithes.

It is popular, in some Christian circles, to dismiss practices like tithing as being “legalistic” (i.e. wrongfully focused on rule-keeping). But tithing is basic obedience and obedience is foundational to a relationship with God. Jesus said, repeatedly, that if we love Him we will obey Him (John 14:15, 21, 23-24). Tithing, as an act of obedience, says: I love you, Lord.

I Acknowledge God’s Ownership of Everything I Have

“The earth is the LORD’s,” the Psalmist declared (Psa. 24:1), “and everything in it.” In other words, we don’t own anything. It all belongs to God. Jesus underscored this truth in His parable of the talents (Matt. 25:14ff). It’s the story of a master who entrusts his servants with the responsibility of managing his property while he is gone on a trip. When he returns, he asks them for an accounting. In a similar manner, Jesus inferred, God will one day evaluate what we have done with the resources that He’s entrusted to us. We manage it. But God owns it.

When we give the Lord the first ten percent of our income, we’re acknowledging the fact that one hundred percent of what we have belongs to Him. When we withhold our full tithe, we are acting as if the money is ours to do with as we please. God says this even more strongly through the prophet Malachi. Listen to God’s accusation: “Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me. But you ask, ‘How do we rob you?’ In tithes and offerings …” (Mal. 3:8). Interestingly, the people whom Malachi addressed felt that God didn’t care about them because He wasn’t answering their prayers. No wonder! Do we expect God to respond to our prayers while we are robbing Him of His tithes?

People frequently ask if they should be tithing before they have all their debts paid off. Because debts represent borrowed money (i.e. money that isn’t theirs) they reason that it’s inappropriate to give God ten percent of their income until these debts have been retired. But what if we took this approach with our taxes? What if we told the government that we couldn’t, in good conscience, pay our taxes until we had paid off our debts? The government would probably remind us that our taxes belong to them and we are not free to withhold them for any reason. Similarly, our tithes belong to God and should be paid even when we are in debt. In fact, since God blesses obedience, we can expect His help in retiring our debt if we are honoring Him with a regular tithe.

I Trust God

Tithing can be scary—whether we make a meager income or a lot of money. Those with limited means worry about being able to pay the bills if they give away the first ten percent of their income. But we must remember that obedience always brings God into the equation. It is infinitely better to face our financial challenges with ninety percent of our income plus God than to be hanging onto one hundred percent of what we make while leaving God out of the picture.

At the other end of the financial spectrum are those with substantial incomes. They may hesitate to tithe because of the large sum of money that ten percent of their income represents. That’s $10,000, for example, to be given to the Lord from a salary of $100,000! It’s tempting to start calculating the purchasing power of that tithe money if it were directed instead toward a car, or a vacation, or a college tuition.

Tithing is an opportunity to show God that we trust Him. We believe that He will cover all the bases in our lives if we put Him first in everything. Jesus said, “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matt. 6:33).

I Want to Grow Spiritually

Does tithing seem like advanced Christianity to you—801 or 901? Many believers reason that some day they’ll grow into tithing. In the meantime, they figure, there are more basic steps to be taken on their spiritual journey. Nothing could be further from the truth! Not only is tithing one of those basic steps, the Bible teaches that learning to manage our money in a God-honoring way is a key to experiencing overall spiritual progress. “If you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth,” Jesus warns us, “who will trust you with true riches?” (Luke 16:11).

If we get tithing wrong, it will be very difficult to get anything else right in our relationship with God. Tithing is foundational. The greatest roadblock to spiritual growth in the lives of many Christ followers in an affluent culture is their attitude toward money. They don’t give God His due. Conversely, when these same people begin to honor God with tithes and offerings, they take off spiritually.

I Belong to this Church

Tithing is not a reference to charitable giving in general. It is money that we give to the Lord through our local church. There are many organizations that are worthy of our tax-exempt gifts: museums, the symphony, the YMCA, the local Little League. But these gifts are not tithes. Neither are the gifts that we give to Christian organizations (radio stations, schools, world missions, social action advocates, etc.) outside of our local church. These causes should be supported from money beyond our tithes. But our tithes are to go to our church family.

There are several ways in which the Bible makes this point. First, the purpose of the tithe in Old Testament times was to support those who ministered at the local worship center—the “church staff,” so to speak. Here were God’s instructions: “I give to the Levites (i.e. the priests) all the tithes in Israel as their inheritance in return for the work they do while serving at the Tent of Meeting” (Num. 18:21). The New Testament reiterates this theme, encouraging the support of a church’s leaders: “In the same way, the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should receive their living from the gospel” (1 Cor. 9:14). And again: “The elders (i.e. pastors) who direct the affairs of the church are worthy of double honor … For the Scripture says, “The worker deserves his wages.’” (1 Tim. 5:17-18).

A second indication that tithes are to be directed toward the church is the Bible’s emphasis on “storehouse” giving. “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse,” the Lord commands (Mal. 3:10). The storehouse is the local place of worship. All through Scripture we see a pattern of God’s people bringing their tithes and offerings to a central location where local leaders have the responsibility to distribute these resources as God directs them.

Finally, it is instructive to note the Bible’s “family first” policy when it comes to the allocation of our financial support. The apostle Paul told Pastor Timothy that believers have a primary responsibility to provide for their families. The person who fails to do so, Paul says, “has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever” (1 Tim. 5:8). Does it not make sense to apply this same principle to one’s church family? Just as a father, for example, must see to it that his own kids are fed before he gives his money to other causes, those who belong to a local church must meet its needs before they give toward other organizations. This is the purpose of a tithe.

If money talks … what is our money saying? Tithing says quite a lot!


Nothing is easier than figuring out what our tithe should be. We look at our paycheck and move the decimal point to the left one place. That’s a tenth. Did God make it that simple on purpose? Probably.

Should this amount be calculated before or after taxes? The answer to this question is found in the Bible’s reference to these gifts as “firstfruits.” “Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine” (Prov. 3:9-10). Tithes are firstfruits. They come right off the top of our income—before taxes, before we pay the bills, before we spend anything on ourselves. The tithe check should be the first check we write.

Should we tithe on income that we receive that is not from a paycheck (i.e. birthday gifts, bonuses, commissions, inheritances, etc.)? If we believe that these financial blessings have come from God’s hand, then it seems appropriate to give a tenth of the windfall back to God.

What if it seems mathematically impossible to begin tithing right away? God answers that question directly when He says: “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse … Test me in this … and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it” (Mal. 3:10). God asks us to test Him on this score. He challenges us to begin tithing and to see if He won’t meet our needs and bless our lives.

Why not take God up on this challenge? Tithe for the next six months and watch what happens. The blessing God promises may not come in the form of financial reward. It may be the blessing of answered prayer, peace of mind, spiritual growth, clear direction in a decision, or conflict resolution in a relationship. Some people have found that just the simple act of calculating a tithe brings structure and discipline to the overall management of their finances—and that, too, is a blessing!

Our Position on the End Times


Among the questions deemed most important and most relevant to our lives is the question of our ultimate destination. If we are to understand the entire message of Scripture—personally, historically, and theologically—we cannot and should not avoid the subject of the End Times.

The primary purpose of this document is to articulate the theological position of Christ Community Church in order to reinforce the church’s teaching and preaching on this subject. Secondarily, this paper will address points of application in our ministry in order to avoid disunity or conflict around what can be a complex and contentious subject.


Christ Community Church’s position can be generally summarized by the theological term “Historic Premillennialism.” Alongside this declaration, we want to recommend four principles which ought to guide any pursuit of Biblical End Times study.

Humility. Approach the large and complex subject of the Last Things with a humble acknowledgment of our own limited perspective. Given Scripture’s extensive use of images and figures, End Times study is difficult for even the most experienced Bible scholar. Furthermore, Christ followers through the ages have disagreed on these matters and are called to Christian fellowship nonetheless.

A Thematic Approach. Pursue the major themes most passionately: Christ’s anticipated return, His victorious conquest over evil, the joyful salvation of His people and His glorious reign forever. On these things the church is united.

Hope. Focus on the joy and certainty of God’s clearly revealed plan rather than the specific dates and times of His coming. Scripture does not provide times and dates and pursuing them can so easily distract (Acts 1:6-7).

Perseverance. The church not only exists in a world yet to be fully redeemed from sin but has been cruelly persecuted from its inception. Prayerfully remember all believers who suffer and are being persecuted for Christ’s sake as you yourself look forward to His return (John 15:19-21, James 1:2-4).

End Times Events and their Order in History

Graphically, Christ Community Church’s End Times Theology may be represented with this timeline:

(to view the End Times Timeline, see original PDF below this article)

Below is an articulation of these events in order of historical appearance with accompanying scriptural reference. Where given, these references are illustrative of scriptural support and are not necessarily comprehensive of scriptural evidence on the subject.

Current Age

The current age is one in which faithful believers are awaiting Christ’s promised return (Matt. 24:30-31, James 5:7-8).

The Great Tribulation

Preceding Christ’s return will be a unique and terrible season of judgment and suffering for the world and persecution for the church (Matt. 24:21).

Christ’s Return

Christ’s second coming to earth will be both visible and glorious, triumphantly ending the Great Tribulation (1 Thes. 4:16-17, 2 Pet. 3:10).

What about the Rapture? Common among other forms of Premillenialism is the idea that Christ will secretly return before the Great Tribulation to take all true believers with Him. He will then return again, this time visibly and gloriously, at the end of the Great Tribulation to establish the millennial kingdom. The verse given in support of this view is 1 Thessalonians 4:17. However there are at least two main objections to this view:

  1. Scripture lacks evidence for two separate returns of Christ. On the contrary, Scripture indicates that Christ’s return will be singular and final (Matt. 24:30-31).
  2. Scripture passages describing the return of Christ, including 1 Thessalonians 4:17, indicate a visible and glorious return, not a secret one (Mark 13:26).


Following Christ’s return, He will imprison Satan in the Abyss. He will then raise the faithful who have died in ages past and He, together with them and those believers who are still alive, will reign on earth for 1,000 years. This 1,000 year period may be literal or figurative of a very long time (Rev. 20:1-6).

In addition to Revelation 20, we find several Old and New Testament passages indicating a future time of Christ’s reign on earth, yet still short of the blessings of the New Heaven and Earth (Psa. 72:8-14, Isa. 11:6-11, 65:20, Zec. 14:5-17, 1 Cor, 15:23-25, Rev. 2:26-27).

Satan’s Final Defeat

After the Millennial Kingdom is over, Satan will be released for one last time. Satan will then deceptively gather many to war against God and His people. God’s final and complete victory over Satan and his forces will then take place. At that time, God will commit Satan to eternal punishment (Rev. 20:7-10).

Final Judgment

Following Satan’s defeat, God will raise to life all who have died. Everyone will then stand to be judged according to what they had done. He will also at that time reward the faithful in Christ with eternal life and condemn the faithless to eternal punishment with Satan (Rev. 20:11-15, Matt. 25:31-46, 2 Cor. 5:10).

New Heaven and Earth

Once judgment is complete, all of creation—both heaven and earth—will be remade and prepared for eternity. From that time, God will have eternal communion with redeemed mankind in the new heaven and the new earth (Rev. 21:1-4).

Applications for Our Ministry Context

Teaching and Preaching

Like all issues, teachers and preachers should be sensitive to the stated theology of Christ Community Church and not teach against it in any formal setting of the church.


We recognize that not every member or potential member will hold this view of the End Times. This paper is not intended to limit our fellowship or create a litmus test for membership.

Community Groups

Our recommended Community Group study on End Times is based on the 2009 “Return of the King” message series. If leaders and groups wish to pursue other studies on the End Times, any selected material must not conflict with the stated position of the church. Leaders or members who actively wish to propagate teaching in opposition to this stated position of the church cannot use their Community Group context or meeting environment for such a purpose.

Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. (2 Pet. 3:11-12)

‘Yes, I am coming soon.’ Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. (Rev. 22:20)

Introduction to the Handbook

As a staff member of Christ Community Church, we are providing you this Handbook to help you understand the guidelines and benefits we have developed for the staff. We have attempted to provide a comprehensive manual to address human resource and general management issues. It should be understood that no employee handbook can anticipate every circumstance or policy-related question. Additionally, as the church continues to grow and minister to the changing needs of our community, it may be necessary to modify its policies or practices. Therefore, Christ Community Church reserves the right to add, change or rescind any policy, practice or portion of this Handbook as it deems appropriate, with or without notice, at its sole and absolute discretion. Changes can be implemented at the discretion of the Senior Pastor and/or Executive Pastor and shall be affirmed once each calendar year by the Elder board. This Employee Handbook replaces all previous personnel or employment manuals and supercedes all previous policy memoranda or statements that relate to any subject covered in this Handbook, whether oral or written, unless such policy is specifically reinforced herein. The language used in this Handbook does not create nor is it to be construed to constitute a contract of employment or a guarantee of benefits from Christ Community Church.

Underlying what we are communicating in this Handbook is Christ Community Church’s desire to support individual performance and development and to provide the information necessary for all of us to make good decisions as we go about our daily work. As you read this Handbook, you will see numerous references being made to actual policies and procedures. You are responsible for knowing and understanding the contents of the Handbook and using it as a guide while employed at Christ Community Church. Please read the entire Handbook and attachments, sign the acknowledgements, and return them to the Human Resources Office within the first two weeks of employment. If you have any questions about the policies, guidelines or benefits contained in the Handbook, you are encouraged to contact a Human Resources staff member at the earliest opportunity.

If any employee of the church has a written offer of employment signed by the Executive Pastor, this Employee Handbook applies to the employee only to the extent that the manual is consistent with the offer of employment. In the case of differences or inconsistencies, the employee’s written offer shall control, unless changes are made in writing to the contrary.

For the purposes of this handbook, staff members may alternately be referred to as “you” or “employee(s).” For this same purpose, Christ Community Church may alternately be referred to as the “church,” “CCC,” “employer” or “Christ Community.”

Section A—Employment

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. … It is the Lord Christ you are serving. (Col. 3:23-24)

A.1.0—Equal Employment Opportunity

Christ Community is committed to an environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. Every individual has the right to work in a professional atmosphere that promotes equal employment opportunities and prohibits discriminatory practices, including harassment. Christ Community expects that all relationships among staff be free from bias, prejudice and harassment.

Christ Community Church is committed to equal employment opportunity for all qualified persons, without regard to race, color, ancestry, national origin, sex, marital status, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, veteran’s status, age, or any other applicable protected class so determined by state or local statue or code, to the extent required by law and in accordance the Scriptural guidelines. The church does, however, reserve the right to employ persons who have a background and philosophy of ministry similar to ours and who, in the opinion of the church, have a work history and a lifestyle that is consistent with the Scriptural principles of the church. All employment decisions will be made in compliance with applicable employment-related laws, in consideration of any Bona Fide Occupational Qualifications and in accordance with Scriptural guidelines, as defined in church position papers.

A.2.0—Employment at Will

As directed by state and federal law, employment at Christ Community is voluntary and is subject to termination by either the employee or the church at will, at any time, with or without cause and with or without notice. Nothing stated in these or any other policies shall be interpreted to be in conflict with, eliminate or modify in any way the employment-at-will status of Christ Community employees. This policy of employment-at-will may not be modified by any Elder, Trustee or employee and cannot be modified in any other publication or document.

A.3.0—Staff Structure

It is the intent of Christ Community to clarify employment classifications so that employees understand their status and benefits eligibility. These classifications do not guarantee employment for any specified period of time. In addition, they have not been created to distinguish levels of importance but, rather, to define job responsibilities and expectations. There are two classifications of staff at Christ Community Church: Ministry Staff and Support Staff. Each of the position titles within these classifications is detailed in the following section. Refer to the Staff Organizational Chart for a complete listing of staff positions by title, employee names, and information on reporting relationships and individual team structures.

Ministry Staff Position Classifications

Ministry Staff serve as the primary shepherd of a ministry team or portion of staff. As such, they have the responsibility for the spiritual care of each member of their team. As spiritual development is one of their primary functions/responsibilities, Ministry Staff maintain oversight of an area of ministry that is foundational to the spiritual development of the staff, congregation or community at large (community groups, baptism, stewardship, worship, pastoral care, etc.) In addition, there are those on the Ministry Staff team who hold the title of “Pastor,” who are the main pastoral contact for a specific demographic group within the church (i.e. adults, men/women, singles, seniors, children, youth) or for a significant ministry function (i.e. worship, teaching, counseling, campus oversight). This title could also apply to someone who has previously held the role of Pastor for a significant tenure, regardless of their current roles and responsibilities. The HR team will consider all factors when making a final determination on the classifications of a Ministry Staff member. Factors include, but are not limited to: calling to ministry, scope of authority, scope of responsibility, education, previous experience, specialized skills, role within the ministry team and comparisons to other positions within the church organizational structure.


General Description


Interns … provide program and/or ministry support that is specific to a ministry team. Interns pursue a dual purpose: to serve and to learn. Job responsibilities can include a variety of different tasks, as determined by the needs of the ministry and educational objectives of the intern. (Interns would not qualify for exempt status.)

Managers    /Leaders

Managers and Leaders … provide highly specialized support in positions that manage processes with significant influence, oversight and responsibility. Oversight of staff might include full or part time workers. (Managers may or may not qualify for exempt status.)

Associate Directors

Associate Directors … may manage staff, volunteers and processes for a specific area of an individual ministry, but are not solely responsible for the management of that ministry area. Associate Directors serve to support Directors within the same ministry. Volunteer development is likely a part of this individual’s responsibility. (Associate Directors may or may not qualify for exempt status.)

Producers I and II

Producers … provide highly specialized support for the production of services and special events, as well as the various elements created in support of each. Producers are generally expected to have a high degree of applicable skills and experience. The differentiation between a Producer I and Producer II is determined by a variety of factors, as below (under Director I and II). All of the factors identified are considered when determining the appropriate classification of a particular employee. (Producers would typically qualify for exempt status.)

Directors I and II

Directors … provide leadership and direction for a specific area of ministry within a team. Directors are responsible for the planning and implementation of their respective area of ministry. Volunteer development is a major focus. Oversight of staff could easily include multiple full and part-time employees. The differentiation between a Director I and Director II is determined by a variety of factors which can include: scope of authority and responsibility, education, previous experience, specialized skills, role within the ministry team and comparisons to other positions within the church organizational structure. A Director I might have a high level of education and/or experience with a fairly limited scope of responsibility. A Director II might have mid-level experience with a larger scope of responsibility. All of the factors identified are considered when determining the appropriate classification of a particular employee. (Directors would typically qualify for exempt status.)

Specialized Staff/Pastors

Specialized Staff/Pastors … provide highly specialized support to the church by focusing on a specific area of gifting (i.e. stewardship, teaching, worship). These positions require a high level of experience and knowledge, as they are generally considered the most highly qualified staff member in their respective area of ministry. This position manages processes with church-wide influence, oversight and responsibility. Through the fulfillment of their job, they interact with, serve and represent the entire staff. Oversight of staff might include full or part-time workers. (Specialized Pastors would typically qualify for exempt status.)

Team Captains

Team Captains … provide leadership, direction and oversight to an entire ministry team, which can be comprised of a variety of staff members from all employment classifications. Team Captains are responsible for connecting the vision of their ministry to the larger vision of the church. They are also responsible for representing the vision of the senior leadership to their respective ministry team. (Team Captains would typically qualify for exempt status.)

Management Team

Management Team members … provide secondary oversight of additional ministry teams as assigned, in a manner to ensure overall team health, fiscal responsibility, leadership development, high impact staff and continuous excellence in weekend services and special events. Management Team members are responsible for ensuring that church policy is carried out through each respective ministry team. They are also responsible for representing their teams’ priorities to the senior leadership of the church, as well as representing the vision of the senior leadership to their respective ministry team. (Management Team members would typically qualify for exempt status.)

Support Staff Position Classifications

The Human Resources team will consider all factors when making a final determination on the classification of a support staff member. Factors include, but are not limited to: scope of authority, scope of responsibility, education, previous experience, specialized skills, role within the ministry team and comparisons to other positions within the church organizational structure.


General Description


Interns … provide administrative, program and/or ministry support that is specific to a ministry team. Interns pursue a dual purpose: to serve and to learn. Job responsibilities can include a variety of different tasks, as determined by the support needs of the individual ministry and the educational objectives of the intern. (Interns would not qualify for exempt status.)

Administrative Assistants        I & II

Administrative Assistants … provide administrative support that is specific to one or two individuals on a ministry team. Administrative Assistants are responsible for recruiting and deploying volunteers, but generally do not have staff oversight responsibilities. These positions can range from entry level to highly experienced assistants. The differentiation between an Administrative Assistant I and II is determined by a variety of factors (as detailed below under Executive Assistant). Job responsibilities can include a variety of different tasks, as determined by the support needs of the individual ministry. (Administrative Assistants would typically not qualify for exempt status.)


Coordinators … manage staff, volunteers and processes for a specific area of an individual ministry. Oversight of staff is typically limited to part-time workers. Volunteer development and management may be a significant portion of this individual’s responsibility. (Coordinators would typically not qualify for exempt status.)


Administrators … Provide team-wide administrative support that is not specific to one individual. Through the fulfillment of their job, they interact with, serve and represent their entire team, and generally function as the contact person for team events/communications. Administrators are responsible for recruiting and deploying volunteers. Oversight of staff would generally be limited to part-time workers. (Depending on position responsibilities, Administrators might or might not qualify for exempt status.)


Specialists … provide highly specialized support in positions that require an elevated degree of technical skills and experience. (Specialists would typically qualify for exempt status.)

Executive Assistants

Executive Assistants … provide highly sensitive and specialized support to the senior leadership of the church. Responsibilities require a broad scope of technical knowledge, the capacity to assume leadership over special projects, the effective use of independent judgment, and the ability to see how the goals and priorities of the ministry team relate to the larger vision of the church. (Executive Assistants would typically qualify for exempt status.)


Managers … provide highly specialized support in positions that manage processes with church-wide influence, oversight and responsibility. Through the fulfillment of their job, they interact with, serve and represent the entire staff. Oversight of staff might include full or part-time workers. (Managers would typically qualify for exempt status.)

Determination of exempt status for any position is dependent upon verification of the professional, administrative or executive exemption, as indicated by the specific duties assigned for the position. Refer to Section A.4.0 for more information.

A.4.0—Exempt and Non-Exempt

Exempt Staff

Exempt employees are not covered under the minimum pay and overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. To be classified as an exempt employee under this Act, the employee must meet several requirements. These requirements relate to the type of work the employee is performing, his/her level of authority, and the amount of compensation being paid.

Exempt employees are paid on a salaried basis for the duties related to their specific position and employment classification. Such employees are not paid overtime for time worked in excess of forty (40) hours per week. In circumstances where exempt employees work excessively over their normally scheduled hours, they may be granted compensatory time off at a later date, as described in Section B.13.0.

Each church employee’s position will be evaluated to determine if the Act’s exempt requirements are met before the employee is so classified.

Non-Exempt Staff

Non-exempt employees are covered under the minimum pay and overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. These employees shall be paid an hourly rate no less than the present minimum hourly rate mandated by the State of Illinois and for time worked in excess of forty hours per week at a rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) times their regular pay rate. Paid time off used in a workweek does not qualify as hours “worked” in the calculation of overtime pay. Examples of paid time off could be: vacation, holidays, sick leave, etc. No compensatory time off is allowed for non-exempt employees outside a forty-hour workweek.

A.5.0—Definition of Employment Categories

Regular Full-Time Staff. Permanent, full-time employees who work 37.5 hours or more per workweek. Benefits for this classification of employees are outlined in Section C.

Regular Part-Time Staff. Permanent, part-time employees who work less than 37.5 hours per workweek. Employee benefits are limited to those outlined in Section C.

Temporary (or Interim) Full-Time Staff. Temporary, full-time employees who work 37.5 hours or more per workweek for a specific period of time or for the duration of a specific assignment or group of assignments, which does not exceed twelve months. Temporary full-time staff are not eligible for employee benefits.

Temporary (or Interim) Part-Time Staff. Temporary, part-time employees who work less than 37.5 hours per workweek for a period of time not to exceed twelve months. Temporary part-time staff are not eligible for employee benefits.

Temporary On-Call. Employees who work on a part-time, as needed basis. Temporary/on-call staff are not eligible for employee benefits.

Interns. Interns are individuals who work on a full-time or part-time basis as an educational opportunity. Interns are contracted for a finite term and are generally stipendiary staff. Interns are not eligible for employee benefits.

Non-Classified Staff. Non-classified staff members are hired to work part-time in specialized roles within a specific team, serving as needed to meet scheduling needs (i.e. KidsZone workers, drama coordinators, wedding coordinators, campus care). Non-classified staff are held by the same standards of conduct and employment policies as other staff, but are considered as adjunct employees in the church organizational structure. As such, they are exempt from participating in mandatory staff functions and are ineligible for employment benefits.

A.6.0—Changing Status

Employees who are currently working part-time (regular or temporary) or temporary full-time and their status changes to regular full-time (minimum of 37.5 hours per workweek) will be eligible for full-time benefits. The effective date for benefits will be the same as the effective date of the employee’s full-time status, applying any waiting periods already established.

A.7.0—Minister Qualifications for Special Tax Provisions

To qualify for the special tax provisions available to ministers as defined by Treasury Regulations, an individual must be a “minister” and must perform services “in the exercise of his ministry.” First, the individual must be a “duly ordained, commissioned, or licensed minister of a church.” Secondly, services performed by a minister in the exercise of the ministry would include:

  • Ministration of sacerdotal functions (i.e. communion, baptism, weddings, funerals)
  • Considered to be a religious leader of their church
  • Conduct of religious worship

The Human Resources staff will make a recommendation if they believe a church employee likely meets the governmental definition of a dual-status minister. At no time will the church allow an employee to be classified as a “dual-status minister” for the sole purpose of receiving tax-related benefits. If it is determined that an employee likely qualifies for this classification, they will become eligible for the various tax treatments available. Employees should consult with a tax representative to assess whether the tax adjustments derived from this classification are truly a benefit and in consideration of their best interests. Individual employees bear the full responsibility of consulting with tax and legal representatives as needed to make their own determination as to their eligibility for this classification, as they are personally liable for any assessment of additional taxes or penalties assessed by the IRS in any potential challenge to their status as such.

A.8.0—Employee Status for Federal Income Tax Purposes

All employees of the church will be issued an IRS Form W-2 at the end of each year to report taxable income, applicable tax withholdings and required miscellaneous information.

Employees classified as dual-status ministers are exempt by law from the withholding of federal income taxes and therefore will not have any federal or state income tax withheld by Christ Community Church. These employees will be solely responsible for soliciting the appropriate counsel to determine their ongoing tax liabilities, filing quarterly estimates and reporting earnings information to applicable governing agencies. The church will not withhold FICA taxes nor match the employer portion of this tax.

A.9.0—Immigration Law Compliance

Christ Community Church is committed to employing only United States citizens and aliens who are authorized to work in the United States and does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of citizenship or national origin.

In compliance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, each new employee, as a condition of employment, must complete the Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9 and present documentation establishing identity and employment eligibility. Former employees who are rehired must also complete the form, if they have not completed the I-9 form with Christ Community Church within the past three years, or their previous I-9 is no longer retained or valid. Employees with questions or seeking more information on immigration law issues are encouraged to contact the Human Resource Manager. Employees may raise questions or complaints about immigration law compliance without fear of reprisal.

A.10.0—Employment of Minors

All applicants for employment who are under sixteen years of age may be required to provide a valid Work Permit. For the purpose of this policy, “minors” shall be defined as individuals under the age of sixteen. Minors cannot work during school hours unless they receive an exemption from school. Additionally, a parent/guardian acceptance letter and medical consent form must be received before a minor is allowed to work at Christ Community Church. In addition to these requirements, individuals fourteen or fifteen years of age will be restricted from working after 7:00 p.m. on weeknights during the school year, and from working more than three hours per day on a school day or eight hours a day on a non-school day. In compliance with Illinois Department of Labor laws, under no circumstance will Christ Community employ an individual under the age of fourteen. Employees between the ages of sixteen and eighteen, though not considered as minors for the purpose of this policy, shall be restricted from working more than ten hours per day or forty hours per week without prior written approval from the Executive Pastor.

Minors shall not be allowed to work in the facilities department, or any other area where they could be assigned hazardous duties. Hazardous duties would consist of, but not be limited to: electrical work, construction projects, roofing repairs, operation of industrial mowing equipment, driving of church vehicles, etc. Employees that direct the work of volunteers should note that these restrictions also apply to any minors performing volunteer service at the church.

A.11.0—Position Posting

As often as possible, open positions will be communicated to the staff and congregation through use of email, program announcements and website postings. If necessary, transfers or hires may be initiated without prior staff notification, all-church communication or public posting of the position.

A.12.0—Application Process

To try and ensure that individuals who join Christ Community staff are well qualified for their position and able to operate efficiently within our culture, it is the policy of Christ Community to:

  • Conduct employment and personal references.
  • Engage in a comprehensive interview process that may include Team Captains, the Executive Pastor, Senior Pastor and/or Human Resources staff, elders and other lay leaders, and other ministry and support staff members.
  • Have the prospective employee take such indicator assessments as Myers-Briggs, Team Profile, DiSC and Spiritual Gifts Inventory. A series of ministry questions are also presented to prospective ministry staff and the supplemental employment application is requested from all candidates.

Information submitted by an applicant for employment must be complete and factual. Business and personal references will be checked prior to employment and a criminal background search will be initiated on all employees immediately upon hire. If it is discovered that an applicant has, either by omission or commission, misrepresented any information during the application process, that person will become ineligible for consideration of employment. If, after employment has begun, Christ Community becomes aware that information was omitted or misrepresented during the application process, that staff member may be subject to immediate termination. All employee searches and hires are contingent upon written approval of the Executive Pastor (in the form of a signed offer letter) and may also be subject to the consent of the Senior Pastor and/or Elders.

A.13.0—Staff Placement and Internal Transfers

Staff Placement. Christ Community considers job-related giftedness and qualifications as the main priority when making decisions regarding staff recruitment, selections, transfers and promotions. In an effort to make the most prudent decisions regarding staff selection and placement, Human Resources will collect, verify and review information to help evaluate a candidate’s qualification for the specific area of service or ministry, which shall include but not be limited to: prior job performance, personal and professional credentials, evidence of a growing spiritual walk, gifts, abilities, passions and credentials. All candidates considered for employment must be growing, committed followers of Jesus Christ. As a condition of employment, employees must be willing and able to comply with and support all of the policies, procedures, standards and statements outlined in the Employee Handbook, position papers and other governing documents created for Christ Community Church, including the Statement of Faith.

Internal Transfers. Internal transfers may be considered if they would benefit the church, meet the needs and match the giftedness of the individual employee, and not cause excessive or undue strain on the employee’s current ministry team. However, as part of the church’s practice to protect the stability and structure of its ministry teams, staff are not allowed to proactively recruit other staff for vacant positions within the church. The Executive Pastor or Human Resource Manager will approach an employee and their respective supervisor if they are being considered for another position within the church. If a staff member is interested in an open position, they may inquire about the position with the Human Resource Manager, but then must notify their supervisor of their intent to apply. Staff transfers are generally not considered for staff who have held their current position for less than twelve months.

A.14.0—Employment of Relatives

Hiring the best-qualified applicant for any position is Christ Community Church’s primary objective. To this end, we neither encourage nor discourage the employment of relatives to those presently on staff. Relatives of church employees will be considered under the same arrangement as any other applicant for a position opening and will not receive any preferential treatment. Related employees will not normally be allowed to work in the same ministry team and shall never be placed under the direct supervision of each other. The reasons for this practice are consideration of employee morale, security, or other legitimate business reasons including potential conflicts-of-interest. If a conflict-of-interest does arise or another general performance issue is noted which affects the morale of the related employee, an employee may be asked to transfer to another ministry team or resign. As used in this section, the term relatives will include grandparents, parents, children, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, first cousins, in-laws and any members of the employee’s household, whether or not related by blood. The term relative will also include those with a similar relationship which has been established through adoption or remarriage, i.e. stepchild, half-sister, etc.

A.15.0—Disability Accommodation

Christ Community Church is committed to complying fully with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and ensuring equal opportunity in employment for qualified persons with disabilities. All employment practices and activities are conducted on a non-discriminatory basis. Christ Community will attempt to provide a reasonable accommodation for the known physical or mental disability of an applicant or employee if the disability impairs a major life function and the applicant or employee is otherwise qualified for a position. It is the responsibility of the employee or applicant with a physical or mental disability that substantially limits a major life activity to request an accommodation by putting in writing your accommodation needs with Human Resources. In accordance with the ADA, Christ Community will take requests seriously and will promptly determine whether the employee or applicant is a qualified individual with a disability and whether a reasonable accommodation exists that would allow the employee or applicant to perform the essential functions of the job without imposing an undue hardship on the church or other employees. To determine the existence of a disability within the meaning of the ADA, or to determine the feasibility or effectiveness of an accommodation, the church may request medical information or opinions as permitted by the ADA. The employee or applicant has the responsibility to provide such information promptly upon request.

A.16.0—Introductory/Probation Period

All new, rehired or newly placed employees will function on an introductory basis for the first ninety days following the position start date, unless otherwise stated in the employee’s offer letter. The introductory period is intended to give new employees the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to achieve a satisfactory level of performance and to determine whether the new position meets their expectations. Christ Community uses this period to evaluate employee capabilities, work habits and overall performance. As Illinois is an Employment-At-Will state, either the employee or the church may end the employment relationship at any time either during or after the introductory period, with or without cause and with or without advance notice.

Any significant absence may result in either termination of the employee or extension of the introductory period. If Christ Community determines that the designated introductory period does not allow sufficient time to thoroughly evaluate an employee’s performance, this period may be extended for a specified period of time, which would be communicated in advance to the employee. Upon satisfactory completion of the introductory period, employees enter the regular employment classification.

A.17.0—Church Membership and Attendance

All employees are expected to be members of the church and be faithful in regularly attending scheduled worship services. Exceptions are generally considered for staff members who are out-of-town, on vacation, on sick leave or dealing with a family emergency. For all staff, but for ministry staff especially, attendance is strongly encouraged for spouse and dependent children.CCC leadership strongly supports the value of families worshipping together on a regular basis. While membership requirements cannot be imposed upon staff spouses and children, church leadership would not advocate or elect to enter into any arrangement which would prevent family members from worshiping together and being active members of the same church body.

Ministry staff must request weekends off in writing and receive approval from their supervisor. With the exception of staff members responsible for KidsWorld programming, church responsibilities and work schedules cannot prohibit staff from regularly attending at least one of the scheduled weekend services. KidsWorld staff members must remain accountable for regularly listening to teaching messages for weekends when service attendance is not possible.

A.18.0—Proximity to Church

Unless specifically authorized by the Executive Pastor, staff members are expected to live within a thirty-minute drive from their home campus and within a forty-minute drive to the St. Charles campus. This is an important requirement so that our staff can reasonably reach out and invite their friends and neighbors to church services/events, and so that their families can be actively engaged in community with those who are also a part of the body of Christ Community Church.


We believe in the biblical command for Christ-followers to give the first ten percent of their income to the Lord’s work through the local church. Therefore, it is an expectation of all staff members that they are fulfilling God’s minimum standard for giving at Christ Community.

A.20.0—Guidelines for Outside Employment

If an employee chooses to work at another job(s) outside of the church, they should consider their position at Christ Community Church as their primary job (unless designated otherwise in the employee’s offer letter). It is the responsibility of the employee to effectively balance the responsibilities of their outside employment with their responsibilities at CCC. If a supervisor determines that an employee’s outside work interferes with their performance or ability to meet the requirements of the job description, the employee may be asked to terminate the outside employment arrangement(s) if they wish to remain employed with Christ Community. Additionally, if any staff member chooses to be employed by or to associate with an organization that could be considered a conflict of interest for and/or potentially damaging to the reputation of Christ Community Church, that employee may be terminated or asked to immediately terminate any/all association with the organization in question. Any full-time employee seeking outside employment must first receive written permission from the Executive Pastor. Please refer to Section E.27.0 for additional guidelines related to outside employment/remuneration.

A.21.0—Conflict of Interest

If any relationships, endeavors or commitments are not consistent with Christ Community’s values, potentially harmful to Christ Community’s reputation, interfering with job responsibilities or deemed inappropriate by Christ Community leadership, employees will be asked and expected to immediately curtail or discontinue these activities. Outside employment will be considered a conflict of interest if it has an adverse impact on the church. In situations such as this, the employee’s Team Captain will work jointly with the Human Resources team to evaluate the potential conflict and determine the appropriate response. The situation may then be reviewed by those higher in authority at the employee’s or Team Captain’s request. Seeking resolution in this manner may continue through all management levels until it is submitted to the board of Elders. The determination of the issue by the Elders will be considered final.

A.22.0—Church Community Protection Clause

Upon accepting employment with Christ Community Church, each employee is entering into an understanding whereby they agree that should they leave CCC employment, they will not accept employment at a church within ten miles of their primary Christ Community campus for a period of one year from the date their service to the church is terminated. For our own part, Christ Community does not actively seek to hire individuals for a specific campus who have worked at another church within ten miles of that campus for a period of one year. We adhere to this guideline and request that same understanding to avoid: 1) disruption in the life of our church, 2) engendering a spirit of competition, and, 3) putting people in the awkward position of choosing between churches if a beloved staff member left for a church in close proximity to Christ Community.

Section B—Compensation

For the Scripture says, ‘Do not muzzle the ox while it is treading out the grain,’ and ‘The worker deserves his wages.’ (1 Tim. 5:18)


The workweek for all Christ Community employees shall begin at 12:01 a.m. on Saturday and extend to 12:00 midnight on Friday. The total hours reported within each week must reflect the sum total of hours worked within this time period, with overtime hours calculated and paid out in accordance with the policy set forth in Section B.10.0.

B.2.0—Pay Periods

Christ Community Church practices a semi-monthly pay period that begins at 12:01 a.m. on the first and sixteenth of each month and ends at 12:00 midnight on the fifteenth and last day of each month.

Hourly employees receive wages for hours worked in the previous pay period. All salaried employees are paid in arrears for the most recently completed pay period. Paychecks are issued on the fourteenth and final day of the month for the respective pay period. If the pay period falls on a holiday or weekend day, the payday will be the preceding normal workday. Paychecks are available after 12:00 p.m. and will be placed in the employee’s inbox in the workroom near the reception desk, unless arrangements have been previously secured to have the paycheck mailed to the employee’s home or distributed in another manner. The cashing of employee paychecks is not allowed from church funds.

B.3.0—Advance of Pay

Advancement of pay is not granted to employees under any circumstances. Employees are encouraged to utilize the Direct Deposit option available, to allow for depositing funds in a timely manner while on vacation, traveling for church business or out of the office for other reasons.

B.4.0—Direct Deposit of Paychecks

Employees may choose to have their paycheck automatically deposited each payday to a maximum of two checking accounts and two savings accounts. This service is provided at no charge to the employee. Employees must complete a Direct Deposit form and return it to the Accounts Payable Specialist to initiate this service.

B.5.0—Work Schedules and Pay Structures

CCC staff will be scheduled, paid, and will report work hours in the manner described below for each category. Employees will work with their supervisor to establish and publish a regular weekly work schedule upon hire and should take initiative to notify the HR Administrator of any permanent changes as they occur. Employees are expected to adhere to their published weekly work schedule unless a flextime arrangement has been approved by their supervisor.

Full-Time Exempt Ministry Staff are salaried and are required to regularly schedule and work 45 hours per workweek; however, they may be expected to regularly extend their hours in any given week based on the needs of the ministry. Employees in the classification are eligible to accrue hours after the 45th hour worked in any given workweek but can only do so as detailed in the flex time policy described in Section B.13.0. Employees in this classification are not required to submit a time sheet recording hours worked.

Full-Time, Non-Exempt Ministry Staff are salaried and shall be required to regularly schedule and work forty hours per workweek; however, they may be expected to extend their hours in any given week based on the needs of the ministry. Hours worked in excess of forty in any given workweek must be approved in advance by the supervisor or Team Captain. Employees in this classification are not required to submit a time sheet recording hours worked, except as noted in Section B.7.0.

Full-Time, Exempt Support Staff are salaried and shall be required to regularly schedule and work forty hours per workweek; however, they may be expected to extend their hours in any given week based on the needs of the ministry. Employees in the classification are not eligible to accrue flex hours until after the 45th hour worked in any given workweek and then, will only accrue time as detailed in the policy described in Section B.13.0. Employees in this classification are not required to submit a time sheet recording hours worked.

Full-Time Non-Exempt Support Staff are salaried and shall be required to regularly schedule and work forty hours per workweek however, they may be expected to extend their hours in any given week based on the needs of the ministry. Hours worked in excess of forty in any given workweek must be approved in advance by the supervisor or Team Captain. Employees in this classification are not required to submit a time sheet recording hours worked, except as noted in Section B.7.0.

Part-Time, Exempt Ministry Staff are salaried and are required to schedule and work the number of hours described in their offer letter, however, they may be expected to extend their hours in any given week based on the needs of the ministry. Employees in this classification are not required to submit a time sheet recording hours worked.

Part-Time, Non-Exempt Ministry and Support Staff are hourly and are required to schedule and work the number of hours described in their offer letter. Employees in this classification are required to submit a time sheet recording hours worked.

Interns are either hourly or stipendiary, will generally have flexible work schedules based on the needs of the ministry they serve, and are required to submit a time sheet recording hours worked. Any hours worked over forty in a given workweek shall be subject to overtime pay, as outlined in Section B.10.0. For interns who are stipendiary, the calculation of hourly pay shall at no time become less than the federal minimum hourly wage.

B.6.0—Calculating Work Hours

Ministry staff are expected to be at Christ Community during both Sunday morning services and all staff are expected to attend one service each week in the main auditorium. Additional information on this requirement can be found in Section A.17.0 and is additionally detailed in the “Supporting the Motto, Motive & Mission” section located in the “Expectations of Employment” section at the beginning of the Handbook.

Ministry staff who have Saturday evening services scheduled at their home campus are required to attend the Saturday service at least once per month. Once each month, the hours spent attending the Saturday night services can be counted as work hours. Should ministry staff choose to attend Saturday night services more than once per month to worship, this time does not count as hours worked. The only exception to this would be for staff who have scheduled work responsibilities related to the execution of Saturday night services. For those staff, Saturday work hours can be counted from arrival to departure each week.

Because only a portion of members/attenders will attend on Saturday evening, attendance at both weekly Sunday services remains an expectation of all Ministry Staff. For full-time, exempt Ministry Staff, attending and/or participating in Sunday services does not contribute toward the total hours worked in the week. For the purposes of this scheduling exclusion, service time is designated as thirty minutes prior to the first Sunday service to thirty minutes following the last Sunday service. Part-time and non-exempt staff may schedule work hours on Saturday and Sunday only as approved by their supervisor, but those hours cannot prevent the employee from attending at least one service or from observing a Sabbath during the workweek. Part-time and non-exempt staff must count/report any time worked, including hours worked during special events and weekend services.

If an employee participates in or leads a Community Group, the time spent in that group is not considered part of their regular hours. For Ministry Staff who lead in a second Community Group, the hours spent in that group can be included as part of their regular work hours.

Although staff are encouraged to participate in service areas outside of their respective employment positions within the church, this volunteer service cannot be considered as part of the scheduled workweek. Non-exempt employees cannot volunteer to serve in their role of paid employment within the church (the specific functions detailed within their job description). Volunteer service can only be considered for areas “above and beyond” the scope of the employment job description. Occasionally, a non-exempt employee may be asked or invited to perform a task that is outside the scope of their regular job description. The employee’s Team Captain will qualify whether the employee can elect to perform this task or if it is considered as an expectation of employment. If the task is considered an expectation of employment, it must be paid time and will count towards the total hours worked within a week. If the staff member has the option to serve in this area and elects to do so, this service will be considered as volunteer and will not be reported on their Time Card or paid out as time worked. These restrictions do not apply to exempt employees.

Employees that attend off-site, overnight retreats at an organized residential camp and who serve on behalf of their respective ministry team shall be considered exempt from overtime throughout their service in this capacity, as defined in Section 5 of the The Minimum Wage Act of 1968. In these situations, work hours shall be calculated at eight total hours per day.

Employees should refer to Section E.11.0 for policies regarding breaks and lunch periods and for instructions on how work time should be calculated for exempt and non-exempt employment classifications in consideration of these policies.

B.7.0—Reporting Work Hours

All non-exempt employees are required to complete a Time Sheet that accurately reflects their actual hours worked, leaves of absence and sicknesses.

All non-exempt, salaried employees are required to submit a written record of hours worked whenever they work more or less hours than their published weekly schedule. In the event that the hours actively worked in a workweek (as defined in Section B.6.0) exceed forty total hours, staff will be compensated in accordance with the overtime policy set forth in Section B.10.0.

It is the responsibility of the employee to submit completed Time Sheets to their supervisor for approval and to forward the signed time sheet to the Accounts Payable Specialist by no later than two days following the end of each respective pay period. For pay periods ending on the fifteenth of the month, approved Time Sheets must be turned in by the seventeenth. For payperiods ending on the last day of the month, approved Time Sheets must be turned in by the second of the following month. When these due dates fall over the course of a weekend, Time Sheets must be turned in by no later than 11:00 a.m. on the Monday immediately following the due date. Failure to turn in Time Sheets on a timely basis may result in a delay of pay.

B.8.0—Second Position Within the Church

Non-exempt employees who hold more than one position at Christ Community Church will receive compensation for the second position commensurate with compensation normally paid for that position. For example, if an Administrative Support Staff member who works wishes to serve as a paid childcare worker in KidsZone, which are hours outside the normal scheduled workweek, the hourly rate paid for the secondary position will be within the usual rate paid to a childcare worker. Compensation for total hours worked for both positions in excess of 40 hours for the week, however, will be paid time and a half at the premium position rate. A separate Time Sheet must be prepared for any secondary position and approval must be received from the immediate supervisor for that position.

It is not the practice of the Church to compensate salaried employees beyond their designated wage for work they perform on behalf of the church (i.e. work for hire), except as outlined in the overtime policy set forth in Section B.10.0 for non-exempt staff.

B.9.0—Long Term or Permanent Work Schedule Variations

Staffing needs and operational demands may necessitate scheduling variations affecting starting and ending times, as well as variations in total hours scheduled for each day and week. The church may accommodate other flexible scheduling to assist with childcare, university course work and speaking opportunities. These requests would require approval by the employee’s supervisor or Team Captain and this benefit would be subject to quarterly review for extensions. The needs of Christ Community may dictate the availability of a regularly scheduled variation. When conflicting requests exist, each variation will be considered based on factors such as church needs, staff accessibility, the employee’s individual responsibilities, employee seniority and urgency of need.


Federal labor laws require the church to pay time-and-a-half (1-1/2) for any time non-exempt employee’s work that is in excess of forty hours per week (not pay period). To ensure compliance with this law, non-exempt employees are required to report all hours in accordance with the guidelines established in Section B.7.0. Overtime pay shall go into effect following the fortieth hour worked within a workweek, which shall not include paid or unpaid lunch breaks, paid holidays, vacation or any other leave time.

Non-exempt personnel are specifically not allowed to “volunteer” hours in performing their regular job assignment. Since all overtime hours worked are required to be paid at the time-and-a-half rate, it is the responsibility of the non-exempt employee’s supervisor to monitor and prioritize each non-exempt employee’s work so that overtime is kept to an absolute minimum. Prior approval must be received from the direct supervisor or Team Captain before an employee can work more than forty hours in any given workweek. It is the policy of Christ Community Church to staff all administrative support and activities in such a manner that non-exempt employees are regularly scheduled for forty hours or less per workweek. Overtime is intended to be a vehicle to resolve emergencies or to temporarily alleviate problems resulting from an imbalance in the normal work schedule.

B.11.0—Work Schedule Adjustments

Christ Community recognizes that the need may arise for employees to adjust their regular weekly work schedule to accommodate personal and/or ministry needs. These adjustments may necessitate variations to scheduled starting and ending times, as well as the specific days worked within the week. For non-exempt staff, schedule adjustments can only occur within the parameters of the defined workweek, as detailed in Section B.1.0.

Schedule adjustments are commonly utilized when ministry programs or activities cause for excessive hours to be worked in a specific portion of the workweek. This flexibility will help non-exempt employees avoid working in excess of forty hours within a given workweek. Work scheduled adjustments should be discussed with and approved in advance by the employee’s supervisor.

B.12.0—Replenishment Time

To protect and uphold the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health of the staff at Christ Community Church, we encourage each staff member to establish a regular Sabbath day in their weekly work schedule. To further support this, we ask for the assistance of our staff, elders, volunteers and members in honoring the sanctity of this day by refraining from contacting staff except with urgent or extremely time sensitive information. When establishing their regular weekly work schedule, employees should be sure to include a full day off from work-related functions to be designated as a Sabbath day.

B.13.0—Flex Time

Flex time is awarded only to staff members who are not eligible to receive overtime pay. Because of the nature of ministry, it is common for exempt staff to work more than their regularly scheduled hours. There may, however, be seasons where exempt employees work an excessive number of hours above and beyond their regular work schedule (as defined in Section B.5.0). It is generally understood that these “seasons of intense ministry” are the exception rather than the general rule. If employees feel that these “seasons” have become the rule rather than the exception, they should consult with their Team Captain.

Team Captains shall have the responsibility of discerning when flex time shall be granted to an employee. The following parameters have been established to assist in determining the amount of time that may be granted and how it can be utilized:

  • When flex time is earned, the accrual cannot exceed the rate of one hour of flex time for every one hour of service.
  • In consideration of stewarding the church’s resources in a proper manner, flex time cannot be banked and used at a later time. If flex time is not taken within the pay period following the pay period it is earned, it shall be forfeited, as the purpose of this time is to support on-going, weekly health, balance and refreshment; not to provide time off at a later date.

B.14.0—Payroll Deductions

Christ Community is required by law to make certain mandatory deductions from each paycheck, with the exception of some specific deductions for employees who are considered licensed, dual-status ministers. These deductions include federal and state income taxes, the employee’s individual contributions to Social Security and Medicare, and may also include elective benefit contributions. In addition, the church may be required to make deductions from an employee’s paycheck (i.e. garnishments) when ordered by a court of law to do so.


As required by law, the church is required to honor legal garnishments of employees’ wages. The church will notify the applicable employee of any garnishment notice received by the church.

B.16.0—Lost Paychecks

Employees must notify the Accounts Payable Specialist immediately if a paycheck is determined to be lost or otherwise missing. The Executive Pastor will determine when a replacement check can be issued. The employee will be responsible for reimbursing the church for any applicable stop-payment fees charged by the bank.

B.17.0—Gifts to Staff, Elders, Trustees, Lay Leaders and/or Volunteers

The following guidelines shall apply to any cash or cash-equivalent gifts purchased with church funds:

Gifts to Current Staff

Christ Community Church may present gifts to staff, such as cash or gift cards for birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas/year-end, cash bonuses, or for special recognition/appreciation. To avoid duplication of purchases with church funds, these staff gifts can only be purchased through the accounts established for the Executive and Senior Pastors.

In accordance with church policy, a staff member or a member of his/her immediate family may also be gifted with a waived fee (i.e. employee discount for a ministry event) or a payment on behalf of the employee (i.e. counseling session). The Team Captain for the respective ministry shall be responsible for establishing a system to ensure the timely reporting of any fees waived or services paid by the church on behalf of staff, so that each gift can be appropriately recorded as income on the employee’s W-2 and subject to the appropriate state and federal income tax.

According to IRS guidelines, the fair market value of staff gifts may be considered as taxable income to the employee and, if so, must be reported as such on the employee’s W-2. It is the employee’s responsibility to pay all applicable taxes related to this reported income.

Any other gifts to staff, including personal gifts from one staff member to another, shall not be funded by church accounts and, thus, are not reported on an employee’s W-2.

Gifts for Departing Staff

The church will provide up to a specific limit determined in each fiscal year budget for either a going-away reception or team luncheon in honor of departing staff members. These parameters can be discussed with the HR Manager during the ‘Last 90 Hours’ discussion upon notice of termination. In unique and specific circumstances, staff members may be gifted with church equipment or resources upon their departure, which will be determined by the Executive Pastor in consideration of a number of factors including the age of the equipment/resources, the employee’s need, the terms of his/her departure from staff and the staff member’s plans/next steps following termination. If a staff member retains possession of any church property upon separation of employment, the current “fair market” value of any such items will be reported as a taxable income on the employee’s W-2. The employee’s Team Captain and the Executive Pastor must agree to any such arrangement before it is considered approved or communicated to the employee.

A severance package may be considered for staff members subject to involuntary terminations, depending on the circumstances affecting their dismissal. It is not the practice of Christ Community Church to provide severance pay to employees who voluntarily resign their position, with the exception of staff who depart from staff in accordance to the guidelines established for retirement.

Gifts for Elders and Trustees

Cash or non-cash gifts purchased for incoming, outgoing or existing members of the Elder or Trustee teams shall be purchased only through the accounts established for use by the Administration Team Captain, Executive Pastor and/or Senior Pastor.

Gifts for Lay Leaders and Ministry Volunteers

Cash or non-cash gifts purchased for lay leaders and ministry volunteers can be purchased through individual ministry/team accounts, provided that such accounts remain within budgetary limits.

Benevolent Gifts

The Caring Ministry Assistant will coordinate benevolent gifts (flowers, cards, etc.) on behalf of the church in response to situations involving staff, elders, trustees, and their family members. If a ministry team elects to purchase an additional gift in response to these same events, funds may be collected from individuals, but church/ministry accounts should not be utilized a second time for the same event. Ministry account funds can be used for benevolent gifts for lay leaders or ministry volunteers.

If any additional clarification is needed, staff members should consult the HR Administrator or his/her respective Team Captain for more comprehensive information on the appropriate use of church funds for gifts.

B.18.0—Outside Renumeration

In order to be fair to both Christ Community Church and to its staff, formal guidelines have been established for the sharing of CCC resources and outside remuneration. Please refer to Section E.27.0 for a complete overview of these policy guidelines.

B.19.0—Final Paycheck

The final paycheck for voluntary terminated (resignation) employees will be available at the close of the normal payroll cycle. In most cases, the final paycheck for involuntary terminated employees will be prepared in advance and will be issued to the employee after the exit interview has been successfully completed.

B.20.0—Salary Administration

It is the policy of Christ Community Church to maintain and administer a formal salary structure to establish compensation ranges for all position classifications. Periodically, at the request of the Executive Pastor, the Human Resources staff will facilitate salary surveys to evaluate if salary ranges for specific position classifications are:

  • Comparable to like positions in churches with similar demographic profiles.
  • At a reasonable level to allow staff to live and serve within the local community.

The minimum of the salary range is considered the entry-level starting point for each position and serves as a guideline rather than an absolute figure. The maximum for the salary range establishes the upper limit for each position. Staff salaries cannot be set above the established maximum for a range. Changes to the salary ranges are subject to approval by the Elders and Trustees, and generally are only considered following a formal salary review process. These maximum limits would normally affect staff who, through outstanding performance and longevity, have reached the top of their salary range and are limited in promotional opportunities.

Progression through the salary range is based on an individual’s performance and is not an automatic advancement based upon length of service. Salary increases take the following factors into consideration:

  • The employee’s performance.
  • The employee’s behavior as compared to Christ Community’s values.
  • The timing and total of the employee’s last salary adjustment.
  • The employee’s scope of responsibility and relative position within the salary range.
  • The employee’s salary as compared to others performing similar work.

Percentages for merit increases are based upon annual budget guidelines, as approved by the Elders and Trustees. Individual staff salaries are reviewed carefully and with appropriate frequency.

B.21.0—Confidentiality of Salary and Wages

Employee salary and wages are considered extremely confidential. Salary and wage information is not published for public disclosure at Christ Community Church. Employees must not seek to ascertain information about a fellow worker’s compensation. If such information is inadvertently related to an employee, he or she is not to discuss it. Information that is church business, especially information relating to financial data and/or pay for employees, is considered sensitive and confidential. Therefore, employees are required to prevent the release of such information and expected to honor this trust.

Section C—Employee Benefits

C.1.0—Benefits Introduction

The information in this section is provided to specify the benefits available to eligible employees of Christ Community Church. While this Handbook summarizes the benefits provided, each specific benefit option is subject to the full terms and conditions of individual plans, as well as the eligibility requirements described within this Handbook and in governing contracts and documents. If there is any discrepancy between this Handbook and the governing contracts, the provisions of the contracts will govern. Although the benefits described in this section are currently available, these benefits may be adjusted at any time. Considerations that may lead to an adjustment in benefits include, but are not limited to, an increase in the cost of the benefits and/or the decrease of funds or contributions received by Christ Community Church that may have an adverse effect on the church’s financial position. Consequently, Christ Community expressly reserves the right to change, suspend, or terminate any of its benefit plans or to change any statement made in this Handbook at any time.

Benefits eligibility is dependent upon a variety of factors including employee classification. Unless expressly indicated, benefits are available to regular, full-time employees. The Human Resource Manager is available to identify the specific benefits each employee is eligible to receive. Some benefits require employee participation in costs that are funded through ongoing payroll deductions. If an eligible employee elects not to be covered under any of the benefit plans available to them through the church, a waiver must be signed and placed in the employee’s personnel file so stating the decline of said coverage.

Programs such as Social Security and state disability cover all employees in the manner prescribed by law. In addition to these benefits:

…the following benefits are also available to eligible full-time staff, as detailed in the sections to follow:

…the following benefits are also available to eligible part-time staff, as detailed in the sections to follow:

  • Health Insurance
  • Dental Insurance
  • Health Reimbursement Account
  • Pre-Tax Flexible Spending and Dependant Care Reimbursement Accounts
  • Life Insurance
  • Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance (AD&D)
  • Long-Term and Short-Term Disability
  • Family Medical Leave Act
  • Benefits Continuation
  • Paid Vacation, Paid Holidays and Paid Personal Leave
  • Paid Sick Time and Wellness Time
  • Paid Bereavement Leave
  • Paid Jury Duty, Court Subpoena, Voting and Military Leave
  • Workers’ Compensation Coverage
  • Workers’ Compensation Leave
  • Paid Leave for Mission Trip
  • Allowances for Education, Books/Resources, Hosting and Conferences (Ministry Staff only)
  • Employee and Employer contributions to 403(b)7—Tax Sheltered Annuity
  • Percentage reduction in participation costs for applicable ministry programs/events
  • Percentage discount at the Lifeline Bookstore
  • Pre-Tax Dependant Care Reimbursement Account
  • Paid Holidays
  • Paid Leave for Mission Trip
  • Paid Bereavement Leave
  • Paid Jury Duty Leave
  • Paid Court Subpoena, Voting and Military Leave
  • Workers’ Compensation Coverage
  • Workers’ Compensation Leave
  • Family Medical Leave Act
  • Allowances for Education, Books/Resources, Hosting and Conferences (Ministry Staff only)
  • Employee contributions to 403(b)7—Tax Sheltered Annuity
  • Percentage reduction in participation costs for applicable ministry programs/events
  • Percentage discount at the Lifeline Bookstore

Employment benefits available to non-classified staff:

  • Workers’ Compensation Coverage
  • Workers’ Compensation Leave
  • Family Medical Leave Act

C.2.0—Health Insurance

Christ Community provides an individual or family health insurance benefit option consisting of comprehensive major medical coverage to all regular, full-time employees. Enrollment materials and details regarding premiums, deductibles, coverage limitations/exclusions, out-of-pocket maximums, etc. are available from the Human Resource Manager. Employees are eligible to enroll in the health insurance plan on the first day of full-time employment, but coverage may be subject to the insurance carrier’s waiting period, as defined in the contract. Employees are eligible to receive coverage through their last day of employment, as determined by the Executive Director in consultation with the employee. Employees are eligible to modify their benefit coverage once per year, except in the case of a “qualifying event.” Some common qualifying events are marriage, birth or adoption of a child, or death of a spouse or dependant, employee leave of absence, or the changes in eligibility for a dependent child. The employee has the responsibility to inform the Benefits Specialist of any such event within thirty days. If the employee fails to provide proper notice within thirty days, coverage may not be available until the next open enrollment period. Upon receiving notification of a “qualifying event,” the Benefits Specialist will present the employee with detailed information and enrollment materials.

Currently, full-time staff members are responsible to pay a minimum of five dollars per pay period to elect coverage for themselves, plus an additional portion of the premium for their eligible dependants. Christ Community Church pays the remaining balance of premiums for eligible staff members and their spouse/dependants. The church’s premium contribution is subject to change at any time for all employee classifications.

Employees may use any balance contained in their Health Reimbursement Account to assist with payment of deductibles and other approved out-of-pocket medical expenses not otherwise covered by insurance (according to the terms and conditions specified under “Health Reimbursement Account.”)

C.3.0—Dental Insurance

Christ Community provides an individual or family dental insurance benefit option to all regular, full-time employees. Enrollment materials and details regarding premiums, deductibles, procedures covered, coverage limitations/exclusions, etc. are available from the Human Resource Manager. Employees are eligible to enroll in the dental insurance plan on the first day of full-time employment, but coverage may be subject to the insurance carrier’s waiting period, as defined in the contract. Employees are eligible to receive coverage through their last day worked, as determined by the Executive Director in consultation with the employee.

Currently, full-time staff members are responsible to pay a minimum of five dollars per pay period to elect coverage for themselves, plus an additional portion of the premium for their eligible dependants. Christ Community Church pays the remaining balance of premiums for eligible staff members and their spouse/dependants. The church’s premium contribution is subject to change at any time for all employee classifications.

Employees may use any balance contained in their Health Reimbursement Account to assist with payment of deductibles, co-payments, and other dental-related expenses not otherwise covered by insurance (according to the terms and conditions specified under “Health Reimbursement Account.”)

C.4.0—Health Reimbursement Account

Christ Community provides a Health Reimbursement Account to all regular, full-time employees. Christ Community allots a pre-determined annual amount for each eligible employee to be used to reimburse out-of-pocket expenses associated with medical, dental, vision or hearing care. Expenses can be related to the payment of qualified expenses which may include deductibles, prescription medications, dental care and vision/hearing aids for employees and their family members, but does not include payment of out-of-pocket insurance premiums. Employees are asked to be careful in submitting for reimbursement only those expenses that are legitimately paid. If a church, community or family member waives any portion of fees otherwise due and payable, the “forgiven” portion of the expense should not be submitted for reimbursement.

Reimbursements are subject to the remaining balance on the account for the year corresponding to the applicable date(s) of services. Qualified medical expenses can be reimbursed if first paid by the employee, but can also be paid through the use of a debit card provided specifically for this fund. Reimbursement funds are managed and processed by a contracted church vendor. Receipts for end-of-year expenses must be submitted by the vendor’s designated deadline at year-end to be eligible for reimbursement.

Annual totals for the Health Reimbursement Account are subject to proration for any newly hired employee. Funds will be replenished on January first of each year for the following twelve-month calendar period.

C.5.0—Pre-Tax Flexible Spending and Dependent Care Reimbursement Accounts

In addition to the above mentioned health reimbursement account, all regular, full-time employees have the option of adding to their own health reimbursement account through a pre-tax payroll deduction. This personal flexible spending account is subject to the same restrictions and date of service requirements, and is managed by the contracted vendor selected by the church to administer the Health Reimbursement Account. The employee must commit to a payroll deduction during the open enrollment period each December for the entire following calendar year, with a maximum limit of $5,000 pre-tax dollars allocated to this account annually. This becomes a fixed commitment and cannot be changed until the next open enrollment period.

Additionally, all full and part-time employees are able to contribute their own pre-tax payroll funds to a dependent care reimbursement account. Dependent care reimbursements can be used for qualified expenses associated with the care of a legal dependant, regardless of age.

With both the Flexible Spending and Dependant Care accounts, employees must commit to a payroll deduction during the open enrollment period each December for the entire following calendar year, with a maximum limit of $5,000 pre-tax dollars allocated annually to each account. This becomes a fixed commitment and cannot be changed until the next open enrollment period. New employees may elect to participate at the start of their employment. In the event that a person’s employment with Christ Community Church ends, their contributions to the plan, as well as the expenses eligible for reimbursement, will end on the termination date. At the end of the calendar year, if the amount in the plan account exceeds the qualified reimbursed expenses, the unused amount is not eligible to be rolled over and will be lost. If interested, employees should contact the Human Resource Manager to establish these accounts.

C.6.0—Life Insurance

All regular, full-time employees are provided a $50,000 term life insurance policy by Christ Community at no cost. Additional optional term insurance may be available for the employee, their spouse and eligible dependents at the employee’s expense. Premiums associated with the purchase of additional, optional life insurance are paid through ongoing payroll deductions. Enrollment materials and plan details are available through the Human Resource Manager. Employees are eligible to receive coverage through their last day worked, as determined by the Executive Director in consultation with the employee.

C.7.0—Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance (AD&D)

Christ Community pays one hundred percent of the premium for insurance against accidental death and dismemberment for all regular, full-time employees. Full benefit details are available with the Human Resource Manager. Employees are eligible to receive coverage through their last day worked, as determined by the Executive Director in consultation with the employee.

C.8.0—Short-Term and Long-Term Disability

Christ Community Church provides disability insurance coverage for all eligible, full-time employees to offer basic protection of earnings if the employee becomes disabled as a result of sickness or injury. Definitions of qualifying disability conditions and other details of coverage are available from the Human Resource Manager.

Following an elimination period, the short-term disability insurance may replace a portion of the employee’s income during their physician’s approved disability leave (subject to the approval of the disability insurance company’s claims processing). Available leave time may be used for payment of income during the elimination period. Any payment of leave time beyond the elimination period must be reported to the disability insurance company and will be used to recalculate the total benefit paid out for the disability leave.

Payments from the disability company are made directly to the employee and are not reported as taxable earnings on the W-2 from Christ Community Church. A separate W-2 is issued from the insurance company, and the employee must work directly with an insurance company’s representative to have any applicable income taxes withheld from those checks.

Long-term disability insurance replaces short-term disability after 13 weeks of a qualifying occurrence. An employee on disability leave will retain employment status and be covered under the company’s benefit coverage up to a maximum of 26 weeks. At that time, the individual would no longer be deemed an employee of the church and would be eligible to receive medical benefits only through COBRA, as detailed in Section C.11.0.

It is the employee’s responsibility to pay Christ Community Church directly for any regular, ongoing payroll deductions during the time they are maintaining employee classification and are receiving checks directly from the disability company. Payment would ensure continuation of benefits tied to those payroll deductions. Payment arrangements should be worked out through the Benefits Specialist.

A signed doctor’s release is required for an employee returning to work after a disability leave of absence.

C.9.0—Family and Medical Leave Act

It is the policy of Christ Community Church to provide family and medical leaves in accordance with the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, subject to a rolling-year calculation.


The FMLA entitles eligible employees to take up to a total of twelve weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave in a twelve-month period for reasons specified in the FMLA, utilizing the rolling-year calculation (rolling twelve-month period measured backward from the date an employee uses any FMLA leave). You are eligible for FMLA leave if you have, before the first day of your FMLA leave, 1) worked for at least twelve months, and 2) provided 1,250 hours of service within the previous twelve-month period. We calculate the twelve-month period backward from the date the employee’s FMLA leave begins. If you and your spouse are both employed by Christ Community Church, your combined FMLA leave entitlement is twelve weeks for the birth, adoption, or placement of a child.

Reasons for FMLA Leave

FMLA leave will be granted to eligible employees for any of the following reasons:

  • The birth, adoption, or placement of a child.
  • The care of a spouse, child, or parent who has a serious health condition.
  • The employee’s own serious health condition.

A serious health condition means an illness, injury, impairment or physical or mental condition that involves:

  • Any period of incapacity or treatment in connection with or after inpatient care in a medical facility.
  • Any period of incapacity requiring absence from work, school, or other regular daily activities of more than three calendar days and involving continuing treatment by a health care provider.
  • Any period of incapacity due to pregnancy or for prenatal care.
  • Continuing treatment by a health care provider for a chronic or long-term condition that would likely result in a period of incapacity of more than three calendar days. Unless complications arise or if left untreated, the common cold, the flu, upset stomachs, headaches, or orthodontic problems will not generally be considered serious health conditions. Routine physical, eye, or dental examinations are not considered treatments indicative of a serious health condition.

Guidelines of FMLA Leave

Leave may be taken, if medically necessary, on an intermittent or reduced schedule basis for the serious health condition of the employee or an immediate family member. Intermittent or reduced leave may be taken for the birth or adoption of a child only if approved by the Executive Pastor. Leave for birth, adoption, or foster care of a child must be taken within one year of the birth or placement of the child. Christ Community Church may temporarily transfer an employee to an available alternative position with equivalent pay and benefits if the alternative position would better accommodate the intermittent or reduced schedule.

Christ Community Church requires the employee to first use his or her paid sick leave, floating holidays, or vacation time for any part of the twelve-week period. Therefore, all available paid sick leave, floating holidays, and vacation time must be used and will be designated as FMLA leave time before any remaining FMLA leave can be taken on an unpaid basis.

If an employee takes paid sick leave for a condition that progresses into a serious health condition, and the employee requests unpaid leave as provided under this policy, the church may designate all or some portion of related leave taken as leave under this policy, to the extent that the earlier leave meets the necessary qualification.

Notice and Medical Certification

If you become eligible for leave under the FMLA, you must follow these guidelines:

  • You must provide thirty days advance notice when the leave is foreseeable. When the need for leave is not foreseeable, you must provide notice to the Executive Pastor (within two business days of when you become aware of the need for leave). Notice may be provided by your spouse, family member, or other representative if you are unable to do so personally. Failure to provide notice could jeopardize your FMLA status.
  • FMLA requires that you attempt to schedule planned medical treatment or intermittent leave so as to avoid undue work-related disruption. This means that in cases where your treating physician is available, you may be required to schedule planned medical treatment outside of general business hours.
  • If you take leave to care for a spouse, child, or parent, you must provide a medical certification within fifteen calendar days of the request for leave. This must be in the form of a written statement that certifies the need for the leave and an estimate of the length of time the employee will be unable to work due to the serious illness/health condition. The date the condition began should also be included. A second and/or third medical certification at Christ Community’s expense may be required. In the event that a third opinion is required, Christ Community and the employee will mutually select the third doctor and Christ Community will pay for the opinion. This third opinion will be considered final. The employee will be provisionally entitled to leave and benefits under the FMLA pending the second and/or third opinion.
  • If you take leave for your own serious health condition, you are required to provide the above mentioned medical certification including a statement that you are unable to perform work of any kind or a statement that you are unable to perform the essential functions of your position. Before returning to work, Christ Community Church requires a health provider’s written release of wellness and fitness for duty, verifying that you are able to perform your duties safely and that you pose no health risks to others before you will be allowed to return to work.
  • While on FMLA, you are required to report to your Team Captain periodically on your status and your plans to return to work. This organization will take steps to maintain all medical information confidentially in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Employee Status and Benefits During FMLA Leave

While an employee is on leave, Christ Community Church will continue the employee’s health benefits during the leave period at the same level and under the same conditions as if the employee had contributed to work.

If the employee chooses not to return to work for reasons other than a continued serious health condition of the employee or the employee’s family member or a circumstance beyond the employee’s control, Christ Community Church will require the employee to reimburse Christ Community Church the amount it paid for the employee’s health insurance premium during the leave period.

Under the current church policy, some employees pay a portion of the health insurance premium. While on a paid leave, Christ Community Church will continue to make payroll deductions to collect the employee’s share of the premium. While on unpaid leave, the employee must continue to make this payment either in person or by mail. The payment must be received in the accounting department no later than the fifteenth day of each month. If the payment is more than thirty days late, the employee’s health insurance coverage may be dropped for the duration of the leave. The employer will provide fifteen day’s notification prior to the employee’s loss of coverage.

If the employee contributes to a life insurance or disability plan, Christ Community Church will continue making payroll deductions while the employee is on a paid leave. While the employee is on an unpaid leave, the employee may request continuation of such benefits, and pay their portion of the premiums; or Christ Community Church may elect to maintain such benefits during the leave and pay the employee’s share of the premium payments. If the employee does not continue these payments, Christ Community Church may discontinue coverage during the leave. If Christ Community Church maintains coverage, Christ Community Church may recover the costs incurred for paying the employee’s share of any premiums, whether or not the employee returns to work.

Returning to Work

When retuning to work after your FMLA leave, you will be restored to your original position or to an equivalent position with equivalent pay, benefits, and other terms and conditions of employment.

Disability Plans and FMLA

Situations may arise in which both this organization’s short-term and/or long-term disability plan and the Family and Medical Leave Act apply. While the purpose of FMLA is to provide twelve weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave, the purpose of short-term and long-term disability benefits is to help supplement lost income during long periods of incapacity.

Any leave granted under the disability policies shall run concurrently with the twelve weeks granted under the FMLA. When an employee is eligible for FMLA only, all available paid sick leave, floating holidays, and vacation time must be used and will be designated as FMLA leave time before any remaining FMLA leave can be taken on an unpaid basis. If you have any questions regarding how FMLA leave is applied, contact the Executive Pastor.


When FMLA leave has been exhausted, employment may be terminated. If employment is not immediately terminated, this organization may designate any and all future absences as unexcused absences. Additionally, when FMLA has begun, and all sick and vacation time has been used, any non-qualifying FMLA absences may be considered unexcused absences.

C.10.0—Maternity Leave/Paternity Leave

In the event a full-time employee is on leave due to pregnancy, the employee will receive benefits in accordance with the provisions of the short-term disability insurance contract in effect at the time. Christ Community Church abides by the guidelines of FMLA stated above. For Paternity leave, staff members may use a combination of various leave time available, in accordance with the parameters established for each type of leave; however, paid sick leave cannot exceed three days for this purpose.

C.11.0—Benefits Continuation

Continuation of coverage will be offered in accordance with Illinois state requirements. These requirements differ from federal COBRA law. Illinois state law gives certain employees, spouses and dependent children the right to continue employer-sponsored health benefits at group rates if they lose their benefits because of specific “qualifying events.” The type of event determines who is qualified for continued coverage and for how long. Some common qualifying events are resignation, termination, death of a spouse who is an employee at Christ Community, divorce, and reduction in an employee’s hours, leave of absence, or a dependent child who under the terms of the plan no longer meets eligibility requirements of a dependent. The qualified employee or dependent is entitled to continue participating in Christ Community’s health insurance for a prescribed period of time, usually twelve months. (In certain circumstances, such as divorce, death, an employee’s Medicare entitlement or retirement of the employee, the length of coverage period may be longer for qualified dependents.) Illinois State Continuation coverage may not be extended to employees terminated for gross misconduct.

The employee or other covered individual or family member has the responsibility to inform the Benefits Specialist of a divorce, legal separation, or a child’s loss of dependent status within thirty days of the qualifying event or the date on which group coverage would be lost because of the event. If the employee fails to provide proper notice within thirty days, Continuation coverage may not be available. Upon receiving notification of a “qualifying event,” the Benefits Specialist will provide the employee with detailed information and enrollment materials.

Under Illinois State Continuation, the employee or dependent is responsible to pay the total applicable premium in accordance with policy definitions. Coverage will cease if the former employee or dependent fails to make premium payments as scheduled or becomes eligible for Medicare.

Upon receiving notification of a “qualifying event,” the Benefits Specialist will provide the employee or qualified dependent with detailed information and enrollment/election materials.

C.12.0—Workers’ Compensation

All employees are covered by Workers’ Compensation, which compensates employees for lost time and medical expenses from any injury or accident arising out of or in the course of normal work. The church pays the entire premium for this coverage for all employees. Additionally, Christ Community Church is a drug-free workplace and subscribes to all requirements to maintain that status with our Workers’ Compensation carrier.

All employees are required to report any type of work-related injury or illness to their supervisor or Team Captain as soon as it occurs, regardless of how minor the injury or sickness may be. Proper first aid and/or medical attention must be sought immediately. An accident report form is required to be filled out by the supervisor in conjunction with the employee on all work-related injuries.

The church will make every effort to provide employees with an opportunity to return to work as soon as possible following a workplace injury, even in a limited-duty capacity.

C.13.0—Social Security

The employer’s portion of Social Security and Medicare taxes (FICA) will be provided for all non-dual-status minister employees.

Dual-status minister employees are considered “self-employed” for social security purposes and are required to pay the entire SECA tax (15.3%). At this time, the church does not offer a Self-Employment Tax Offset Adjustment payment.

C.14.0—Dual-Status Ministry Staff Housing Allowance

Section 107 of the Internal Revenue Code permits a minister of the gospel to designate a portion of his gross income as a non-taxable parsonage or housing allowance. The church may provide resources, such as an onsite presentation by an accounting professional or an income tax guide for ministers, either of which may provide specific details on issues related to parsonage allowances. These resources are not considered to serve as comprehensive or definitive counsel for the purposes of determining IRS approved expenses. It is the responsibility of the individual staff member to consult with a personal tax advisor to discuss the potential tax-related benefit of this allowance option, as well as details related to the declaration of housing related expenses.

All qualified, dual-status ministers desiring to receive housing allowance exclusion must submit a Declaration of Housing Allowance Form by December 15 of each year for approval by the Trustee Board. These may be obtained from the Benefits Specialist. The burden of proof for the actual use of the minister’s housing allowance always rests with the minister and is not the responsibility of the church.

Dual-status ministers may amend their housing allowance at any time during the year pending approval by the Trustee board. Signed declarations cannot be retroactive and must be submitted to the Benefits Specialist within seven working days prior to the close of the current pay period to be processed.

C.15.0—Taxable Gifts

The fair market value of cash or non-cash gifts to staff may be considered as taxable income to the employee and, if so, must be reported as such on the employee’s W-2. It is the employee’s responsibility to pay all applicable taxes related to this extra income. Please refer to Section B.17.0 for additional guidelines regarding gifts to staff members.

C.16.0—Paid Vacation

As described in this policy, paid vacation leave is available to all regular, full-time employees to allow time for rest, relaxation, and personal pursuits. The amount of vacation allotted during the first year of service will be noted in the offer letter and prorated based upon the employee’s start date. Annual vacation accruals are prorated on a daily basis, but the full annual total is made available on July 1 of each year for the coming fiscal year. Unless otherwise agreed to at the time of employment, newly hired employees may utilize their paid vacation time following a ninety-day introductory period from the date of hire.

At the time of hire and at the start of each calendar year, the total days available shall be converted to a total number of available hours. Vacation time can then be requested and reported hourly, based on the employee’s work schedule. For the purpose of defining vacation accruals, balances and policy limitations, one day of paid time for ministry staff shall equal nine available hours (based on a 45-hour work week) and one day of paid time for support staff shall equal eight available hours (based on a 40-hour work week). Vacation time can be requested and taken as needed in quarter, half or full-hour increments.

The amount of paid vacation time an employee receives increases with their length of service. Unless the offer letter states otherwise, the following scheduled shall apply:

1st year through the end of the 5th year of service              10 days of vacation time

6th year through the end of the 10th year of service           15 days of vacation time

11th year through the end of the 15th year of service           20 days of vacation time

16th year through the end of the 20th year of service        25 days of vacation time

If the annual vacation accrual for an individual employee varies upon hire from the starting balance stated above, the total days accrued each year will advance by five days at the beginning at the start of the sixth year of service, and another five days each at the start of the eleventh and sixteenth year of service. Vacation time will continue to accrue only as long as the employee is actively employed to a maximum of 25 days per year. In accordance with church policy, employees can roll over no more than five (5) days of unused vacation from one fiscal year to the next. Consequently, with the maximum for accrual and rollover, employees can have no more than thirty days of vacation time available during any calendar year.

Reference Section C.19.0 for additional information regarding Paid Time Off Balances.

C.17.0—Paid Personal Time Off/Floating Holidays

All regular, full-time staff are allowed the equivalent of three (3) paid personal days/floating holidays each calendar year. Annual accruals are prorated on a daily basis, but the full annual total is made available for use on July 1 of each year for the coming year. At the time of hire and at the start of each calendar year, the total days available shall be converted to a total number of available hours. Personal time can then be requested and reported in quarter, half or full-hour increments. For the purpose of defining time off accruals, balances and policy limitations, one day of paid time for ministry staff shall equate to nine available hours, and one day of paid time for support staff shall equate to eight available hours. Personal time is not cumulative and cannot be rolled over from year to year. Employees will not be paid in the form of additional compensation for unused personal time leave upon termination of employment. Reference Section C.19.0 for additional information regarding Paid Time Off Balances.

C.18.0—Paid Sick and Wellness Leave

This benefit provides for both job continuance and pay in the event of an employee absence (for certain periods of time) for reasons of illness, injury or disability that is not work related. A doctor’s certification may be requested for any absences lasting three or more consecutive days; however the church reserves the right to request a doctor’s statement at any time. Sick leave may be granted for the following reasons:

  • Personal illness or injury, or illness or injury of a member of the immediate family (immediate family is defined as the employee’s spouse, children, mother or father).
  • Preventative care, well visits and/or medical procedures for employee or a member of their immediate family.
  • If a member of the immediate family is afflicted with a contagious illness and requires the care and attention of the employee.
  • When, through exposure to a contagious disease, the presence of the employee at his/her job would jeopardize the health of others.

All regular, full-time staff are allowed the equivalent of nine (9) paid sick days at the start of each fiscal year. In addition, all full-time staff will be provided one (1) day of wellness leave for the purpose of scheduled wellness visits to encourage annual exams and routine preventative health screenings. Annual accruals are prorated on a daily basis, but the full annual total is made available for use on July 1 of each year for the coming year. At the time of hire and at the start of each calendar year, the total days available shall be converted to a total number of available hours. Sick time can then be requested and reported in quarter, half or full-hour increments based on the employee’s work schedule. For the purpose of defining time off accruals, balances and policy limitations, one day of paid time for ministry staff shall equate to nine available hours and one day of paid time for support staff shall equate to eight available hours. Sick pay will continue to accrue only as long as the employee is actively employed. In accordance with church policy, employees cannot roll over any unused sick time from one calendar year to the next. Unused sick leave may not be used for personal time off or as vacation time. Employees will not be paid in the form of additional compensation for unused sick leave upon termination of employment.

C.19.0—Paid Time Off Balances

Full-time employees will receive periodic updates on paid time off taken and time still available for the year. This report should be checked thoroughly to ensure that any time taken has been reported and categorized appropriately. Changes to these reports must be submitted to the HR Administrator in writing and have the signature of the supervisor in order to be processed. Paid time off cannot be borrowed from the coming year. If time off has been approved but there is no paid time off remaining, it must be taken as unpaid leave. Employees will be debited their prorated daily rate at the time the leave is taken. Pay in lieu of unused time off will not be granted for active employees.

Upon termination of employment, employees will be paid for unused vacation time that has accrued but not been taken through their last day of work. There is no payment for any other paid time classification. If, however, there are negative balances in any of the time off categories at the time of termination due to proration adjustments, a departure agreement will be prepared for the employee to review and sign, which will allow for corrections to be made on the final paycheck and negative balances adjusted through reduction of pay.

C.20.0—Ministry Sundays and Vacation Sundays

Upon request and approval from their supervisor, Ministry Staff can be relieved from attendance at Sunday services for a maximum of six (6) times each fiscal year for ministry related activities. In order to be absent from services on any given Sunday, staff must ensure that all responsibilities are adequately covered. The appropriate use for this benefit is for any work-related activity, such as conference attendance, Go Teams trips or attending other churches and experiencing worship/teaching in other settings.

Ministry Staff also receive the benefit of one (1) Vacation Sunday off for every five (5) days vacation available each year. These Vacation Sundays can be used in conjunction with a full week of scheduled vacation or they can be used for the purposes of scheduling shorter vacations over the course of a weekend. Vacation Sundays can be used when staff members are absent from services for none of the reasons stated above for Ministry Sundays.

Ministry and Vacation Sundays only cover service attendance and do not include any work hours that may be listed on the employee’s weekly schedule. Sunday work hours must be additionally requested as vacation, sick or personal time off.

Ministry Staff members should be absent from Sunday service attendance no more than the combined total of their available Ministry and Vacation Sundays during any calendar year unless otherwise approved by the Executive Pastor.

C.21.0—Paid Holidays

Christ Community grants paid time off to all regular full-time employees on the following holidays:

  • IndependenceDay/July 4
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving
  • Day after Thanksgiving
  • ChristmasDay
  • New Year’s Eve (1/2 day)
  • New Year’s Day
  • Easter Monday
  • Memorial Day

The church will provide holiday time off to all eligible employees immediately upon assignment to an eligible employment classification. When the holiday falls on a weekend, the following Monday will be considered the official holiday and the facility will be closed.

This benefit will be extended to regular, part time employees when the facility is closed due to the holiday schedule. Part-time employees are eligible to submit and receive paid holiday time, but only for the hours that are scheduled and published for the day the facility is closed due to a holiday closure. For full-time employees, if the holiday falls on a regularly scheduled day off or a necessary workday, another day off may be designated as the holiday off with approval from the employee’s Team Captain. The rescheduled holiday should fall within the same pay period as the date the holiday time off was originally granted.

C.22.0—International Impact (Go Teams) Guidelines for Staff

Part of the mission and foundational values of Christ Community is to engage Christ’s command to “go and make disciples of all nations …” (Matt. 28:19). The church desires for every staff member to experience a Go Teams trip for the purposes of having a first-hand experience of its global mission, which will enable the staff to be advocates and ambassadors for Go Teams with the church body and will promote their own spiritual growth as they fulfill the Great Commission.

For the purpose of this policy statement, an approved mission trip is defined as a trip to one of International Impact’s recognized and approved partner countries or domestic Community Impact partners. Mission trip involvement is encouraged and approved within the specific guidelines detailed for each classification of staff. Staff may participate in Go Teams trips in the manner detailed within the policy for their specific staff classification, which can be provided by any HR team member.

These policies set parameters and provide direction for each of the following areas:

  • Trip selection
  • Trip funding (payment of expenses)
  • Payment of salary/regularly scheduled work hours (payment of missed work time)
  • Personal tax liability (for any associated expense paid by the church on behalf of the employee)
  • Direct and indirect expenses
  • Personal tax liability (for any indirect expense paid by the church on behalf of the employee)
  • Team meetings
  • Approval processes
  • Work coverage during absence
  • Work time allocation for preparation and follow-up

If it important that each staff member fully understand how each of these policies are defined for their specific employment classification and the benefits available to them, and secure approval for time off prior to committing to participating in an international or domestic Go Teams trip. Staff members must meet with their supervisor to receive approval for time off, discuss plans for work coverage during their absence and discuss the extent to which work hours can be allocated for trip preparation and follow-up. The International Impact or Community Impact team can provide information on trip-related details such as trip purpose, team expectations, expenses, fundraising, meetings and time commitment. HR team members can provide information on the payment of work hours and clarification regarding any potential tax liabilities.

Full and part-time staff members who serve in a year-round capacity will qualify to receive this benefit after ninety days of employment with Christ Community Church. Paid Interns will be eligible to participate in the manner detailed within their offer letter.

C.23.0—Funerals and Bereavement Leave

The church recognizes that a time of bereavement is a very difficult one for an employee. In consideration of this, every effort will be made to ensure that the employee is given time to attend to family matters. When a death occurs in the family of an employee or the spouse of an employee, Christ Community Church will provide paid funeral/bereavement leave. Pay will not be granted for any day in which the employee is otherwise compensated (such as a paid holiday) or for any day the employee would otherwise not have been at work. Both full and part-time staff members will receive pay for the absence of normally scheduled work. Funeral/bereavement leave will be granted as follows:

Relationship                                                                                                   Paid Time
Spouse, child or parent of employee                                                                 Up to 6 work days

Siblings, grandparents, grandchildren or parent/sibling of spouse          Up to 3 work days

Aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews or cousins                                                      Up to 1 work day

Since death is an unexpected event and can occur at any time, the ninety-day probationary period does not have to be met before the employee can qualify for this paid leave. Employees who require more days away from work than is allowed under this leave may request to take vacation or personal days, subject to the approval of his/her supervisor or Team Captain. Vacation time may also be used to attend funeral services of persons not included in this policy pending supervisor approval.

The employee is required to notify his/her supervisor or Team Captain immediately of the death of any family members or relatives as mentioned above. The supervisor or Team Captain will then contact the HR department and furnish any necessary information for payroll purposes.

Bereavement leave will not accrue or accumulate, nor be paid if unused at year-end or upon termination of employment. Hourly pay for this form of leave will be computed at the employee’s regular rate to a maximum of eight hours for one day. This leave pay will not be credited as time worked for the purpose of computing overtime.

Because such leave is generally unexpected, staff members are asked to do whatever they can to ensure that time sensitive projects and deadlines are met during this leave time. Employees are asked to connect with their Team Captain and/or supervisor to discuss the anticipated length of the bereavement leave and to identify what must be done during this period.

C.24.0—Military Leave

Employees who are required, as members of the National Guard or a reserve unit, to attend a training period not exceeding two weeks will be granted the necessary time off and will be paid the difference in the amount they receive from the government for this training (less travel allowance) and their regular wages for that period. These employees must present a statement from the commanding officer as to the length of training and the amount of compensation (less travel allowance) received for the period of training. Otherwise, if there is an active call-up of staff members who have reservists or National Guard members, the USERRA provisions will apply. In the event such a call-up takes place, the Executive Pastor will be available to assist the staff members and their families with the requirements and options available. Employees returning from active military service are entitled to reinstatement and other required rights in accordance with federal and state law.

C.25.0—Voting Leave

Employees are encouraged to demonstrate responsible Christian citizenship by voting. Employees who cannot vote before or after work are permitted up to two (2) unpaid hours of leave to vote. Employees must notify their immediate supervisor of their intention to take time off before the actual Election Day.

C.26.0—Jury Duty and Court Subpoenas

Serving on a jury or testifying as a witness when called is a civic duty and, as such, is fully recognized and supported by the church. The following policy governs the amount of time off and the method of payment while serving on jury duty or testifying as a witness.

Jury Duty

It is the employee’s responsibility to notify his/her supervisor or Team Captain as soon as a formal notice regarding jury duty is received. Regular, full-time employees who are called to serve on jury duty will be paid their regular wages during the period of time they are called to serve, for a maximum of ten working days. Employees required to serve more than ten working days may take time off without pay, or use vacation time for the balance of the service. Part-time employees who are called to serve on jury duty will be paid for one day if the summons date is a regularly scheduled workday. Hours compensated would be the equivalent of those normally scheduled on that particular day.

Upon completion of jury duty, a jury duty attendance form provided by the Court may be requested by the church. Employees who are excused from jury duty for the day or who are excused early, must report back to work when it is practical to do so.

If an employee is called to serve on jury duty at a time that would unreasonably interfere with normal ministry operations, the Executive Pastor may request that the employee seek court approval that such required service be rescheduled for a later date that would be more convenient for the church.

Court Subpoenas

When an employee is subpoenaed, advance notification should be made through the supervisor. Appearances in court under subpoenas and/or out of civic responsibility (such as an eyewitness) will normally be considered excused time with pay for all regular, full-time employees and for part-time employees regularly scheduled for work on the date they are subpoenaed for a court appearance. Time for appearance in court for personal business will be the individual employee’s responsibility. Normally, vacation or personal time off would be used for this purpose.

C.27.0—Workers’ Compensation Leave

Christ Community Church carries Workers’ Compensation insurance for occupational accidents or illness. It is imperative that you notify your supervisor promptly of any accident or injury caused while on the job, and that a report is filled out covering the injury and filed with the Human Resources office. The church pays all premiums for this coverage; no part of this premium is deducted from your wages and salary. If you miss work due to a work-related injury or illness, the income that you receive for this period will be the amount due you as determined under the Workers’ Compensation Act of Illinois and our insurer.

C.28.0—Provisions to All Leaves of Absence (Except Administrative Leaves)

Except for sickness or emergencies, employees are expected to request from their supervisor any planned absence away from work. The employee must submit a written request and forward it to their supervisor for approval. Employees are expected to give as much advance notice as possible, especially for extended absences, to allow their supervisor and the church to coordinate and reassign work responsibilities. When allowed, supervisors may request employees to reschedule their planned time off if it causes conflicts with ministry activities, employee shortages, etc.

A request for an extension of a leave of absence must be made in writing prior to the expiration date of the original leave and, when appropriate, must be accompanied by a health provider’s written statement that certifies the need for the extension.

Failure to return to work on the first workday following the expiration of an approved leave of absence may be considered a voluntary termination.

Detailed information on insurance coverage continuation during a leave can be found under the FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act) Section.

Employees on leave of absence may be subject to layoff on the same basis as employees who are actively at work.

Employees on leave of absence must communicate with their supervisor/Team Captain and the Executive Pastor at least once each month regarding their status and anticipated date to return to work.

Christ Community Church reserves the right to terminate any employee who falsifies the reason for a leave of absence.

With the exception of unpaid time off that is allowed for by the time off policies stated within this Handbook, full time staff are limited to taking one (1) week of unpaid time each year. This limitation does not include unpaid time off that is granted at the request of non-exempt staff working and earning overtime wages and requesting time off for rest and replenishment. Unpaid time off must be coordinated through the HR Administrator prior to the end of each applicable pay period.

C.29.0—Anniversary Recognition

Based upon the financial position of the general budget and upon approval by the Trustees, the following recognition plan will be used to recognize milestone anniversaries for regular full and part-time staff at Christ Community Church (gift amounts are determined by position classification):

  • One-Year Anniversary
  • Ten-Year Anniversary
  • Twenty-Year Anniversary

For staff who terminate their employment with the church but then return to employment at a later date, the most current hire date will be used for anniversary recognition, with the duration of any prior employment periods added to the current term to determine tenure.

C.30.0—Retirement Planning

Christ Community offers a 403(b) retirement plan, which permits all employees to make pre-tax contributions to a tax-deferred retirement account. All employees are entitled to enroll in the plan immediately upon employment. Christ Community may elect to make discretionary contributions on behalf of participating full-time employees in an amount to be evaluated and determined annually. In the event that a regular, part-time employee transitions into a full-time role or should an individual leave and then later return to active employment, prior years of service will be considered when determining the inception date of an employer contribution. Employees are one hundred percent vested in their own contributions, but are subject to a vesting schedule for contributions made by the church on their behalf. Christ Community may reimburse the employee directly or make a deposit into the retirement fund account for a portion of the administrative fees associated with the operation and maintenance of the plan.

In order to set up the employee’s contribution as a payroll deduction, the employee must complete a Salary Reduction Agreement. A salary reduction may be designated as either a specific dollar amount or a percentage of salary (limits do apply). The employee may change the percentage or amount of their salary reduction agreement at any time. The current salary reduction agreement will continue until the employee signs a new agreement, and it may be cancelled at any time.

The plan’s prospectus, enrollment forms and other details are available with the Human Resource Manager.

C.31.0—Individual Ministry Staff Expense Accounts

To assist with the execution and growth of ministry, annual pre-set accounts will be provided for each Ministry Staff member, the amount for which is based on their individual position classification. Unused balances do not carry over at the end of the year and employees should expect to assume personal responsibility for expenses exceeding the total amount budgeted for any of their personal accounts. If you have any questions regarding the eligibility of expenses for these accounts, please contact the Accounting or Human Resource staff.

Hosting accounts have been provided to Ministry Staff to help create connection points, build relationships and facilitate communication with other staff, church members, community members and ministry counterparts at other churches. Eligible expenses include food, beverage, tax and tip for meals associated with ministry development meetings. The primary use for this account is to host meetings with one or two other lay or staff team members for the purpose of planning, development, or supervision directly related to the fulfillment of an individual’s job description. When larger team meetings are conducted, hosting expenses should come out of the Team Captain’s team account. When members from multiple teams are meeting, meals can be expensed to the individual accounts of attending staff. In accordance with IRS guidelines, this account cannot be used to cover personal meal expenses unless the meal is served during (not before or following) a ministry meeting that is in line with the criteria stated above. This account can also be used for hosting guests at church sponsored outreach events.

Conference accounts have been provided to create opportunities for Ministry Staff to network with other church and para-church organizations, keep abreast of new trends and technologies, receive training and learn new skills applicable to their area of ministry. Eligible expenses include registration, transportation, lodging and meals for approved conferences. A per diem limit for meals and miscellaneous expenses may be established by the employee’s supervisor and/or Executive Pastor, If applicable, these guidelines will be communicated prior to the commencement of any trip. Typically, each staff member will have enough funds for one out-of-area conference per year, though the staff member may choose to attend multiple local area conferences to reduce expenses and multiply conference opportunities in a given year. Approval for conference expenses and time away from the office must be secured before expenses are initiated. Conference recommendations can be initiated by the individual staff member but in some cases may be selected on behalf of the employee by the supervisor.

Book/Resource accounts have been provided to assist Ministry Staff in purchasing the tools needed for effective implementation of ministry and continued personal growth. Eligible expenses include books and resources used to support ministry work such as magazine subscriptions, textbooks, periodicals, cell phones, PDA’s, and applicable accessories.

Education accounts are provided to full-time Ministry Staff members for expenses associated with specific course work selected and approved for the development of the employee and ministry. This account is designed to cover expenses associated with specific skill-based training or classes at local colleges or seminaries which include, but are not limited to, tuition, fees, books, supplies and equipment. This benefit does not apply to payments for the provision of tools or supplies that may be retained by the employee after completing a course of instruction, or for meals, lodging or transportation. It also does not include payment for or the provision for any benefits with respect to any course or other education involving sports, games or hobbies, unless the course applies directly to the employee’s ministry responsibility (i.e. Sports Ministry Director). Courses and time allotted for course work need to be pre-approved by the employee’s supervisor and Executive Pastor. Currently, Ministry Staff members are eligible to receive up to $1,000 during their second year of service and up to $2,000 per year every year thereafter (prorated accordingly for part-time staff and for first two years based upon start date). Although there is some potential for these funds to be utilized for additional conference expenses, this can only be done with written approval by the ministry Team Captain and the Executive Pastor. To ease the financial burden for staff, funds will be provided at the time of registration. Tuition expenses will be paid directly to the teaching institution, while all other expenses will be paid by the employee and then submitted for reimbursement. To be a wise steward of church funds, successful completion of the course with a passing grade is a condition for this benefit. Failure to provide such documentation can have an adverse affect on an employee’s ability to receive any future education benefits. Payments for education will be excluded in the reporting of the employee’s income. This benefit may be extended to Support Staff on a limited, case-by-case basis, provided that the course work is related to their area of ministry and funds are available to support the expense.

C.32.0—Team Expense Accounts

To assist with the execution and growth of ministry and with relationship building in the teams, annual pre-set accounts are provided for each Ministry Team, the amount for which is based on their respective size and function. The goal of this account is to provide the Team Captains with resources to aid in the development of their team through meals, events, parties, retreats, etc. To ensure resource equity amongst all of the teams, this is the only account that is to be used for team resources such as team meals, events, parties, retreats, etc. These funds can be utilized only at the discretion of the Team Captain. Unused balances do not carry over at the end of the year and spending totals should not exceed budgeted totals for these accounts.

C.33.0—Ministry Program/Event Staff Discounts

To encourage staff and family participation, CCC provides fifty percent discounts for specific programs and events. For adults, staff discounts are available for full-day conferences and retreats; for students and youth, discounts are available for ongoing ministry programs, retreats and special events. Notification of these opportunities will be given through a form of all-staff communication (voicemail or email) and are available to all staff classifications—full and part-time. The department allowing the staff discount is required to submit a list of staff members receiving a discount to the Accounts Payable Specialist within one week of the event. The discounted amount will be reported on the employee’s W-2 as taxable income in accordance with federal regulations.

C.34.0—Lifeline Bookstore Staff Discounts

Currently, the Lifeline Bookstore offers all church employees and their immediate family members (spouse/children) a discount on applicable purchases. The discount applies to full-price merchandise. In addition, church service message CDs are available at a reduced rate.

C.35.0—Staff Counseling Assistance

It is our goal to provide counseling assistance when needed to staff, for the benefit of healthy and fulfilled families. In an effort to be good stewards of the resources the Lord has given to us and to work within the current budget allocated by the leadership of Christ Community, we have developed a policy that is fair and appropriate for all staff members. The policy and its provisions and limitations are outlined below:

  • This benefit is available to all staff (full or part-time) and their immediate family members based upon approval of the Caring Ministries Director or the applicable Campus Pastor, up to ten, one-hour sessions per calendar year.
  • In order to receive this benefit, the staff member must see one of the church designated counselors, or receive approval by the Caring Ministries Director to view another specified counselor.
  • The staff member is responsible for paying for each session in full to the provider at the time of service. He or she must then submit receipts/proof of payment to the Accounts Payable Specialist for a refund of eighty percent of the session cost. In order to ensure that prior approval has been received, the first such reimbursement must be signed off by the Caring Ministries Director or Campus Pastor. After completion of the tenth hour of counseling sessions, the staff member is no longer reimbursed the eighty percent through the counseling funds.
  • Any counseling fees paid on behalf of the employee/family member (outside of the aforementioned medical reimbursement account) will be designated as taxable income on the employee’s W-2 per IRS Regulations.

C.36.0—Social Security Exemption (for Licensed or Ordained Ministers)

The IRS allows licensed or ordained ministers the option of being exempt from Social Security, for conscientious objector reasons, within the first two years after their licensing or ordination. As a church, we do not recommend opting out, as we do not see any biblical rationale that meets the heart of the IRS’s option. We do realize, however, that this decision is ultimately the choice of each individual.

Section D—Performance Standards

On the contrary, we worked night and day, laboring and toiling so that we would not be a burden to any of you. We did this, not because we do not have the right to such help, but in order to make ourselves a model for you to follow. (2 Thes. 3:8-9)

His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.’ (Matt. 25:21)

So he called him in and asked him, ‘What is this I hear about you?’ Give an account of your management, because you cannot be manager any longer. (Luke 16:2)

He who ignores discipline comes to poverty and shame, but whoever heeds correction is honored. (Prov. 13:18)

He who rebukes a man will in the end gain more favor than he who has a flattering tongue. (Prov. 28:23)


It is the church’s policy to conduct performance reviews with employees on a regular scheduled basis as a means of fostering employee development and motivating employees to reach their full potential.

It is not possible to provide an exhaustive list of every performance standard. However, employees are responsible for understanding and complying with the standards stipulated in this Employee Handbook.

D.2.0—Job Descriptions

All approved Christ Community Church positions (full-time or part-time) must have a current Job Description on file in the HR office. An employee job description serves as an organizational and ministry aid for identification and delegation of responsibilities, coordination and division of work, and prevention of duplication of efforts. Team Captains should read through their team’s position descriptions annually to ensure that position responsibilities and authority levels are properly represented. These descriptions are only guides and are not an all-inclusive representation of a person’s abilities or the requirements for fulfilling the position. Furthermore, they are not intended to be used as work limitations or restrictions on employee roles. Employees are expected to be team players and to help each other and the church within reason.

The Job Description is usually given to prospective employees during the interviewing process and must be on file with the HR Hiring Manager prior to the posting of a new or vacant position.

D.3.0—Employee Goals and Performance Evaluations

Each year, employee goals are established to provide direction, communicate expectations and establish priorities within each ministry season. Goals are developed by the employee, endorsed and submitted by the Team Captains, then authorized by the Executive Pastor.

Employees and their supervisors are strongly encouraged to talk through job performance and expectations on a frequent, informal basis. Formal, written performance evaluations will be completed with the employee’s supervisor and/or Team Captain at least once per calendar year. These evaluations are conducted to provide the supervisor and employee the opportunity for open discussion on a variety of topics including: team goals and priorities, employee specific responsibilities, work environment, job performance, employee strengths and weaknesses, and issues that (either positively or negatively) may be impacting the spiritual, emotional, physical and/or mental health of the employee.

The formal annual performance evaluation will be based on the achievement of the specific goals and objectives established through the goals process. In addition to reviewing these results, Team Captains will consider fundamental responsibilities of the employee’s position, the application of the church’s core values, and the process through which the results were obtained.

Christ Community awards merit-based pay adjustments in an effort to recognize truly superior employee performance. The decision to award such an adjustment is dependent upon numerous factors including, but not limited to, the information documented in the formal evaluation process.

Though the results of the performance evaluation are in no way to be considered a guarantee of any future salary adjustments, these evaluations are used as key input in the salary review process and are retained within the employee’s personnel file.

The purpose of the performance evaluation is to inform the employee how well they are doing, while considering their length of time in the position in relation to the performance requirements for the individual role. Written performance evaluations may include commendations for good work, as well as specific recommendations for improvement. The employee will also be provided space on these evaluations to make personal comments as they deem necessary.

D.4.0—Personnel Memo

The Personnel Memorandum is a tool used by management to help communicate matters more effectively with employees. It may be used to compliment special efforts or results, or to advise, warn, or otherwise discipline an employee for performance or conduct that is not acceptable. Employees who receive a personnel memo about unacceptable performance or conduct are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity to improve, in order to avoid the need for further disciplinary action. Those receiving such memos should take the opportunity to discuss means for improvement with their supervisor and/or the initiator of the correspondence.

D.5.0—Performance Improvement Coaching

The improvement coaching process is used to address employee performance issues, except when dealing with issues of gross misconduct. Performance issues can result from a number of areas including:

  • Miscommunication, poor communication or lack of proper communication
  • Unstated or assumed goals/objectives
  • Inadequate knowledge or training for specific functions
  • Tardiness, absenteeism, work ethic or time management issues

Once an area of improvement has been identified, the supervisor or Team Captain will:

  • Speak with the employee
  • State the facts and show examples of the performance issue
  • Discuss a plan to solve the performance issue, which may include:
    • Focusing on the objective
    • Clear communication of goals
    • A specific training plan

The Executive Pastor and HR Team can provide assistance if needed in putting the coaching plan together and communicating with the employee. If this assistance is not required, the Executive Pastor should minimally be notified following a discussion of this nature between an employee and their supervisor/Team Captain. During the coaching interview with the employee, follow-up steps will be discussed, as well as measurements for success and the urgency for resolution of the specific performance issue.

The goal of this process is to correct or elevate the employee’s performance, promote success for the employee and allow for longevity in the employee’s association with the church. If, however, the employee fails to improve their performance as identified in the coaching plan, especially after any successive attempts to resolve the issue at hand, the employee may be subject to reclassification within the organization and/or termination of employment. If necessary, this determination will be made by the Executive Pastor, in conjunction with the Team Captain, HR Team, Senior Pastor and Elders.

The church reserves the right to enter into any phase of discipline, at any time, depending on the nature and frequency of offenses. Furthermore, dismissal need not be preceded by one or more less-severe sanctions.

D.6.0—Misconduct and/or Behavior

Employees may also be disciplined, up to and including possible termination, for misconduct and/or unacceptable behavior. Examples of misconduct are outlined below, but are not limited to:

  • Acts of insubordination.
  • Violation of any church policy.
  • Abuse, misuse, theft, or the unauthorized possession or removal of church property or the personal property of others.
  • Violation of the church’s Use of Church Computer and Internet Access policy.
  • Falsifying or making a material omission on church records, reports, or other documents, including payroll, personnel, and employment records.
  • Divulging confidential church information to unauthorized persons.
  • Disorderly conduct on church property, including fighting or attempted bodily injury, the use of profane, abusive, or threatening language toward others, or possession of a weapon,
  • Violation of any law adversely affecting the church, or conviction in court of any crime that may cause the employee to be regarded as unsuitable for continued employment.
  • Violation of the church’s alcohol, drugs, and controlled substances policy.
  • Any offensive or inappropriate actions which could impugn or harm the integrity or reputation of the church.
  • Any immoral conduct that brings reproach upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and His church,
  • Failure to interact courteously and tactfully with supervisors, co-workers, vendors, associates, church members or the general public, to the point that productivity or morale suffers,

Because of the many circumstances that may exist, it is not practical to describe the appropriate action for dealing with every specific employment problem. The action or response could range from mentioning the problem to the employee up to and including immediate termination of employment.

Staff are to serve cooperatively with other staff in coordinating their respective department ministries with all other church-related programming. Staff are also expected to exhibit loyalty to the ministerial staff, Elders and Trustees, to other staff members and to the mission of Christ Community Church.

D.7.0—Discovery vs. Confession of Significant Sin

This policy is established for any staff member that find himself/herself in a significant sin. A significant sin is defined as a sin that, should it come to light, could discredit the name of Christ or Christ Community Church. Examples of such sins are adultery, pornography addiction, alcoholism, other addictions, crimes, etc. In such cases, we believe that ultimately the Holy Spirit will bring these actions to light. However, we will not take such actions lightly, as they are sins that could affect Christ and His church that we are called to protect.

Confession. Taking the lead from 1 John 1:9, we hope and pray that staff members will be forthright with God and with CCC leadership should they find themselves in a significant sin. If a staff member confesses to such a sin before it is discovered, we will extend greater grace in the form of counseling. If the sin results in the termination of their position, we will extend a severance package.

Discovery. On the other hand, if a staff member should not be forthright and confess a significant sin, we will not be as gracious. Putting the reputation of Christ and His church at stake will require a just penalty. If a staff member is discovered to be in or have committed a significant sin, there will not be any opportunity for financial support of counseling. If the sin results in the termination of their position, we will not extend any severance.

We hope and pray that this policy will never have to be enforced. However, we also want to do everything we can to protect Christ and His church.

D.8.0—Administrative Leave

An Administrative Leave may be given to an employee who has been accused or named in an allegation that needs to be investigated. Such leaves can promote peace and harmony by temporarily separating the accused employee from his or her work environment while the employer performs the investigation. The leave can also assist the employee physically, emotionally and spiritually, especially in a conflicted situation. The necessity for Administrative Leaves will be determined by the Executive Pastor, in consultation with the Senior Pastor and Elders. Administrative Leave will be initially established as paid leave during the period of investigation. After the facts are gathered and reviewed, next steps will be discussed, which could include counseling, paid or non-paid suspension or immediate separation from employment. Should it be found that an employee is guilty of gross misconduct, the church reserves the right to be reimbursed for compensation provided to the employee during the Administrative Leave period.

D.9.0—Federal and State Unemployment Programs

Being a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization, Christ Community Church is exempt from paying federal and state unemployment taxes and, furthermore, has elected not to voluntarily participate in these programs. Therefore, all church employees will not be eligible to draw unemployment benefits from these programs should their employment here be terminated.


Termination of employment is an inevitable part of personnel activity within any organization, and many of the reasons for termination are routine. The most common circumstances under which employment is terminated are:

  • A voluntary termination is a termination initiated by the employee (also know as a resignation).
  • An involuntary termination is initiated by church management for reasons other than changing ministry conditions.
  • A layoff is a termination of employment that results from changing ministry conditions which necessitate a reduction or restructuring of staff.

Since employment with Christ Community is based upon mutual consent, both the employee and Christ Community have the right, by law, to terminate employment at will, with or without cause, at any time.

Voluntary Termination

Ministry Staff. Ministerial and administrative/management staff positions should submit a resignation letter to the Executive Pastor, with a copy also provided to their ministry Team Captain. These management level positions are requested to provide thirty days notice. This will provide the church the minimum amount of time needed to reassign and train staff for interim responsibilities, post the position and initiate the process of securing a replacement and any other requirements to help facilitate a smooth transition.

Support Staff. Support staff employees should give at least a two-week written notice to their immediate supervisor before leaving their job. This courtesy will allow the supervisor time to adjust working schedules and initiate the process to secure a replacement. This willingness to provide adequate advance notice will reflect favorably on the employee’s records and will be noted in their personnel file.

Involuntary Termination

Involuntary terminations must be approved by the Executive Pastor prior to being initiated or communicated to the employee. Based on the reasons for the termination, employees who are involuntarily terminated may be eligible to receive a severance package. If applicable, the severance amount will be based upon several factors including years of service and position within the organization. This determination will be made by the Executive Pastor, in consultation with the Senior Pastor and Elders.

Layoffs/Reduction in Force

If necessary, layoffs will be communicated by the Executive Pastor, in consultation with the Senior Pastor, Elders and Trustees. Employees who are laid off will be eligible to receive a severance package based upon several factors, including years of service and position within the organization.

Section E—Workplace Guidelines

On the contrary, we worked night and day, laboring and toiling so that we would not be a burden to any of you. We did this, not because we do not have the right to such help, but in order to make ourselves a model for you to follow. (2 Thes. 3:8-9)

E.1.0—General Introduction

The purpose of these guidelines is to define Christ Community Church’s general workplace expectations. By keeping employees informed of these expectations, both the church and the employees will be able to operate God’s house in a more decent and orderly manner. The workplace guidelines listed in this Handbook shall not be considered exhaustive or all-inclusive.

E.2.0—Employee Photographs

Photographs of church employees are used by various ministry departments of the church for personnel records, membership newsletters, website postings and other uses. Photographs may be required for all regular full and part-time employees and other classifications of staff as deemed necessary for a specific use or purpose. By accepting a position of employment, staff members shall automatically provide their authorization to have their personal pictures used for any printed or electronic materials published or posted on behalf of the church.

E.3.0—Personal Appearance and Dress Code

The mode of dress, grooming and appearance for all employees is generally considered a matter of personal choice and individual taste. Personal appearance reflects not only on the individual staff member, but also on the church as a whole. Employee attire should always be neat and moderately conservative while on church grounds or when representing Christ Community Church at an offsite meeting, training or other work-related function. Employees are expected to exercise the use of good judgment in accordance with the guidelines established in this section. Consistently complying with these policies is considered an important show of respect and reflects favorably on the employee. For employees who choose to disregard these policies, it shall be noted and considered during performance reviews.

General Dress Code Guidelines

Dress guidelines at Christ Community will be considered business casual which shall include the choice of jeans, provided they are in good condition (no holes, frayed edges, etc.) and are worn in respectful consideration of the following guidelines.

The dress of each employee should be appropriate for the requirements of the job, the nature of the employee’s activities, and contact with other persons. Exceptions to these guidelines may be considered for special circumstances, but will need to be approved in advance by the employee’s Team Captain. Employees who do not follow dress code guidelines may be asked to go home and change into proper attire. Any time away from work for this purpose shall be considered unpaid time and may not be included towards the hours counted for that workday.

To provide clarification on what is considered modest and moderately conservative, some general guidelines have been developed for all employees to follow. These guidelines shall include, but not be limited to, the specific items listed below.

Employees shall refrain from wearing:

  • Casual graphic T-shirts or pullover sweatshirts
  • Exercise clothing
  • Leggings (unless worn beneath a dress or skirt of appropriate length)
  • Spaghetti straps (tanks tops and sleeveless blouses are allowed)
  • Hats
  • Shirts/dresses shorter than just above the knee
  • Tight, low-cut or revealing clothing
  • Clothing that is excessively worn in appearance (i.e. ripped, frayed, with holes)

If shirts are untucked, no mid-drift should show when in a standing position and when arms are raised over the head. Pants should not have an extremely low-rise cut at the waist nor be excessively baggy (i.e. low-hanging.) Pants should provide modest cover when the employee crouches or bends at the waist.

While the church sets no specific policy guidelines regarding other personal appearance items (including but not limited to: hair cut, hair color, tattoos, body-piercings, facial hair, etc.), it reserves the right to determine whether the selection of such an item is outside the boundaries of what is acceptable within its culture and appropriate for a specific position. If an employee elects to pursue an alteration to their appearance that is deemed to be outside these boundaries, he/she will be asked to change, remove or cover up the area/item in question. If there is any question on what is deemed acceptable, the employee is encouraged to seek the counsel of an HR staff member before making and acting upon any such alteration to their appearance, especially one that is permanent in nature.

Exceptions to the General Dress Code Guidelines

  • At times, a staff member may drop in to the office to finish a task, pick up something or visit with another staff member. If an employee is dropping in for a brief visit and is not scheduled to work, he/she may deviate from the established dress guidelines.
  • If a staff member is planning to work in prolonged seclusion (a do-not-disturb state) and is confident that they will not come in contact with church members, attenders or visitors, he/she may deviate from the established dress guidelines.
  • The dress guidelines for summer are the same as other seasons but shall be expanded to include dress shorts. Typically, these shorts have pleats as well as a hem or cuff sewn into them. Short-sleeved dress shirts or short-sleeved collared shirts are appropriate for the office, however T-shirts are not. Summer dress guidelines are in place from Memorial Day through Labor Day, as well as any day in which the daytime weather is forecasted to be at or above 75 degrees.
  • Anyone participating in any activity on stage in the main auditorium may not employ summer dress code guidelines, regardless of the season.
  • Staff members attending conferences, off-site meetings or other functions representing Christ Community Church are expected to follow the general dress code guidelines unless otherwise approved by the Executive Pastor or their Team Captain.

E.4.0—Working from Home

It is not a practice of Christ Community Church to allow employees to work from home. As part of ministry, staff must be available to interact with, shepherd and/or counsel members of the congregation. Additionally, it is necessary for employees to be on campus to ensure accessibility to other staff. By working from home, employees inhibit their ability to do both of these things effectively.

On rare occasions, upon approval by the employee’s Team Captain, a deviation of this policy may be considered if it serves the best interests of the church. The application of this exception cannot become routine or be included as part of an employee’s regularly scheduled workweek. This exception will only be considered if the nature of the employee’s role is such that the exception can be reasonably applied and if the employee is not misusing the exception privilege, as evaluated by the Executive Pastor.

E.5.0—Facility and Office Access

Church offices are open to the general public Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The ministry areas of the St. Charles campus are open and available for programming from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and from 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Sunday. Regional Campus availability may differ and should be confirmed at the local church office. If facility access is required outside these scheduled hours at the St. Charles Campus, you must first consult with the Administration Director. Access will be granted only if arrangements can reasonably be made to open, close and properly secure the facility.

CCC facilities are closed to both the staff and public on the following days: New Years Day, the Monday after Easter, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. When the holiday falls on a weekend, the following Monday will be considered the official holiday and the facility will be closed.

E.6.0—Recording Time Worked

All part-time, non-exempt employees are required to maintain a time reporting of actual hours worked by completion of a Time Sheet. This Time Sheet requires employees to record the actual time when they begin work, when they leave for scheduled lunch period, when they return from their lunch period, and when they leave work at the conclusion of the day.

All full-time, non-exempt employees are required to maintain a time record of actual hours worked but are required to report hours only when overtime pay is due, as defined in Section B.10.0.

Employees must not record their starting time until they are ready to report directly to their workstation and begin work. Employees must never record or sign the Time Sheet of another employee or knowingly allow someone else to record or sign his or her time record. If a change or correction is to be made on a Time Sheet, the revision must be initialed by both the employee and his/her supervisor.

E.7.0—Reporting Time Away from Work

This section details the procedure for requesting and reporting time away from the facility during scheduled work hours. These guidelines will not only assist the church receptionist in facilitating calls on your behalf, they will also assist the church in maintaining accurate records of your time worked and not worked.

For any pre-approved time away from the office, which shall include:

  • Vacation
  • Personal days
  • Change to Sabbath day or regular day off
  • Conference attendance
  • Flex or comp time
  • Missions trips
  • Pre-scheduled, off-site retreats
  • Permanent changes to your work schedule

The employee is responsible for gaining their supervisor’s approval in written format and forwarding a copy of the approved time-off request to the HR Administrator prior to when the time off will be taken.

For any unplanned time away from the office, or for brief interruptions in the daily on-site work schedule, which shall include:

  • Bereavement leave
  • Sick days
  • Lunches or errands
  • Off-site meetings

The employee is responsible for notifying their supervisor in the manner most appropriate for the occasion and forwarding a voicemail or email message to the receptionist on duty prior to the start of the scheduled work day. Employees are expected to notify the receptionist if they are expected to be out or away from their office for four or more hours. It is the employee’s responsibility to keep the church informed on their status during a short-term absence and to provide appropriate medical verification when requested.

Employees who are excessively tardy or absent, whether excused or unexcused, will be subject to disciplinary action. If an employee does not call in or report to work for two consecutive workdays, such action will be considered a voluntary termination (resignation).

E.8.0—Block Time Policy

Church employees may occasionally have the need for an extended time of uninterrupted work. In situations such as these, they can schedule a block day, which is recognized as a time where the employee should not be disturbed by anything other than an urgent or extremely time-sensitive matter. Unless a significant project deadline is pending, staff are encouraged not to take consecutive block days so as to maintain accessibility to staff and church members. Staff members should check with their Team Captain for approval prior to scheduling a block day.

E.9.0—Team Representation During Business Hours

It is important that at least one staff member is available from each team during regular office hours to respond to calls and inquires as needed. Team Captains should take this into consideration when reviewing time off requests for staff, especially during periods where a large majority of staff are absent, such as the week between Christmas and New Years, Spring Break and during summer months. Teams that, as a group, are regularly scheduled from Sunday through Thursday are exempt from having to ensure team member representation during business hours on Friday.

E.10.0—Church Closings/Inclement Weather

During the work week, if the church experiences a prolonged power failure, is aware of approaching bad weather or any other public safety issue, the Administration Director or Executive Pastor will determine if St. Charles campus will be closed and each Campus Pastor will make that determination for his respective campus. The Executive or Senior Pastor will make the determination regarding any potential changes or cancellations of weekend services at all campuses. Notification for any such closings will be made via all-staff voice and email communication.

If an employee is on the job and leadership closes the facilities, the employee will be paid for the hours they would have normally worked for that day. In the event the church experiences a large amount of damage to its facilities and/or equipment, it will reopen its doors for operations as determined by the Administration Director, Executive Pastor and local officials.

Staff need to ensure that time sensitive projects and deadlines are met, despite any potential facility closings. This is especially true for any support functions related to weekend services and large scale events. Employees should connect with their supervisor to determine what must be done, by when, and, if needed, talk through creative solutions for how the necessary tasks can be accomplished.

E.11.0—Break and Lunch Periods

All employees are provided one (1) paid fifteen-minute break period for each consecutive four (4) hours worked in a day. Break time can be taken in one segment or broken up and used throughout the day for refreshments, restroom breaks, social interactions with other staff, personal phone calls, etc. Break time that is not taken does not get added to the employee’s workday as additional paid time and cannot be taken at the close of the employee’s shift.

Non-exempt employees who work more than five (5) consecutive hours in a workday are also allowed a thirty-minute unpaid lunch period. Regular employees who schedule and work seven and a half (7.5) hours in a workday are also allowed one paid half-hour lunch break, without having to add to their hours scheduled and worked within that day. It is the general practice of all staff to take this paid lunch period in the middle of the workday. However, if a staff member does not take advantage of the paid lunch period that is offered, it cannot be added to the end of their shift for the purpose of additional compensation. If a salaried employee takes more than a half hour lunch break, they are expected to add to their time worked within that week by the additional time taken for personal use. Paid lunch periods do not count towards total hours worked for the calculation of overtime pay, as defined in Section B.10.0.

E.12.0—Staff Prayer

Each week, Ministry Staff members gather three times for prayer. During that time, they pray for personal needs, up-coming events and services and for the needs of the congregation. Prayer time is scheduled Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 9:00 a.m. in the Welcome Center. Ministry Staff members are required to attend two prayer meetings each week. All Ministry Staff attend on Tuesdays, with the option of Thursday or Friday for participation in the second weekly prayer meeting. Support staff members gather on Wednesdays at 9:15 a.m. in the Welcome Center to pray. While it is not a requirement, support staff are encouraged to attend.

E.13.0—Staff Meetings

All employees are expected to attend the mandatory, monthly, all-staff meetings. Unless otherwise indicated, these meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month in the Chapel. Lunches are provided. These meetings are used to keep staff informed of church-wide priorities, promote A-level values and events, provide specific training opportunities, cultivate staff understanding and appreciation of the ministry efforts of other teams, and foster relationships between staff members.

Ministry Staff are additionally expected to attend the scheduled Ministry Staff meetings. Unless otherwise indicated, these meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month in the Hub Lounge. These meetings are used to keep our pastoral staff informed of issues affecting the church, provide leadership related training opportunities and grow relationships among our Ministry Staff team.

Wednesdays are reserved for campus specific meetings. In consideration of this, meetings or events that include staff from other campus locations must be scheduled on days other than Wednesday.

Team Captains are expected to conduct regularly scheduled meetings with the staff under their supervision. These meetings are used to keep staff informed of team-wide issues and priorities, allow adequate time for input and feedback within the team and build positive relationships between team members.

E.14.0—Personal Files and Records

Christ Community Church maintains a personnel file on each employee. The file includes such information as the employee’s hiring documentation, job descriptions, performance appraisals, salary increases and other employment-related records. Personnel files are the property of Christ Community Church and access to the information they contain is restricted. With reasonable, advance, written notice, employees can review their own personnel files in Christ Community’s offices while in the presence of their supervisor, Team Captain, or the Executive Pastor. Other than the Human Resources staff and Executive Pastor, access to the personnel files is generally restricted to the employee’s direct supervisor and Team Captain.

E.15.0—Open Door Arrangement

One of the foremost goals of Christ Community Church is to ensure that each employee has a way to effectively express their problems, opinions or suggestions. For all administrative matters, the employee should talk with their immediate supervisor first and then, if their supervisor cannot resolve an issue that is brought to his or her attention, he or she will refer them to the next higher supervision level for resolution, up to the level of Management Team leader.

For personal matters, the employee may talk with any ministerial staff with whom they feel comfortable. It is recommended that employees speak with a same-sex minister or have more than one minister present for private discussions, to keep unnecessary rumors, suspicions or temptations at bay. For all interactions, employees are required to follow the Moral Fences guidelines established in Section E.22.0.

E.16.0—Grievances and Complaints

Employees who have grievances or complaints regarding church policies or procedures should discuss these first with their immediate supervisor. If the employee feels their grievance or complaint is unresolved after speaking with their supervisor, he/she may speak directly with the Team Captain. If the issue remains unresolved, the employee can submit his/her concern in writing to the Management Team Leader. He will review the matter and take the appropriate course of action. If the employee is still not satisfied, he/she may ask the Management Team leader to present the issue to the Executive Pastor, who may elect to forward it the Elder board for final consideration. The decision of the Elder board is final.

Grievances or complaints between fellow employees must be addressed immediately between themselves, as outlined in Matthew 18 (see guidelines below). Employees are encouraged to act promptly with such matters, as allowing a time lapse could interfere with work assignments and staff morale. If these guidelines are unsuccessful, one or both employees may then discuss the problem with their supervisor.

Christ Community Church does not regard the use of these problem-solving procedures as a nuisance but, rather, as an opportunity to address dissatisfaction in job-related practices and policies. It is our practice to let every employee tell their side of the story, with no intention of penalizing them for expressing his or her point of view.

E.17.0—Employee Relations

Staff to Supervisor Relations

Our experience has shown that when employees deal openly and directly with supervisors, the work environment can be excellent, communications are clear, and attitudes remain positive. We believe that Christ Community amply demonstrates its commitment to employees by responding effectively to employee concerns. If you are unable to gain resolution through your supervisor, then Team Captain, please contact either Human Resources or the Executive Pastor.

Staff to Staff Relations

Dissension in the body acts as a powerful virus, damaging relationships, destroying trust, and dissipating momentum. Given our fallenness, we live with the prospects of conflicts in our church and staff; however, Matthew 18 provides the remedy—direct, loving communication. Whenever an employee disagrees with another staff or church member, the easiest response is to discuss the situation with others. But the easiest way is not the best way. The best response is to direct the concern to those involved in the matter. Before a conflict can spread to others who naturally pick up the offense, it can be resolved responsibly. We consider the maintenance of peace in the body to be one of the most critical responsibilities of our staff. As we manage conflict in this manner, it not only promotes peace but it also demonstrates true spiritual maturity.

The Matthew 18 Principle

If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. (Matt. 18:15)

In accordance with God’s Word, all Christ Community Church staff members are encouraged to adopt this scriptural example to resolve conflicts. Employees can do so by adopting and following the declarations listed below:

  • In all conflicts I will seek to act in a Christ-like manner and not give in to my sinful feelings and emotions.
  • I will pray and seek the Lord’s comfort and guidance in the matter. I will not share an offense with another person.
  • I will not seek to find others who have been offended, nor will I seek to validate my hurt by finding potential mediators before meeting with the person who has offended me.
  • I will first go to the person alone who has offended me and seek to resolve our differences and restore the relationship. I will value the restoration of the relationship above the exposing of that person’s possible sin. I will listen to his/her point of view and seek to understand his/her perspective on the issue.
  • If going to the person first does not resolve the conflict, I will seek the help of a third party to help both of us to see what we need to do to glorify God in our relationship. I will make sure that this third party is a spiritually mature person who is neutral in regards to this issue. I will keep an open mind to the advice of the third party and seek to change my attitude and actions as I am advised.
  • If the third party cannot affect a resolution, and agrees with my concern, I will seek the help of two or three other witnesses who can intercede in the matter and seek God’s glory in this conflict.
  • I will not allow anyone to criticize another staff member without first following the scriptural guidelines in resolving conflict. In order to avoid gossip and hurt feelings, I will not discuss this matter without the offending party present.
  • As a last resort, if the conflict cannot be resolved, I will act in a manner pleasing to God, even if it means removing me from the source of the conflict.

E.18.0—Ensuring Respect in the Workplace  (Policies prohibiting sexual and other unlawful harassment)

Because Christ Community Church is committed to providing the optimal work environment for ministry service and development, we seek to ensure our workplace is free of harassment of any kind. As such, we maintain a zero tolerance policy and remain committed to taking the appropriate steps to prevent and promptly correct any harassing conduct.

Sexual harassment is defined based upon the Equal Employment Commission’s guidelines as follows:

“Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when,

  1. Submission to such conduct is made explicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment;
  2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting the individual;
  3. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment.”

A hostile environment occurs when anyone on staff creates intimidating or offensive working conditions, either on or off campus. Sexual harassment can take a variety of forms, but two of the most common are quid pro quo and a hostile environment. Quid pro quo (“this for that”) occurs when a supervisor or person with authority to decide or influence the employee’s benefits, status of employment or working conditions, links specific employment outcomes (pay raises, promotions, performance reviews, etc.) to the individual granting sexual favors. The following cites examples of these types of behavior:

  1. Threats or intimidation of sexual relations or sexual contact.
  2. Any communication of a sexual nature, including commentary on an individual’s body or sexually degrading words to describe a person’s body
  3. Display of sexually suggestive objects, posters, cartoons or drawings.
  4. Unwelcome physical contact including touching or interference with an individual’s work movement.
  5. Threats that a person’s employment status, wages, promotion opportunities, or job duties may be adversely affected by not submitting to sexual advances.


Any employee who believes that he/she has personally been harassed, has witnessed harassment or has information about an allegation of harassment of or by an individual employee should immediately contact the Executive Pastor or the HR Hiring Manager. Christ Community Church encourages prompt reporting of complaints or concerns so that rapid and constructive action can be taken. The Matthew 18 principle outlined in Section E.15.0 will not apply in this type of situation.


Once an instance of alleged harassment has been reported, an investigation will be initiated immediately upon notice to Christ Community Church. An Elder representative and the Executive Pastor will work together to investigate the allegation. This investigation may include individual interviews with the parties involved and, where necessary, with individuals who may have observed or have information regarding the alleged conduct. To the greatest extent reasonably possible, the Elder and Executive Pastor will maintain confidentiality throughout the investigation. The Elder and Executive Pastor shall take appropriate action to remedy the conduct and prevent its reoccurrence, including subjecting the offending party to disciplinary action up through and including termination and the loss of any accrued benefits.


Retaliation against an employee for reporting harassment or for participating in an investigation is prohibited and will be subject to disciplinary action. Christ Community encourages employees to report any acts of retaliation immediately to the Executive Pastor.

In summary, it must be clear that any verbal, physical or visual conduct that belittles demeans or offends a person because of race, national origin, religion, age, disability, or other protected class can be interpreted as a hostile work environment and will not be tolerated.

E.19.0—Drug Free Workplace

Christ Community Church desires to provide a drug-free, healthful and safe work place to our staff and guests. To promote this goal, employees are required to report to work in appropriate mental and physical condition to perform their ministry in a satisfactory manner.

It is a violation of our policy for employees to report to work or operate church vehicles or equipment “under the influence” of alcohol, illegal drugs, or any controlled substances. The manufacturing, distribution, dispensation, possession of alcohol, illegal drugs, or any controlled substance on church property or in church vehicles is also prohibited.

Possession or detection of drugs or alcohol or refusal to abide by this policy will subject an employee to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

E.20.0—Injury and Illness at Work

If a work-related injury or illness appears life threatening, the 911 emergency number should be called immediately, and directions should be followed. Otherwise, any employee who sustains an injury or illness that is job-related should report this immediately to his or her supervisor or Team Captain, who should then report it to the Administration Director and to the Human Resources team. Non-emergency, work-related accidents require reporting forms, located with the Administration Director.

All job-related accidents, regardless of their cause or severity, must be reported to the Administration Director immediately. Accidents that are not reported promptly may result in a Workers’ Compensation claim being denied. First aid supplies are available at the main office, production office, administration office, ticket office, information counter and in each childcare room (with limited supplies). In addition, AED (automated external defibrillator) units are available on the wall outside the children’s theatre and in the usher/greeter closet by the main auditorium.

  • Accidents include all work-related injuries or illnesses that occur while working for Christ Community Church.
  • Employees have an obligation to report any work-related injury or illness immediately and return to work as soon after an injury or illness as their medical conditions permit.
  • A list of approved medical care facilities can be obtained from the Administration Director.
  • Employees who need medical treatment while participating in church-related travel should proceed to the nearest medical facility and, upon return, report it to the Administration Director as soon as possible.

E.21.0—Policy for Leaders Regarding R-Rated Movies and Alcohol

The apostle Paul draws attention to a category of activities which may be “permissible” for believers but are not “beneficial” or “constructive.” He encourages us in these cases to “seek the good of others” by exercising personal restraint (1 Cor.10:23-24).

It is not the intention of this statement to create an exhaustive list of questionable activities from which Christ Community Church attenders should abstain. Such a list would be both legalistic and controversial (i.e. we probably wouldn’t agree as to which activities should be included). However, because of their position within the church, those in leadership are asked to limit their personal freedoms in the following areas:

R-Rated Movies

The Elders and pastoral staff are asked to refrain from viewing R-rated movies while serving in their leadership role. There are several reasons why this activity has been singled out. Before articulating these reasons, it must be clearly stated that viewing R-rated movies is not categorically sinful. This activity falls into the “permissible” camp. One may watch Schindler’s List without violating any biblical command. On the other hand, there are significant dangers associated with R-rated movies which have prompted us to establish these boundaries for those called to leadership at Christ Community Church.

The reasons for our boundaries:

  1. While it is our desire to be able to relate to those around us who are spiritually lost, we must be careful to avoid those activities that would compromise our communion with a Holy God.
    1. Watching R-rated movies is often a stepping-stone to serious sin. When R-rated movies contain sexually provocative nudity (which many, if not most, do), the viewing of them is in clear violation of the Bible’s instruction to “set before my eyes no vile thing” (Psa. 101:3) and Jesus’ prohibition against lust (see Matt. 5:27- 29 where Jesus hyperbolically exhorts us to gouge out our eyes rather than to use them in ways that promote lust).
  2. Restraining our appetite for movies in general and saying “no” to R-rated movies will model discernment for others. Movie going is an extremely popular diversion which many engage in with little thought—including believers! It is not unusual, for example, for a family to bring home three or four videos at a time from Blockbuster, or a child to watch a movie at a friend’s sleep-over, or a group of friends to drive to the theater to “see what’s playing.” The selections on these occasions are often made on the basis of what’s “available” (i.e. not what’s “wholesome”). Because those who shepherd God’s people are called to be “examples to the flock” (1 Pet. 5:3), it is important that we resist simply going with the flow of what everyone else is doing.
  3. Any behavior that becomes addictive is condemned by God’s Word. “Everything is permissible for me” the apostle Paul quotes a popular maxim of his day (1 Cor. 6:12), but then he adds his warning, “but I will not be mastered by anything.” One of the most addictive substances in our culture is pornography. The lives of countless people who come to Christ Community Church have been shipwrecked by pornography. It makes good sense to keep a safe distance and avoid R-rated movies as a healthy boundary.

Pornography destroys more than individual lives—they destroy marriages, families, friendships, and communities. While a cigarette smoker or an overweight eater may be killing himself/herself, those who fill their minds with immoral images are killing (metaphorically, and sometimes literally) the people around them. Our church values community. We stand against anything that ravages healthy relationships and intimacy between people.

The first qualification which the apostle Paul requires of spiritual leaders is that they be “above reproach” (1 Tim. 3:2). People are watching us. Those we shepherd are looking for role models. Cynical unbelievers are hoping to detect feet of clay. While it may be possible to choose R-rated movies discerningly, all the public knows about us is what they see us doing. We seldom have the opportunity to offer explanations. That’s why it’s so important to “be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise, but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil” (Eph. 5:15-16).

Lastly, there may be an occasional R-rated movie that the Elders give their blessing to, such as The Passion. There are probably only two or three of these movies in the last ten years that would qualify, however. Also, while R-rated is an easy guide, it needs to be noted that there are many PG-13 movies and an occasional PG movie that need to be passed on as well. Using websites such as www.screenit.com can prove to be helpful in making a wise, Godly decision in all movie selections.


An adult over the legal drinking age consuming an alcoholic beverage in a responsible, godly fashion is not committing a sin. There would obviously be concern for those who consume too much alcohol, as Scripture repeatedly condemns such behavior (Eph. 5:18; Prov. 20:1). However, because the leadership of the church can offer no biblical mandate to restrict the consumption of alcohol, the following guidelines are presented for Elders and staff to follow:

  1. With the exception of those on staff with the Student Ministries Team ministry team, alcohol can be consumed by staff or Elders on their own time, both inside and outside of the home, provided it is never done in a manner prohibited by Scripture. Because of the influence our youth ministry staff have over those they serve, those serving on the Student Ministries team are asked to refrain from the consumption of alcoholic beverages outside of the home (within thirty miles of any church campus) or in the presence of minors.
  2. At no time shall any staff member consume or be under the influence of alcohol during work hours or while attending official church functions.
  3. At no time shall alcohol be brought to or served on campus grounds.
  4. Staff must refrain from consuming alcohol within 24-hours prior to transporting individuals for any church activity.
  5. The church will not pay for the purchase of alcoholic beverages. If a staff member attends a conference or any other function that would allow for the reimbursement of meal-related expenses, they need to ensure that alcoholic beverages are billed on a separate receipt and paid for by individual parties.

E.22.0—Personal or Romantic Relationships Between Staff

Situations may arise where employee friendships develop into personal, romantic relationships or marriage. Romantic relationships between coworkers or others at or through the church can create difficulties for the parties involved, for the church, and for other employees or members.

When this occurs, and one employee is anywhere in the chain of authority or influence over the other, it can affect employee morale through perceptions of favoritism and cause for potential violations of the sexual harassment policy. Therefore, reporting the relationship to the Executive Pastor is mandatory. The employees must report the relationship at any time it appears the relationship could result in romantic attachment (e.g. dating).

If two employees marry or become involved in a romantic relationship which conflicts with this policy, one employee must either move to a different ministry position or find alternative employment within ninety (90) days, or sooner if the Executive Pastor deems it necessary.

E.23.0—Moral Fences for Staff

Don’t be so naïve and self-confident. You’re not exempt. You could fall flat on your face as easily as anyone else. Forget about self- confidence; it’s useless. Cultivate God-confidence (1 Cor. 10:12, The Message).

As Christian leaders, we need to be above reproach. With this in mind, the following guidelines have been adopted to assist in maintaining moral integrity, both within a personal and work environment. These guidelines shall apply in full to all married staff members. For staff who are single, these guidelines apply only to interactions with other married individuals.

  • Employees should not go to lunch alone with a person of the opposite sex, unless married to or related to the person.
  • Employees should not have a person of the opposite sex pick you up or drive you places when it is just the two of you, unless married to or related to the person.
  • Employees should not kiss any member of the opposite sex or show affection that could be questioned, unless married to or related to the person.
  • Employees should not visit the opposite sex alone at home.
  • Employees should not counsel the opposite sex alone at the office, and shall not counsel the opposite sex more than once without that person’s mate being present.
  • Employees should not discuss detailed sexual problems with the opposite sex in counseling. Refer them to a professional counselor.
  • Employees should not discuss their marriage problems with the opposite sex.
  • Employees should be careful in answering emails, instant messages, cards or letters from the opposite sex.
  • Employees are encouraged to make assistants and coworkers their protective ally.
  • Employees should pray for the integrity of other staff members.

But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people. (Eph. 5:3)

E.24.0—Personal and Ethical Responsibilities

All employees must conduct their personal affairs in such a fashion that neither their individual nor the church’s ministry and reputation are jeopardized, and ethical and/or moral questions do not arise with respect to their association or work with Christ Community Church. Employees are expected to use good judgment and common sense by avoiding acts that could violate sound business ethics or cause harm to the church and/or fellow staff members.

Potential ethical conflicts could include; receiving expensive gifts from church suppliers or church members when there is a quid pro quo (this for that) exchange of benefits, misappropriation of work time on church property, biased selection of vendors or vendor contracts, disclosures of confidential church information to others or use for personal gain, etc. Compliance with these standards is the responsibility of every employee.

E.25.0—Financial Integrity

All employees are to respect the church’s budget process and final adopted budget. Staff are expected to administer the budget effectively and abide by the following financial guidelines:

  • Do not transfer funds from their responsible budget area(s) to another budget area without prior permission from the Administration Director. Team Captains are allowed to transfer funds between line items in their adopted budget area, but their total budget cannot be exceeded.
  • Do not overspend the budget without prior approval from the Executive Pastor.
  • Do not accept from church members or other donors designated tithes or offerings for any purpose.
  • Do not solicit contributions for unapproved (unbudgeted) events or programs without prior permission from the Administration Director.
  • Be careful to never solicit or encourage gifts from church members or guests for yourself or family.

E.26.0—Employee Family Members

We thank God for the spouses and children of our staff; however, staff must remain sensitive to the Christ Community Church position of responsibility with children. Children are not allowed on the property of the church without proper supervision. The church cannot assume responsibility for a child left unattended in a room during any time of the day or night. Furthermore, employees should not get in the habit of allowing extended visits from children, spouses, or other family members during normal work hours.

E.27.0—Outside Employment and Work for Hire Outside Employment

Christ Community Church feels that employees must devote their spiritual gifts and talents to the ministry work for which they are employed. Leadership discourages full-time employees from accepting part-time employment outside the church but does understand that it may be necessary under certain circumstances. Outside employment is allowed with the prior approval of the employee’s immediate supervisor, Team Captain and the Executive Pastor. Approvals are conditional upon the employee maintaining satisfactory performance evaluations from their immediate supervisor. Furthermore, the church will not pay any medical benefits for injuries or sicknesses resulting from the part-time employment. If excessive time off is required due to an injury from the part-time employment, this condition could result in the employee’s termination from employment with Christ Community Church.

Work for Hire

All work prepared by an employee within the scope of his or her employment will be owned by Christ Community Church. Examples of such work would include: sermons, books written, music arrangements and software developed on the church premises during normal working hours. Section 201 of the Copyright Act specifics that “the employer … is considered the author” of a “work made for hire,” and “owns all the rights comprised in the copyright” unless the employer and the employee “have expressly agreed otherwise in a written instrument signed by them.” Therefore, in the absence of such an executed instrument, Christ Community Church owns all works prepared by an employee in the scope of his or her employment.

Christ Community is under no obligation to provide employees the opportunity to accept extra remuneration for any “work for hire.” We understand, however, that the Kingdom at large may benefit from the work or expertise of our staff and church. Additionally, we believe that staff can be encouraged and recharged by the experience of sharing their expertise and receiving remuneration from this service. In order to be fair to both Christ Community Church and to its staff, formal guidelines have been established for the sharing of CCC resources and outside remuneration.

These guidelines refer to anything related to the performance on an individual’s job and/or implementation of ministry which includes, but is not limited to: outside speaking engagements, publishing agreements, weddings, funerals, sales of taped products (audio or video), policy documents, operations manuals, management tools/resources, etc.

  1. All projects must be approved ahead of time by the Executive Pastor. Proposals for approval should be submitted in writing and must include information on:
    1. The purpose of the project.
    2. The projected time the project will take to complete.
    3. The amount of Christ Community’s time that will be spent on the project.
    4. How the project will benefit Christ Community.
    5. How the project will benefit the Kingdom at large.
    6. Collaborations with CCC staff, lay people or volunteers.
  2. The Executive Pastor may refuse the proposal after considering how it will impact the employee, their respective ministry, and the church at large. If the proposal is approved, the Executive Director may establish clear time and energy parameters for the project to protect the health of the church and employee. Since Ministry Staff are required to be on campus for a specific number of weekend services per year, outside projects will likely need to be scheduled during weekends off.
  3. Information that is proprietary to Christ Community Church cannot be shared, either with or without fee, with any outside organization or individual unless express written permission is first received from the Executive Director.
  4. If the “work for hire” is being completed partially on “Christ Community time” there must be a direct or indirect benefit to Christ Community and the project must relate to the employee’s overall ministry goals.
  5. What constitutes “Christ Community time” must be worked out between the employee and Team Captain. Marketing efforts may not be considered as part of Christ Community time (i.e. contract negotiations, calls to a publisher, talking with speaker bureaus, etc.)
  6. If a project has been approved, the employee may keep one hundred percent of the money earned for the project, unless otherwise stipulated. Staff members are personally responsible for reporting these monetary gains on their income taxes.
  7. If, after the initial approval process, the project changes in either scope or time required, these changes must be communicated to and approved by the Executive Director. The Executive Director has the right to deny the request or place a limit on the amount of Christ Community time that can be allotted for the project.
  8. All profits from sales through Lifeline Bookstore go directly back to Christ Community Church.
  9. If the collaboration is a split effort involving multiple staff members doing significant portions of work, percentages for remuneration must be worked out ahead of time.

E.28.0—Copyright Infringements

The church does not advocate nor will it tolerate any form of copyright infringements. Church owned copy machines, computers, tape duplicators, sound recording devices or any other forms of duplicating or reproducing equipment may not be used to copy or reproduce any forms of copyright materials for ministry or personal use.

E.29.0—Confidentiality of Church Information

During the course of the employee’s tenure with Christ Community Church, they may have access on a regular basis to information of a highly sensitive and confidential nature. This information may be contained in church records, in outside correspondence documents, interoffice memoranda, and other similar areas and may include details on the identity of those seeking assistance within specific ministries, private information regarding members or families within the church, confidential legal matters, compensation or other sensitive personnel information, financial contributions, and medical information.

Employees of Christ Community Church serve in a position of trust and have an obligation to see that the confidentiality of this information is strictly maintained and protected. Unauthorized use or disclosure, even if inadvertent, compromises both the employee and the church and can seriously erode confidence in the sanctity of the church.

Employees may not disclose, duplicate, or use information except as required in the performance of their duties with the church. Confidential information and messages should not be sent to or received from an individual by use of the church’s fax machine. Employees should use extreme discretion and caution when using email to relay confidential information, as this information can be forwarded to others without notice. Furthermore, confidential information that is sent in the mail or an interoffice envelope should always be sent in a sealed envelope marked “Confidential—to be opened by addressee only.” Confidential documentation should always be stored in a secure location, to be accessed only by authorized individuals.

Following are several additional tips to assist employees in handling and storing confidential information:

  • Protect confidential papers that are on employee’s desk by keeping them face down.
  • Never leave personal notes and papers on your desk that could be easily read.
  • Shred confidential papers, notes and photocopies before they are thrown away in the trash.
  • Use passwords to access personal and confidential files that are stored on personal computers.
  • Do not listen to any of your voicemails on speakerphone with your door open because you do not know the nature of the information given in voicemail.
  • Confidential data should be saved on the appropriate drive so that you are the only one who may access it.

The employee’s obligation to preserve the confidentiality of information acquired during their employment continues even after the church no longer employs them. The employee may not disclose, after separation of their employment, any information which they were not permitted to disclose during their employment. Moreover, the employee may not utilize the confidential information he or she acquired while employed at Christ Community Church after their departure from the church.

E.30.0—Pastoral Counsel Guidelines

Because of their employment status, all staff members are considered to be representatives of the church. Additionally, because of their position on staff, any staff member could potentially be perceived as a ministry leader (i.e. “minister”) which has specific implications in the areas of pastoral counsel and care. For the protection of our church, staff and members, the following guidelines must be adhered to:

  • If a Ministry Staff member is ever called upon to attend to or provide biblical counsel for a situation they do not feel authorized or qualified to address, it should be immediately passed on to the Campus Pastor, Caring Ministries Pastor or Executive Pastor.
  • Because Support Staff do not have the same expectations, experience or training as Ministry Staff, they shall not endeavor to provide biblical counsel for anyone who is exhibiting precarious, unstable or unsafe behaviors or who may be experiencing significant spiritual/life challenges. This policy would apply to other staff, volunteers, church attendees and ministry participants. Biblical counsel should be limited to personal relationships and group accountability settings, as would be expected of any CCC attendee or Christ follower. If there is ever any question as to the application of this policy, Support Staff should contact the Caring Ministries Pastor for guidance and instruction on how best to proceed.
  • If an individual admits that he/she has abused another person either physically or sexually, that information must be reported to DCFS and to the police. If abuse, neglect or harm is suspected in any way, shape or form, it must be reported to the proper law enforcement officials.

Please refer to the Caring Ministries Pastor for additional guidelines, or for clarification on the appropriate agencies to call. The Executive Pastor should be notified any time an outside agency needs to be notified as a result of information received from a church or staff member.

E.31.0—Youth Protection Policies Recognizing Child Abuse

A first step in helping or getting help for an abused or neglected child is to identify the signs and symptoms of abuse. Child abuse is the mistreatment of a child under the age of eighteen by a parent, caretaker, someone living in their home or someone who works with or around children. Child abuse can be physical (such as burns or broken bones), sexual (such as fondling or incest), or emotional. Neglect happens when a parent or responsible caretaker fails to provide adequate supervision, food, clothing, shelter or other basics for a child.

Physical Abuse is intentional injury inflicted upon a child. It may include severe shaking, beating, kicking, punching, or burning that result in minor marks, bruising, or even death. Possible symptoms may include: broken bones or unexplained lacerations or bruises, burns or welts, unexplained fear, pain in the genital areas or the child may report abuse to you.

Sexual Abuse refers to any sexual act with a child by an adult or older child. It includes fondling or rubbing the child’s genitals, penetration, incest, rape, sodomy, indecent exposure, and using the child for prostitution or the production of pornographic materials. Possible symptoms may include, but are not limited to: nightmares, trouble sleeping, fear of the dark, or other sleeping problems, extreme fear, loss of appetite, mood swings, fear of certain people, and illness with no explainable reason.

Emotional or Verbal Abuse may occur when a parent or caregiver fails to provide the understanding, warmth, attention, and supervision the child needs for healthy psychological growth.

Neglect is failure to provide for a child’s basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter, medical care, education, or proper supervision. Possible symptoms may include signs of malnutrition, poor hygiene, and unattended physical or medical problems.

This information was obtained from the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) and the Stop It Now organization. You can visit their websites at:

  • http://www.state.il.us/dcfs/child/index.shtml
  • http://www.stopitnow.com

Reporting Child Abuse

If you are an employee of Christ Community Church and you are responsible for the care of children, you are considered a mandated reporter. As such, you are required by the state of Illinois to report child abuse to the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) and file a report.

If you believe or suspect child abuse or neglect, you must immediately report your suspicions to a KidsWorld staff member verbally and in writing.

The written report will be forwarded to appropriate church personnel and to the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services.

Preventing Child Abuse in KidsWorld Ministry

Two Person Rule

The “Two-Person” Rule is designed to protect both children and adults by not giving opportunities for adults to have sustained time alone with a child or student. It also protects staff and volunteers in situations in which a child or student with some significant emotional needs may misinterpret adult interaction or may make false statements about an adult’s behavior toward them. By following this rule, many potential problem situations are prevented. Simply put: The “Two-Person” rule must be in effect at all times during KidsWorld events.

  • Never allow yourself or another volunteer to be alone with a child. This applies to children in your own family while serving in KidsWorld.
  • At least one of the volunteers must be an adult.
  • Volunteers must not be related. If they are related, a third volunteer must be present.

Physical Touch

  • The “Two Person” rule must be in effect at all times.
  • Touching should:
    • Be non-demanding. Gentle touch of shoulders, hands, arms, head, and back is okay.
    • Always take place in public.
    • Never be behind closed doors.
    • Be age appropriate—child may sit on your leg, not your lap (Kindergarten and younger only)
    • Express affirmation of the child and is not done for the satisfaction or pleasure of a care provider.

Restroom Policy

The “Two Person” rule must be in effect at all times.

Infants and Toddlers

  • Only a female leader over fourteen may change a diaper.
  • You must change a diaper in the presence of another leader.

Preschool through 6th Grade

  • Two volunteers must accompany a child to the restroom at all times.
  • One volunteer must be an adult.
  • Volunteers must not be related to each other.
  • Make sure the restroom is empty before letting a child enter; First, call into the restroom and ask if anyone is there; if there is no response, walk in to double check.
  • If restroom is not empty, one volunteer steps inside to keep an eye on people in the restroom while the other volunteer stands watch at the door.
  • If other KidsWorld kids with volunteers are using the restroom, you do not need to make sure it is empty first.
  • Restroom doors must remain open.
  • If a younger child needs assistance, a volunteer of the same gender as the child may help, while remaining in view of the second volunteer.

Preventing Child Abuse in Student Ministries

Opposite Sex “Ministry.” It is the church’s policy that male leaders should seek to minister to male students and female leaders should seek to minister to female students. Any exceptions to this must be conducted in a public setting with the Director of Student Ministries prior and present knowledge.

Dating/Romantic Relationships. Guy/girl relationships (i.e. dating or going out together on a social level) between adult youth leaders and students is forbidden. There are no exceptions to this rule.

Transportation. Only screened and approved adult student ministry leaders may drive during a student ministry event. Students may drive if they are the only person in the vehicle. However, this will be allowed only under extreme circumstances. Prior permission must be requested by the student and approved by the student’s parent/legal guardian and the Director of Student Ministries.

Sexual Abuse. Any and all allegations of sexual abuse directed toward a youth leader will be thoroughly investigated. Youth leaders must use discretion in terms of physical contact of any kind. Avoid full body hugs with teenagers of the opposite sex.

Definition of Child Sexual Abuse. Child sexual abuse includes any form of sexual contact, activity, or exploitation in which a minor is being used for the sexual stimulation of the perpetrator. Sexual abuse involves children in sexual behaviors for which they are not personally, socially, and developmentally ready. All abuse is an exploitation of a child’s vulnerability and powerlessness. Child sexual abuse can involve touching and non-touching aspects. Touching may include: fondling; oral, genital, and anal penetration; intercourse; and forcible rape. Non- touching sexual abuse may include: verbal comments, pornographic pictures or videos, obscene phone calls, exhibitionism, and allowing a child to witness sexual activity.

Appropriate Relationships. There is a big difference between being a “friend” and being a “leader.” It is expected that adult youth leaders will cultivate healthy adult relationships in addition to the relationships they have with students. It is not healthy for Student Ministry events to be the primary outlet for the social needs of an adult team member.

TV/Movies/Music. Never bring a student to a “R”rated movie. Never bring a student to a PG-13 movie if under thirteen years old. While we don’t want to promote legalism, we do want to protect our reputations as leaders. With TV shows, music, and movies of a lesser rating, please use godly discernment. (It is our advice to generally avoid television and movies in general when planning activities with students).

Two or More Adults at All Times. Two or more screened youth ministry paid staff or volunteers should be present at all times when student ministry activities are conducted. All paid staff and volunteers are strictly prohibited from having sole custody of a student. Classroom doors should remain unlocked at all times.

Discipline Guidelines. Never touch any student in a disrespectful manner or make derogatory remarks. Corporal punishment is never allowed at any time. The only acceptable time to physically restrain a student is when you believe a student is attempting to do bodily harm to self or another student. Never hit, kick, or push a student.

Social Media. We want to make sure we are being good role models for our students. Therefore, if you allow students to have access to your online presence, we ask that you be judicious with what you post on Facebook or other social media sites. It is also important to be aware of what other people post on your wall or about you on social media sites. Please use wisdom when messaging or posting on a student’s page. Avoid private messaging when possible. Do not “friend request” a middle school student (technically, they’re not supposed to be on Facebook).

E.32.0—Ministry Staff On-Call

There is a Ministry Staff member on-call for each CCC campus at all times, with walk-in “on-call” responsibilities being divided among Ministry Staff members. The Ministry Staff member on-call is responsible for regularly checking and responding to calls on the church voicemail (during the hours of 7:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m., typically once before 9:00 a.m., at noon, in the early evening and again before retiring for the evening, with more frequent check-in on weekends and holidays). Ministry Staff can check with the appropriate administrative assistant for an updated schedule of assignments, and for instructions on how to check messages on the Emergency Line. If a Ministry Staff member is called to respond to a situation that they do not feel authorized or qualified to address, they should refer it to the Campus Pastor, Executive Pastor or Outreach/Counseling Pastor. Below are some general guidelines for responding to specific calls for assistance:

Financial Help (gas, food, rent, electricity, etc.) Response: Tell them—We do not give out cash. You will need to set up an appointment with our Benevolence ministry. You can call the Caring Center at 630-485-3594, Monday-Friday, to set up this appointment. If over the weekend and you feel it is an emergency, have them call 911 in their city. Police should have access to food on weekends.

Death. Response: Call and get all the information possible. If appropriate, go visit them for encouragement and support. Funerals automatically revert to the Campus Pastor, or to Jay N., Dwight D., Mike H., or Eric R. for the SC Campus. Please give one of them a call in the above order listed (phone numbers below). If decisions need to be made and the church is requested as the location for the funeral, please contact the primary campus administrator. If that individual is not available, contact Tracy Baer for a list of activities already scheduled and availability of church space. Most funerals are held at the funeral home. It is usually easier and more efficient to have the service at the funeral home unless size is a problem or the church is specifically requested.

Someone is Hospitalized and Requesting a Visit. Response: Find out the situation. Find out if they are in a Community Group and if the leader has been contacted. If not, make that contact. Make a judgment call if you should also go. If there is any question, the best option is to go. Also, report the name of the person to Sara Pomeroy for prayer and further follow up by the Hospital Team.

Possible Suicide Threat. Response: Talk to the individual to find out what is really going on. Ask them if they are alone or if they are with someone. Ask to talk to the other party if there is someone else present. Ask the caller and the other party if they are considering suicide or taking their life. If you feel that they are, have the other party or you call 911 and give them the information. Get phone number, address, and any appropriate information you can before calling the police. Follow up with appropriate calls to make sure they received help. If they are willing to call suicide prevention, have them call 630-482-9696. Also, if they are a member or regular attender of Christ Community or Celebrate Recovery, please contact Jay Nau or the applicable Campus Pastor.

A Request for Prayer. Response: Email [email protected] and the request is forwarded to Sara Pomeroy’s email. During weekends, she checks her email periodically and will then forward any requests directly to the individuals on the prayer team. If there is an immediate need in the middle of the night with a member or regular attender of Christ Community, the best course of action is to enlist the prayers of close friends and community group members of the individuals with the prayer need. For further assistance, you may call the applicable Campus Pastor or Jay Nau. If Jay is not available, you may contact Dwight Dally, Mike Hurn or Eric Rojas.

E.33.0—Issuance of Church Property and Equipment

Keys to exterior doors and/or offices of the church will be issued to appropriate employees by the Administration Director. Church-issued keys may not be used by anyone except the employee to whom they are issued. An employee must never copy church keys.

Any church-owned property and/or equipment (i.e. keys, credit cards, laptop computers, beepers, cellular phones, Dictaphone equipment, recorders, uniforms, etc.) which have been personally issued to an employee to perform their job remains the property of Christ Community Church. It is the employee’s responsibility that these items be used solely by the issued employee for church-related business. These items must be returned to the Human Resources Office at the time of the employee’s termination and their final paycheck may be held until all such items have been returned.

If a staff member retains possession of any church property upon separation of employment, the current retail value of any such items will be reported as a taxable income on the employee’s W-2. The employee’s Team Captain and the Executive Pastor must agree to any such arrangement before it is considered approved.

E.34.0—Access to Church Property

The church reserves the right to access its own property at any time, at its discretion, with or without advance notice or consent. This would include, but not be limited to, employee offices, work stations, filing cabinets, desks, and credenzas, as well as information contained in manual or electronic files.

E.35.0—Removal of Church Property

No property is to be loaned or removed from church grounds without the expressed consent of the employee’s Team Captain or the Executive Pastor. Removal of original copies of official church documents or records is strictly prohibited.

E.36.0—Personally-Owned Property

Personally-owned property brought within the church facilities remains the responsibility of the property owner to maintain appropriate insurance for the property should it be lost, stolen or destroyed while located on the premises of the church. Employees must not bring large sums of money, jewelry, or other valuables to work. The church can assume no responsibility nor will the church’s insurance company reimburse for any lost, damaged, stolen or destroyed personally-owned property while located within the church facilities.

Personally-owned property being maintained within the church facilities must be clearly marked to identify it as personally owned. Also, a list of such items must be prepared and forwarded to the HR Administrator to be included in the employee’s personnel file and a copy provided to the Administration Director for inclusion in the church’s annual physical inventory file.

E.37.0—Use of Church Telephones

Employees are expected to use good judgment and common sense when it comes to using church telephones. Church leadership realizes that it may be necessary for employees to occasionally make and receive personal calls on church telephones. However, such calls must be held to a minimum and each limited to a brief period of time. Such personal calls should be made, whenever possible, during scheduled break and lunch periods. The employee is expected to inform each of their family members of these guidelines. Unavoidable, lengthy personal calls shall be cleared through their supervisor and the time appropriately adjusted on their time sheet.

Failed efforts by staff to access voice mailboxes will be reported to the Information Systems Manager for investigation and correction.

Employees and lay leaders must not knowingly listen to personal phone conversations or secretly record any oral or electronic conversations or communications between a staff member and a third party. If some form of wrongdoing is suspected, this concern must be brought to the attention of the Executive Pastor.

E.38.0—Cell Phones and Smart Phones

While at work, employees are expected to exercise the same discretion in using personal cellular phones as is expected for the use of church phones. Excessive personal calls during the workday, regardless of the phone used, can interfere and distract others.

Where business needs demand immediate access to an employee, Christ Community may issue a church cell phone or Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) to an employee for church-related communications, in accordance with established guidelines for specific staff classifications, which can be referenced by contacting the HR Administrator.

Employees in possession of church equipment such as cellular phones or PDA’s are expected to protect the equipment from loss, damage or theft. Upon resignation or termination of employment, or upon request, the employee may be asked to return the phone.

In situations where job responsibilities include regular or occasional driving and who are issued a cell phone for business are expected to refrain from using their phones while driving. Employees are strongly encouraged to use hands-free devices or to pull off to the side of the road before placing or accepting a call or text. Employees who are charged with traffic violations resulting from the use of their phone while driving will be solely responsible for all liabilities that result from such actions.

It is basic courtesy for cell phone users to turn off your phone during scheduled meetings. Employees are encouraged to use the vibrate/silence mode during meetings and, when called, leave the room to avoid distracting others.

E.39.0—Use of Church Computers and Internet Access

The purpose of these guidelines is to maintain the integrity of the church’s computer equipment and network. Employees are expected to understand and abide by these guidelines to help ensure that the system can be used without adverse affects on its stability or integrity. The purpose of Christ Community Church’s equipment and network resources is to provide support for the various teams in the achievement of their ministry goals. These resources are intended to facilitate day-to-day operations, including collaboration and information exchange within the different ministry teams. They are also intended to expedite access by church members and the general public to Christ Community Church information.

Church computers (including all computer hardware, software and peripheral equipment) can never be utilized to support work that is for-profit, even by use from a church member, volunteer or staff member who is not on paid time.

For additional information regarding computer services, refer to the Use of Church Software and Email Usage guidelines that follow. If there are any questions regarding the use of church computers or internet access, it is incumbent upon the employee to seek guidance through the Information Systems Manager.

E.39.1—Computer Network Restriction

Church computers are to be used primarily for church business and associated ministries. Employees shall not use a church account for any activity that is commercial in nature, not related to work at Christ Community Church, such as consulting services, typing services, developing software for sale, advertising products, website development, and/or other commercial enterprises for personal/financial gain. Employees are expected to use good judgment and common sense when it comes to using church computers. Church leadership realizes that it may be necessary for employees to occasionally use church computers and internet access for personal reasons; however, such use must be held to a minimum and each limited to a brief period of time.

The Christ Community Church computer network may not be used to disseminate, view or store commercial or personal advertisements, solicitations, promotions, destructive code (e.g. viruses, Trojan horses, worms, bots, flash programs, self-replicating programs, etc.), political material or activities, pornographic text or images, or any other unauthorized materials.

Employees may not use the Christ Community Church internet connection to download games or other entertainment software (including screen savers), or to play games or gamble over the internet. Additionally, employees may not use the computer network to display, store, or send (using email or any other form of electronic communication such as bulletin councils, chat rooms, user groups, etc.) material that is fraudulent, harassing, discriminatory, embarrassing, sexually explicit, profane, obscene, intimidating, defamatory, or otherwise inappropriate or unlawful. Furthermore, anyone receiving such materials must notify his/her ministry Team Captain immediately.

Employees must not attempt to:

  • Circumvent data protection schemes or uncover security loopholes without prior written consent of the Information Systems Manager. This includes creating and/or running programs that are designed to identify security loopholes and/or intentionally decrypt secure data.
  • Monitor or tamper with another user’s electronic communications or reading, copying, changing, or deleting another user’s files or software without the explicit agreement of the owner.
  • Facilitate or allow use of a computer account and/or password by an unauthorized person.
  • Mask the identity of an account or machine which includes sending email that appears to come from someone else.
  • Perform an act without authorization that will interfere with the normal operation of computers, terminals, peripherals, networks, or will interfere with others’ ability to make use of the resources.

E.39.2—Accessing the Internet

The internet is a worldwide network of computers that contains billions of pages of information. This service is provided to church employees to facilitate communication, information sharing, information access and enhancement of their job performance. Church leadership realizes that it may be necessary for employees to occasionally use church computers and internet access for personal reasons; however, such use must be held to a minimum and each limited to a brief period of time. With this limited exception, use of the internet shall be limited to legitimate church business and is managed by rules of conduct applicable to any other church-owned resource. Users are cautioned that many internet pages include offensive, sexually explicit, and/or inappropriate material.

As a test to determine if an employee’s use of the internet is necessary or appropriate, the following question should be asked: “Is this use of the internet enabling me to perform my duties more effectively, less expensively, or provide better service to the ministries of Christ Community Church?”

It is acceptable internet use to perform the following employee functions as well as those specifically instructed by their supervisors:

  • Communications of information exchanges directly relating to the church’s mission, goals and ministry plans.
  • Announcements of church services, activities and policies and procedures.
  • Use for advisory, research, analysis and development activities related to the user’s ministry duties and responsibilities.

To ensure security and avoid the spread of viruses, users accessing the internet through a computer attached to the Christ Community Church network must do so through an approved internet firewall or other security device. Bypassing Christ Community Church computer network security by accessing the internet directly by modem or other means is strictly prohibited, unless the computer you are using is not connected to the Christ Community Church network.

E.39.3—Frivolous Use

Computer resources are not unlimited. Network bandwidth and memory have finite limits, and all users connected to the network have a responsibility to conserve those resources. Therefore, users should not deliberately perform acts that waste computer resources or unfairly monopolize resources to the exclusion of others. These acts may include, but are not limited to: sending mass mailings or chain letters, playing games, or accessing streaming audio and/or video files to the extent that it interferes with church-wide productivity.

Additionally, documents (including personal music and/or video files) not related to Christ Community Church business should not be stored on the church computers or computer network. Such files will not be backed up and may be removed by Information Systems Support staff if they are found to be interfering with the efficient function of any system or computer.

E.39.4—Virus Detection

Files obtained from sources outside of Christ Community Church, including disks brought from home, files downloaded from the internet, news groups, bulletin councils, or other online services, files attached to email, and files provided by customers or vendors may contain dangerous computer viruses that may damage the Christ Community Church computer network. Users must not download files from the internet, open suspicious email attachments from outsiders, or use disks from non-Christ Community Church sources without first checking for viruses.

Handling a Computer Virus

Outlined below are the recommended steps employees must take when a computer virus is detected on their workstation.

Always, immediately document in writing what is happening including any error messages. To report the problem accurately, it is best not to rely on your memory. Be as specific as possible. Some computer viruses can take time to reveal themselves. Record any unusual messages that are randomly displayed, even if they don’t seem to affect the performance of your workstation; how you became aware of the problem, what you were doing before the event occurred, and what application was in use at the time of the event. Identify any removable diskettes that may have been used during this period. Any data you have saved can potentially be infected by the virus. These diskettes must also be scanned for a virus. Do not use these diskettes until they have been checked for a virus.

Turn off your workstation. To contain the virus, it is best to immediately power-off your workstation. Do not attempt to initiate a normal shutdown. A computer virus can run as a TSR (terminate and stay resident) and as a background process it will continue to cause damage without any indication to the user.

If possible, do not login to the network on another workstation until you receive help. There is a potential risk that your files on the network have been infected. To assist in containing the virus, it is important that you discontinue logging in to the network until anti-virus checks are made there also.

The Information Systems Manager must be notified immediately and all recorded information shall be forwarded to him.

Resume using your system only after you have received verification that the computer virus has been removed and it has been determined to be virus free.

E.39.5—No Expectation of Privacy

Employees are given computers and internet access to assist them solely in the performance of their ministry duties. Employees shall have no expectation of privacy in anything they create, store, send or receive via the email system using Christ Community Church computer equipment. As stated above, the computer network is the property of Christ Community Church and should be used only for Christ Community Church purposes. This policy shall also apply to voicemails and other data received or created within church communication or information systems.

E.39.6—Waiver of Privacy Rights

Every user expressly waives any right of privacy in anything he/she creates, stores, sends, or receives via the email system using Christ Community Church’s computer equipment or internet access. The user consents to allow designated Christ Community Church personnel access to and review of all materials created, stored, sent, or received by user through any Christ Community Church network or internet connection.

E.39.7—Blocking Sites with Inappropriate Content

Christ Community Church reserves the right to utilize software that makes it possible to identify and block access to internet sites containing sexually explicit or other material deemed inappropriate.


It is a priority of Christ Community Church to achieve the highest levels of confidentially as possible in the church’s computer network. In order to maintain proper security controls, cooperation will be necessary in the following areas:

Passwords. User account name and temporary passwords will be issued and controlled by the Information Systems Manager or designated agents. Temporary passwords are to be changed by users at their earliest convenience. These account names and passwords are used to identify authorized users on the church’s system; therefore, each employee password must be maintained secret, known only by the employee. The employee should not share his or her password or allow anyone else to use it. The Information Systems Manager or designated agent may, on occasion, require an employee to change a password to preserve the security and stability of the church’s computer systems.

Use of System. The computer system is to be used only by those with assigned accounts. Access will be limited to selected church members who actually have a ministry-related computer use. If special computer access is needed, the employee’s Team Captain must complete a request and submit it to the Information Systems Manager.

Logoff Computer Systems When Not Attended. If employees are going to be away from their desk for an extended period of time or at the end of the workday, they must log off the system to prevent unauthorized access under their user name.

Under normal operations at the end of each day’s work, employees are to log off from all network systems and any file server connections, close all desktop applications, make sure that all file sharing systems are turned off, and then power down their desktop computer.

E.39.9—Stand-Alone Computers and Laptops

The guidelines mentioned in this section also relate to stand-alone and laptop computers. There will be no unauthorized use of, or software allowed to be loaded onto a church-owned computer. If a computer is connected to a church modem, the employee is permitted to download only to the stand-alone or laptop’s hard drive. Under no circumstances shall a download take place to the church network computer system.

E.39.10—Equipment Not Purchased by the Church

Computer equipment not procured by the church’s appointed representative will not be maintained or serviced by the church support staff. Every effort is made to maintain system compatibility and standardization to ensure adequate spare parts are in stock and personnel are knowledgeable in maintenance and repair of such equipment. As with any sizeable donation, approval from the Administration Director is required before the item is accepted.

E.39.11—Monitoring of Computer and Internet Use

Christ Community Church reserves the right to monitor and log onto any and all aspects of its computer system including, but not limited to, monitoring internet sites visited by users, monitoring chat and news groups, monitoring file downloads, and all communications sent and received by users.

E.39.12—Requests for Removal of Access To Online Systems

For employees who have terminated their employment relationship with Christ Community Church, the Administrative Assistant from their ministry department shall submit a written request to the Computer Service’s Office requesting removal of access with a copy of the request being sent to the Department Head. In the request, all files and special functions that need to be transferred to other department staff members and the exact date on which the termination of access can begin must be specified.

E.40.0—Social Media Guidelines

Christ Community Church generally views creating and contributing to personal websites, blogs and social networks, message boards, virtual worlds and other kinds of social media positively. We recognize the desire of many of our employees to participate in online community and encourage this form of networking and idea exchange.

With that in mind, the Elders and Trustees have approved the allocation of each staff member’s salary for the ongoing work of the ministry. Any activity, however positive, that regularly takes time away from the job staff are being paid to do is not viewed as a productive use of time or the church’s financial resources. While there may be nothing wrong with engaging in these activities at work, this should not be done while staff are working. Engaging in social media outlets should only be done on personal time, whether at work or at home, and should be restricted to breaks or lunch periods during the work day.

As an employee of CCC, staff will likely be seen by our members, attendees and outside parties as a representative of our organization. That means that while each individual may view his/her online presence (and those of immediate family members) as personal projects, many readers will associate staff and the view they express with our church. In light of that, we ask that staff observe the following guidelines.

Notify your Team Captain … if you have a personal website or blog or are considering creating one.

Include a disclaimer … on your blog home page or in a prominent location on your personal website. (Example: The posts on this site are my own personal opinions and have been created on my personal time. They are not read or approved by Christ Community Church before posting and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of CCC.)

Maintain confidentiality … and ask permission before reporting on conversations, meetings or decisions that are meant to be confidential or for internal use/knowledge only. Do not disclose (or provide a family member with the means to disclose) information, pictures or videos that are confidential or proprietary to CCC. This includes information that will become public, but has not yet been announced or posted.

Respect copyrights … If you have any questions on material that may be subject to copyright or trademark restrictions, please ensure that you have written permission or that the use of the material is legally permitted. This is your responsibility; we cannot provide you with legal advice regarding copyrights.

Use good judgment … Remember that what you write is public. You should always assume that it will be read by your boss, coworkers, church volunteers and attendees, other church leaders, your parents, your children, your spouse and the attorney for the person who doesn’t like you. Ask yourself if you are comfortable with all these people reading what you plan to post.

  • What your write is your responsibility and you are legally responsible for your comments.
  • Write as yourself. Use your real name. If you choose to identify yourself as an employee of CCC or to discuss anything related to the organization, be clear about your role.
  • Be accurate in what you write and ensure that you have all the facts about your subject.
  • If you make a mistake, admit it and be quick to correct it.
  • Be careful that the things you write would not impair your ability to work with your staff or volunteer teams, speak credibly to other churches, or represent CCC in the community.
  • Remember that frustrations are best expressed in person. Sarcasm does not translate well, so be careful how you use humor. The unfortunate reality of social media is that if something can be misinterpreted, it likely will be.

Respect your audience. Be thoughtful. Don’t refer to volunteers, attendees or vendors by name without permission. Don’t post pictures of others without permission. Don’t use ethnic slurs, personal insults, obscenity or engage in any conversation that would not be acceptable in our workplace.

Choose your topics wisely. There are some ideas that are best discussed in a personal conversation rather than a public forum. These might include political views and the church’s stance or policy on a certain topic. Don’t allow your posts to hinder someone else’s spiritual growth. Remember that what you write, even if retracted, is archived and can be with you longer than you might expect. Take those valuable seconds to pause before hitting the send button.

Refer press inquiries. Your posts may generate media coverage. If a member of the media contacts you about a CCC-related post or requests CCC information of any kind, contact the Communications Director or the Executive Pastor for direction on how to respond.

Advertise wisely. Should you choose to advertise on your site, to the extent that you have control, ensure that ads are consistent with our values.

Please keep in mind that these guidelines will continue to evolve as new social networking technologies emerge. Check back periodically to ensure you are up-to-date, use your own intuition and judgment in areas not covered by these guidelines, and take the initiative to follow up with Human Resources with any questions that may arise.

E.41.0—Use of Church Software

It is the policy of Christ Community Church to respect all computer software copyrights and to adhere to the terms of all software licenses to which the church is a party. The Information Systems Manager is responsible for enforcing these guidelines.

Christ Community Church employees may not duplicate any licensed software or related documentation for use either on Christ Community Church premises or elsewhere unless Christ Community Church is expressly authorized to do so by an agreement with the licenser. Unauthorized duplication of software may subject employees and/or the church to both civil and criminal penalties under the United States Copyright Act.

Employees may not give church-owned/registered computer software to any other employee or any church-owned/registered software to non-employees including: spouses, parents, contractors, students, and others. Christ Community Church employees may use church-owned/registered software on the church’s local area network or on multiple machines only in accordance with applicable license agreements.

E.41.1—Personal Software

The loading and use of personal software on CCC machines is only permitted with the approval of the Information Systems Manager. Loading personal software is the number one means of introducing viruses into a computer network. Valid software licenses are required for all software loaded onto the church computer network.

E.41.2—Home Computer Use

Computer software purchased by Christ Community Church is owned by the church and cannot be copied or installed on employee’s or lay leader’s home computers. All church computer data and information belongs to the church and must not be copied or loaded onto any other computer.

If an employee is required to use certain software at home, Christ Community Church will purchase a separate package and record it as a church-owned asset in the software register. Certain software companies do provide in their license agreement that home use is permitted under certain circumstances.

E.42.0—Email Usage

The email system of Christ Community Church has been established for the purpose of furthering the church’s mission goals and not to provide a communication facility for employees’ personal business. Consequently, email must be used for ministry-related matters. However, an occasional or incidental use of the email system for personal, non-business purposes is generally acceptable (similar to personal phone calls). However, if this privilege is abused, the employee may lose his or her email privileges.

Every communication the employees and lay leaders of Christ Community Church have with the public or with other employees must be of the highest possible quality. Therefore, employees and lay leaders are expected to pay close attention to any electronic mail (email) message sent internally or externally. Email messages sent externally will receive the same attention to detail as does hard copies.

Email communications may be used to facilitate routine matters such as scheduling meetings and conference calls, policy notices, requests for information or directives to complete tasks, and notification of employees’ whereabouts. Incidental purposes may include announcing work-related social events, or contacting others about work-related transportation, work hours, and so on. At no time shall the email system be used for betting pools, chain letters, product sales, political activism, and so forth.

Email messages must never contain sexually explicit images, slurs, jokes or cartoons, or any ethnic slurs, racial epithets, or any other material that could be construed as harassment, threatening, defamatory, misleading, obscene, or disparagement of others based on their race, national origin, gender, age, disability, or religious or political beliefs. Furthermore, email messages must not be used to reveal personal information such as the employee’s or another’s home address, telephone number, or social security number.

All email messages, documents, and information are the property of Christ Community Church, and as such, may be reviewed or inspected by the Minister of Administration or his/her appointee at any time. Employees must also keep in mind that when email messages are exchanged with persons outside the church, through the internet or otherwise, the privacy of the messages depends upon policies and practices of service providers and network managers not within the control of the church.

E.42.1—Confidential Church Information

Employees must exercise a greater degree of caution in transmitting confidential church information on the email system than they take with other means of communicating information, (e.g. written memoranda, letters or phone calls). Confidential church information must never be transmitted or forwarded to outside individuals or organizations not authorized to receive that information and must not even be sent or forwarded to other employees inside the church who do not need to know the information. The employee must always use care in addressing email messages to make sure messages are not inadvertently sent to outsiders or the wrong person inside the church. In particular, care must be exercised when using distribution lists to make sure that it is appropriate for all addressees to receive the information. Individuals using distribution lists must take measures to ensure that the lists are current. Employees must refrain from routinely forwarding messages containing church confidential information to multiple parties unless there is a clear need to do so.

E.42.2—Viewing and Protecting Emails

To guard against dissemination of confidential church information, employees will not access their email messages for the first time in the presence of others. Email windows must not be left open on the screen when the computer is unattended.

E.42.3—Privileged Communications

Some of the messages sent, received or stored on the church email system will constitute confidential, privileged communications between the church and its ministers and professional advisors (i.e. attorneys, CPAs). Upon receipt of a message from one of the church’s professional advisors, the employee must not forward it or its contents to others inside the church without the advisor’s authorization. Never forward such messages or their contents to any non-employee.

E.42.4—Copyrighted Information

Use of the email system to copy and/or transmit any documents, software, or other information protected by the copyright laws is strictly prohibited. Among uses that are considered unacceptable and constitute a violation of this policy are downloading or transmitting copyrighted materials without permission from the owner of the copyright in those materials. Even if materials on the church’s network or the internet are not marked with the copyright symbol, one must assume that they are protected under copyright laws unless there is explicit permission on the materials to use them.

E.42.5—Governmental Involvement

Communication must never be sent for the purpose of endorsing or opposing a political candidate for public office or attempting to influence the passage or defeat of proposed legislation. These types of communications can jeopardize the federal exemption status of Christ Community Church.

E.42.6—Responding to Email and Voicemail

Staff members are required to return email and voicemail within 24 hours with only two exceptions: 1) when they have set up an out-of-office auto response and voicemail message letting the individual know when they’ll be returning email/voicemail and who else can be contacted while they’re away, and, 2) when they give the responsibility of responding over to another person. In that instance, please make sure they understand the time frame and expectation. In forwarding situations, it’s helpful to ask for a follow-up on how that forwarded contact went.

E.42.7—Email Etiquette

Email messages may be read by someone other than the addressee and may even someday have to be disclosed to outside parties or a court-of-law in connection with pending litigation. Accordingly, employees must take care to ensure that their messages are courteous, professional, and businesslike.

Employees must not send any email communication that they would not feel comfortable communicating face-to-face or over the phone. Good judgment must be used when communicating via email. A good rule of thumb is to send only messages that the employee would be comfortable with if seen by someone other than the intended receiver.

Other helpful tips on using email:

  • Keep messages brief and to the point. Format messages for easy reading—use a specific subject heading, make your main point in the first paragraph, keep sentences and paragraphs short, and use paragraph headings in longer messages. Avoid the use of all caps.
  • Reread your mail for grammar, content, and tone; perform spellcheck before you send it. A message can be softened by beginning with the person’s first name (“John, I have some corrections for your report …”) and ending with a “thank you.” Avoid inappropriate informality—think of a business email message as a memo.
  • Distribute messages only to selected staff with a need to know basis. Don’t overuse “reply all.”
  • Never send email under another person’s name without that person’s authorization, and the sender shall indicate their identity in the message.

Emails must be avoided under the following situations:

  • A message is extremely important or confidential and one cannot risk a breach of privacy.
  • Conducting negotiations or holding a give-and-take conversation.
  • Conducting lengthy interviews with a long list of questions that call for detailed answers.
  • Delivering bad news or discussing an emotionally charged matter.
  • Seeking an immediate response from someone who may not check email regularly or has a tendency to procrastinate.
  • Involving a number of people in the communications.
  • Suspecting the written message may be misunderstood or misconstrued.

E.42.8—Storing and Deleting Email Messages

Christ Community Church strongly discourages the storage of large numbers of email messages for a number of reasons. First, because email messages frequently contain confidential church information, it is desirable to limit the number, distribution, and availability of such messages to protect the church’s information. Second, email retention fills up large amounts of storage space on the network server and personal hard drives, and can slow down the performance of both the network and an employee’s personal computer. Finally, in the event that the church needs to search the network server, backup tapes, or individual hard drives for important documents, the fewer documents it has to search through, the more economical the search will be.

Accordingly, employees are to promptly delete any email messages they send or receive that no longer require action or are not necessary to an ongoing project. Employees shall audit their stored email messages weekly to identify messages that are no longer needed and will be deleted.

E.42.9—Penalties for Abuse of Email Policies

Abuse of these email policies can range from an employee’s loss of email privileges up to and including termination of employment. Employees may also be held personally liable for any policy violations.

E.43.0—Use of Church Equipment and Supplies

Christ Community Church equipment and supplies are funded and maintained for official church business use only. Church copiers can be used on an occasional basis to make a few personal copies. Employees are expected to utilize discretion and employ good stewardship practices when using church equipment and/or supplies for personal use. Copyrighted materials must never be copied or transmitted through a fax machine without the expressed written permission of the copyright owner. Church equipment can never be utilized to support work that is for-profit, even by use from a church member, volunteer or staff member who is not on paid time.

E.44.0—Personal Mail

Due to the large amount of mail the church receives each day, it is important that any mail of a personal nature be delivered to the employee’s home address and not to the church.

E.45.0—Cashing of Personal Checks

To avoid the appearance of a possible conflict-of-interest, church staff may not request church funds be used to cash personal checks of employees.

E.46.0—Personal Use of Church Stationery

Christ Community Church stationery is to be used for authorized church use only.

E.47.0—Personal Credit Card Use

Personal credit cards can be used for church-related purposes, but the church will not cover any finance charges accrued for expenses charged to personal credit card accounts.

E.48.0—Mileage Reimbursement

Christ Community Church reimburses mileage at the current federal rate in order to provide reimbursement for the cost of gasoline as well as routine wear and tear on a vehicle. Miles for work-related errands, to attend an offsite meeting or conference, or to move from an employee’s main office to another church campus or off-sight meeting are reimbursable. Mileage is reimbursable for work-related driving, but is not available for commuting to/from work except as noted in the examples below.

An employee is not allowed to have miles reimbursed for their first trip from their home to their home campus and back to their home. The second trip of the day to and from an employee’s home and work is reimbursable. This guideline applies for the first five trips/work days of each week.

Example A: Employee John Smith leaves his home and drives eight miles to work in the morning and then eight miles home at the end of the day. Those miles are not reimbursable.

Example B: Employee John Smith comes back to work in the evening for a meeting after having already traveled to and from his home and work earlier in the day. Those miles are reimbursable.

Example C: Employee John Smith has come to the office Monday-Friday (five days) and then comes in to work on Saturday night. Those Saturday night miles are reimbursable.

Any time an employee drives to a location for a reason that is for “the benefit of or at the request of or for the convenience of” the employer is allowable mileage reimbursement. In other words, if you are doing your job and having to drive to do your job (but not including driving to and from home and work), then those miles are reimbursable.

Example D:  Employee John Smith leaves work to go to a lunch meeting. Those miles to and from the lunch appointment are reimbursable.

There are some unique elements to a multisite church as it relates to reimbursable miles. Transportation of materials or goods does constitute an allowable reimbursable if it is a travel of non-daily use (in other words, your backpack doesn’t count), is not done for the purpose of getting miles reimbursed (in other words an employee just transports goods so that they can collect the reimbursable miles—abusing the system for the purpose of collecting reimbursable miles), and it is transportation that is for the benefit of or at the request of the employee’s employer (in other words, the employee has been asked to transport the materials). If there is a transportation of materials or goods, then miles to and from home to work are reimbursable.

Example E:  Employee John Smith lives in St. Charles, but has his home campus in DeKalb. Normally traveling from his home to the DeKalb campus would not be reimbursable miles due to Example A above. However, if John is asked to stop by the St. Charles campus to pick up materials to take to the DeKalb campus, then all of his miles are reimbursable.

If an employee goes to an off-campus place of work before driving to his/her office or if an employee goes to an off-campus place of work before going home, then those working miles are reimbursable and the remainder of the miles to the office or to home are not reimbursable.

Example F:  Employee John Smith leaves his home for a breakfast meeting before going into the office. His home is ten miles from the office. The breakfast place he is going to happens to be six miles from his home on the way to the office. In that instance, the six miles are reimbursable and the remaining four miles are not. All ten miles would not be reimbursable on the return trip to John’s home.

Lastly, there is a new form that changes the method of miles capturing. Whenever an employee takes a work-related trip, they are to write down the starting and ending mileage in a log. It will be assumed that an employee will follow the guidelines above and will not include any to and from work and home reimbursable hours.

Mileage forms must be turned in within sixty days of the travel date(s) to be eligible for reimbursement.

E.49.0—Expense Reimbursement

The Trustees Team prepares a budget each year for the general operations of Christ Community that serves as a guideline for all our expenditures. All expenditures must be approved by the designated Team Captain responsible for the account and have administrative approval. Employees are not allowed to approve expense requests themselves. This provides accountability to those staff members who need to make purchases on behalf of Christ Community. In addition, the approval of the Executive Pastor and Trustees may be required for purchases or commitments over a pre-determined limit. The Accounting Department will direct these requests to applicable parties as needed for approval.

E.50.0—Gifts in Kind

In the event that the church receives a non-cash gift as a charitable contribution, receipting of the gift should be handled through the accounting department. Federally mandated guidelines and forms are utilized in the acknowledgement of these gifts.


Prior to soliciting or accepting sponsorships for any church-related program or event, employees should check with the accounting department to become familiar with applicable guidelines and restrictions.

E.52.0—Restricted Donations/Vehicle Donations

It is not the practice of Christ Community Church to accept restricted or designated donations. Employees who are asked about this should direct interested parties to the Administration Director and/or Executive Pastor.

If a person expresses an interest in donating a vehicle to Christ Community Church, they should be referred to the Administration Director. The Administration Director will make the decision to accept the car as a donation based upon conversations with the donor and a subsequent valuation and estimation of safety, necessary repairs, salvage/parts value, etc. Once the vehicle’s value has been determined, the Administration Director will make the decision on its disposition with the general rule being that higher-end vehicles (those defined as having a fair market value in excess of $5,000) would be made available to staff or to be sold. The recent method of sale is a sealed bid process with a minimum bid required. An email or voicemail will be issued to notify staff of the particulars. Typically the church would pay for any necessary safety-issue repairs, while the staff member would be required to pay for any optional repairs.

During a giving campaign, proceeds from the sale of a vehicle designated to the campaign are deposited into the appropriate campaign fund. Any other time, the Administration Director, in consultation with the Executive Pastor, will determine where the funds are to be deposited. Vehicles with a value under $5,000 are, in most cases, turned over to the Benevolent Team which keeps a list of possible recipients based on need.

E.53.0—Auto/Transportation Policies

The Trip Sponsor (Ministry Director) is responsible for ensuring that anyone arranging for or providing transportation on behalf of the church is both aware of and operating within the established policies and procedures for automotive use and personal transportation, as detailed below. These policies shall apply to all church-related trips, both domestic and international. For trips involving minors, parents must be advised of and sign their consent for the designated mode of transportation.

Policies Related to the Transportation of Individuals for Any Ministry, Event or Purpose

  • Driver and passengers must wear seat belts at all times (except as permitted on buses).
  • Transportation will not be conducted between midnight and 6:00 a.m., without special permission from the Administration Director and Executive Pastor.
  • Driving speeds should be kept at or below posted speed limits at all times, with adjustments made in consideration of hazardous weather or road conditions.
  • At no time should any adult staff member or volunteer be alone with one minor of the opposite gender (other than their own children) while providing transportation for a church-related activity or function.
  • Children under the age of twelve should not sit in a seat with a front-side airbag (or as otherwise instructed by the automotive manufacturer). A child should not sit in a seat with a side airbag unless absolutely necessary. If a child must use this seat, the driver is to pay particular attention that the child’s seat belt is worn properly and securely. Also, the seat in which the child is sitting should be moved back as far as possible to reduce impact possibility.
  • For safety purposes, a cellular phone should be available in every vehicle.
  • With outings involving multiple vehicles, it is recommended that vehicles caravan and stay together for the duration of the trip.
  • Head counts must be taken by the driver of every vehicle prior to each leg of an outing, to ensure that all participants are present in the vehicle before departing

Policies Related to Personal Automobile Use

  • Prior to the outing, the vehicle owner must provide to the Administration Director’s office a photocopy of their current insurance policy which identifies:
    • The policyholder’s name.
    • The vehicle being used for the outing.
    • Liability limits of not less than $100,000/$300,000 Bodily Injury (BI), $50,000 Property Damage (PD), and $100,000/$300,000 Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury (UM & UIM).
  • A valid insurance I.D. card must be readily available in the vehicle.
  • The vehicle should be in good repair and in safe operating condition.

Policies Related to the Rental and Use of Buses

  • Passengers must be seated at all times the bus is in motion.
  • For bench seating, no more than two passengers can be seated in any one seat.
  • For bucket seats, all passengers must have their own seat for travel.
  • Noise must be controlled at a level that allow the driver to safely navigate traffic.
  • For day trips, it is recommended that the vendor keep the bus present at the destination location, to respond as needed to inclement weather or emergency situations.
  • Any problems with vendor service or bus maintenance should be reported to the Administration Director’s office for tracking purposes.
  • Staff are encouraged to contact the Administration Director’s office for vendor service information/recommendations prior to securing bus rentals.

Policies Related to the Rental and Use of Passenger Vans

  • To ensure proper weight distribution and minimize the potential for rollovers, occupancy should be at least five and shall at no time be no more than ten people, including driver.
  • Passengers must be seated towards the front of the van, if possible.
  • Tire conditions and pressure must be checked before each trip. Refer to the vehicle owner’s manual.
  • Weather must be considered in trip planning. Trips utilizing vans should be suspended for hazardous driving conditions such as fog, heavy rain, snow, ice and high winds.
  • Travel routes will be pre-determined and approved by the applicable Ministry Director.
  • For every 150 pounds of gear placed in van, one occupant must be removed to avoid overloading. All gear must be stored safely, with precautions taken to distribute weight in the vehicle and not unduly load the back section of the van.
  • Towing and roof loads are not permitted.
  • Speeds should be kept at or below posted truck speed limits at all times.
  • All drivers must be authorized by the Ministry Director, be at least 25 years of age with no less than five years driving experience, be trained on these operational guidelines and have the appropriate paperwork updated and on file prior to commencement of the trip. Please note that fifteen-passenger vans have a wheelbase of approximately 155 inches. Fifteen-passenger vans can sometimes be disguised as eight, ten or twelve-passenger vans because of seating configurations, so please be certain that you are aware of what type of vehicle you are renting (twelve-passenger vans have a significantly smaller wheelbase of approximately 135 inches). Also, vans should optimally come with the electronic stability control (ESC) feature available.

Policies Related to Drivers

  • Prior to the outing, drivers will need to provide the Trip Sponsor office with a photocopy of a valid drivers license.
  • In the past three years, drivers cannot not have been involved in more than one accident where they were more than fifty percent at fault or have more than two moving violations.
  • Drivers are only to allow one passenger per seat belt.
  • Drivers must make sure that seat belts are worn properly and securely at all times while the vehicle is moving.
  • Drivers should not consume alcohol within 24 hours prior to driving for any church-related function, nor should they be under the influence of any prescription or over-the-counter medication that could affect their ability to safely operate a motor vehicle.

Trip Sponsor Responsibilities

The Trip Sponsor (designated point person) is responsible for:

  • Providing each driver with a copy of the CCC “Accident Procedures” prior to departing on the trip (this form can be located on the public drive in the “Forms/Emergency Response” folder).
  • Ensuring that the Administration Director’s office has a copy of the “Driver Statement and Checklist” signed by each driver prior to departing on the trip (this form can be located on the public drive in the “Forms/EmergencyResponse” folder).
  • Ensuring all vehicle owners and drivers have read through the church’s auto/transportation policy and are complying with the above requirements!
  • Ensuring that a head count is taken prior to departing each leg of the trip.

The above guidelines must always be followed regardless of the length of the journey.

E.54.0—Rented Vehicle Insurance

When renting a vehicle for official church business, the following guidelines must be adhered to:

  • Indicate on the contract your official church employment position and the name of Christ Community Church.
  • Do not accept the Loss Damage Waiver (LDW), which is listed on the contract. Our insurance carrier provides coverage for this type of physical loss.
  • Do not accept the Liability Insurance Supplement (LIS), the Personal Accident Insurance (PAI) or Personal Effects Coverage (PEC). Christ Community Church vehicle insurance coverage also covers these types of claims.

E.55.0—Travel Policies


Meals incurred by volunteers in the course of conducting church business will be reimbursed only with prior approval of a Team Captain. Staff members may be reimbursed for meals when traveling out of town and when conducting prescribed business activities. The IRS views meals as an inherently personal expense, requiring the staff member to bear the burden in proving they are legitimate business expenses. Staff meals will be reimbursed only by receipt. It is acceptable for one individual to pay for his or her own meal as well as that of other staff members who qualify for a meal reimbursement providing the individual lists the names of all others covered by the payment and abides by the limitations per person. Staff members are expected to practice good stewardship and dine as cost-effectively as possible.

For work- travel, a per diem limit for meals and miscellaneous expenses may be established by the employee’s supervisor and/or Executive Pastor, If applicable, this guidelines will be communicated prior to the commencement of the trip.

Meals incurred outside of travel status are considered a personal expense, and therefore will not be reimbursed, unless one of the following exceptions is met:

  • The meal is a business meeting including person(s) other than staff members (i.e. vendors, volunteers, members/attenders), and a legitimate business purpose for the meeting is documented.
  • The meal is a working meal for a group of staff members, held for the convenience of the staff members’ supervisor, and a legitimate business purpose for the working meal is documented.
  • The meal is a team building or team appreciation event, with the prior approval of a Team Captain, and a specific purpose for the event is documented.The church will not pay for the purchase of alcoholic beverages. If a staff member attends a conference or any other function that would allow for the reimbursement of meal-related expenses, they need to ensure that alcoholic beverages are billed on a separate receipt and paid for by individual parties.


Hotel accommodations should be reasonably priced. Luxury hotels or resort accommodations should not be reserved without prior approval of the Executive Pastor or Administration Director.

A single, non-concierge level room should be reserved. Suites are acceptable only when the suite accommodation is the standard-type room of the hotel. Staff members of the same sex are encouraged to share a room (two persons to a room).

The following types of expenses are considered to be of a personal nature and will not be reimbursed:

  • Personal or extra-cost services such as barber, beautician, manicurist, shoeshine, and massage.
  • Special room services, such as in-room movies.
  • Additional charges for room upgrades, poolside rooms, special floors, or health clubs.

Airline Travel

Staff members should reserve the lowest applicable non-penalty coach fare. Travelers will make reservations as far in advance as possible to take advantage of airline discounts. Non-refundable or penalty tickets provide considerable savings opportunities and should be used when it is unlikely that an itinerary will change. Additional costs incurred due to changes in travel plans for business reasons are reimbursable. Additional costs for changes made for personal convenience are to be absorbed by the staff member.

Automobile Rentals

Automobiles should be rented only when public transportation and taxis are impractical, more expensive, or not available. Vehicles up to an intermediate (midsize) class are customary for individual travelers. The next size class may be rented only when three or more people are traveling together. Rented vehicles should be charged to a purchasing card to take advantage of insurance provided by the credit cards, and the loss damage waiver offered by the rental car company should be declined.

Taxi and Car Service

Taxi and car service used for business-related travel to and from airports or within out-of-town locations are reimbursable expenditures. The amount of the reimbursement is equal to the actual fare, tolls, “extra” charges for luggage, passengers and the like, and a reasonable tip. Staff members are encouraged to seek the most cost-effective alternatives, such as hotel or airport shuttle services, whenever possible.

Long-Distance Telephone

If the traveler maintains a cell phone as a requirement of his or her position, long-distance phone charges are not reimbursable. If the traveler does not maintain a cell phone as a requirement of his or her position, long distance charges will be reimbursed, limited to one phone call home per day, for a duration of no more than ten minutes.

Laundry and Dry Cleaning Services

Individuals traveling on church business and away from their homes for more than four consecutive days are entitled to reimbursement for reasonable actual laundry/valet expenses beginning with the fifth day.

Spouse and Family Travel

A spouse or other family member may accompany a staff member on a business trip only with prior approval from the Team Captain or Executive Pastor. Spouse or family member travel expenses will not be reimbursed, except in rare circumstances with prior written approval of the Executive Pastor. Reimbursement of spouse or family member travel expense is a taxable fringe benefit, subject to withholding, and will be reported as taxable income to the employee. Expenses of travel for an employment candidate’s spouse to participate in the interview process, in order to make an employment decision, is considered a legitimate business purpose and will be classified as nontaxable if reimbursed.


Charges for babysitting are not reimbursable, unless specifically authorized by the Executive Pastor.

Travel Advances

Travel advances are available on a limited basis, and must be approved by the Executive Pastor or Administration Director. All travel and entertainment expenses should be charged to a purchasing card to any extent possible.

E.56.0—Church Calendar

For Level 7 and Level 8 events, reservations can be submitted in the EMS system to effectively place an event or program on the church calendar, and will be considered for approval based on the availability of facility space and church resources.

Level 1 through Level 6 events will discussed and added to the calendar upon approval by the Executive Management Team, which consists of the Team Captains, Executive Pastor and Senior Pastor. To request that an event be added to the church calendar, staff are required to fill out a New Event Request Form and forward it to their Team Captain. At the discretion of the Team Captain, the request will be submitted to the Team Captain’s group for consideration. For recurring events, the Event Executive Summary must be completed and turned in to the Executive Pastor at the close of the event to allow for scheduling consideration the following year. Questions regarding the scheduling of church events can be directed to the office of the Events Team Manager.

E.57.0—Room Reservations/Event Requests

Staff must follow the directions below for reserving a room at the St. Charles Campus. Requests for room reservations at the DeKalb and Blackberry Creek campuses will be handled by on-site administrative staff. Staff should contact the Event Team Manager for any assistance needed for the room reservation process.

  1. Check EMS system for available dates and possible conflicts.
  2. If dates are clear, submit room reservation utilizing the EMS request process.
  3. The request will be processed and an email confirmation will be sent back. When the confirmation is received, your reservation is approved.

* Large church events approved by the Executive Team can cancel out previously secured room reservations for other ministry programs and events.

E.58.0—Weekend Service Meeting Guidelines

We generally discourage/disallow meetings during or after the weekend services. However, we have developed these guidelines to help staff understand what is allowed and not allowed. These guidelines apply to all weekend services at all campuses.

The reasons that we generally discourage meetings during or after the weekend services is for the following reasons:

  • To ensure that staff are as focused as possible on providing “Service for God’s People” during the most important time frame of each week.
  • To ensure that CCC attenders have the freedom in their schedule to use the weekend services as invite opportunities for their friends.
  • To ensure that weekend service serving commitments are not compromised.
  • To ensure that staff are always considering the other options of information disbursement besides the easy default of a weekend service meeting time.
  • To ensure that CCC attenders attend a weekend worship service as often as possible.

Guideline #1—There are only two meetings that are currently allowed during a weekend service—Next Steps and Baptism classes. Other requests for meetings during a weekend service would need to be approved by the Team Captains.

Guideline #2—One time after service connection events will be allowed for Level 1 ministries. These should be limited to 15-30 minutes and have a goal of connecting the unconnected to a key Level 1 ministry.

Guideline #3—Those ministries that have weekend service serving commitments are strongly encouraged to make “Serve First” a part of their serving training. In other words, those serving need to have the expectation that a serving commitment comes ahead of a one-time connection event.

Guideline #4—All other meetings need to conclude at least thirty minutes prior to the start of the Saturday night or first Sunday morning service, and may begin twenty minutes after a Saturday night or the last Sunday morning service.

E.59.0—Employment Screening

Christ Community Church conducts criminal background check of all new employees to determine suitability of employment. Christ Community Church also reserves the right to conduct criminal background checks of existing employees. In the event a criminal record exists, consideration will be given to the relationship between the conviction and the responsibilities of the position that is or will be held. A relevant job-related conviction is grounds for termination of employment or non-selection of an applicant. Conviction is defined as including all felonies and misdemeanors except minor traffic violations in relation to any position that does not require driving. For positions that do require operation of a motor vehicle, the term conviction shall include minor traffic violations. Falsification of application materials, including failure to disclose criminal convictions, is grounds for termination of employment or non-selection of applicant.

Any adults who have been convicted or pleaded guilty to child sexual abuse or physical abuse are not eligible to work in any Christ Community ministry or program related to children or youth. Adult survivors of childhood sexual or physical abuse need the love and acceptance of the church family. Individuals who have such a history should discuss their desire to work with children or youth with the Executive Pastor prior to serving any such position or capacity.

E.60.0—Workplace Violence

To ensure employee and church member safety on church grounds, Christ Community Church takes very seriously violence in the workplace.

Violence and threats of violence include, but are not limited to:

  • Any act which is by nature physical assaulting.
  • Any substantial threat to harm or to endanger the safety of others.
  • Behaviors or actions interpreted by a reasonable person as carrying the potential for violence and/or acts of aggression.
  • Any substantial threat to destroy property.
  • Possession of any weapon or dangerous instrument (e.g. any type of firearms, certain knives, brass or metal knuckles, etc.) on church property.

A climate of fear or intimidation will not be tolerated at Christ Community Church. Threatening or intimidating behaviors, acts of verbal or physical aggression and violence may be subject to severe discipline or immediate termination. Civil and criminal penalties will be pursued as appropriate. It is the responsibility of every employee of the church to take any threat or violent act seriously, to consult with appropriate individuals and to take action as recommended by these guidelines. Perceived or actual threats to personal safety must be immediately reported to the Safety and Security Manager, Administration Director and/or Executive Pastor.

The Administration Team is charged with coordinating church responses to potentially violent situations on church property, which involve employees, visitors, and/or church members collectively, individually, or any combination thereof.

E.61.0—Workplace Safety and Security

Every effort will be made to ensure the safety and well-being of the employees, volunteers, church members, and visitors of Christ Community Church. This will include while they are on the premises of the church, involved in church-related or sponsored activities, and while using church-owned equipment. Christ Community Church provides all employees with the tools, training, facilities, and information necessary to work in a safe and efficient manner. Employees are asked to approach their work with a thoughtfulness that reflects their respect for their own health and safety and that of their fellow employees.

Christ Community Church strives to comply with all workplace safety laws and regulations; employees are responsible for taking the opportunities provided to understand them and observe them. Our fundamental belief is that no one task is so important that it warrants risking the health or safety of any employee at any time. Safety and emergency procedure information is available from the Safety and Security Manager.

If an on-the-job accident occurs, the employee must immediately report it to the Administration Director and Human Resource Manager, no matter how minor the accident may seem to be. Should a work-related injury occur, Christ Community Church employees are covered by Workers’ Compensation Insurance. Questions or concerns about workplace health or safety can be addressed to the Safety and Security Manager and/or the Administration Pastor.

E.62.0—Miscellaneous Responsibilities of Employees

Employees must check regularly with the church calendar for information and direction. All events planned in Christ Community Church facilities must be calendared by the use of the Room Reservation process.

As a reminder, staff are asked to notify the Receptionist when they leave the church property during scheduled hours. Also, it is a mark of efficiency to alert the Receptionist when employees are “not available,” such as when they are working in a part of the building that does not have a phone or when they are in a counseling session.

Employees are responsible to maintain their own office or workspace in an efficient and attractive manner. Employees need to assume security and protective care of their equipment. Employees also need to assume cleanup of their own work and activities in other joint work areas such as the copy room and employee kitchen areas.

Employees must turn off lights in church facilities when an area is not in use. Any other areas to improve energy conservation (i.e. dripping faucets or leaks) should be reported to the Administration Director. Stewardship of church finances and facilities must always be a priority of all employees.

Employees will be asked to assist in the cross training of other employee positions as deemed appropriate by their supervisors or the Executive Pastor.

E.63.0—Personal Referrals vs. Church Referrals

As an employee of the church, it is important to make the distinction between referrals that can be provided on behalf of the church and those that can only be offered on a personal basis and should be communicated as such.

As a representative of the church, a staff person can inform a church member who may inquire of any vendor whose services are utilized by the church. When presenting this information, it is important to use the appropriate language, so as to share the vendor information without specifically endorsing their company or services. This can be done by communicating “I know this vendor has performed services for the church before” or “I know that this vendor attends the church.” This type of response would be appropriate for any type of vendor the church hires or contracts to perform services with the exception of counselors, attorneys, financial advisors and child care workers.

Counselors should be referred by the Counseling Pastor or a ministry staff member with the specific authorization to provide this information. There is a select group of legal and financial services/professionals that the church would refer to, and those referrals are handled by the Administration office. With very few exceptions, babysitters and child care workers (whether employed by the church or not) should not be directly recommended or indirectly endorsed by a staff member to a church member. If a staff member is asked for a referral from a general church attender, the response should be “the best thing to do is to talk to folks you know around the church.” If a staff member is asked for a referral from someone close to them (i.e. community group member, key volunteer, personal friend), the response should be “our family has used ‘X’ and we’ve had a positive experience.” Even if it’s true, please refrain from mentioning that an individual is related to a CCC staff member, is employed by the church as a childcare worker, is a volunteer in KidsWorld of Student Ministries, or anything else that might imply that this individual is approved or endorsed by the church for this type of service.

Staff members are even encouraged to say “the church does not provide referrals” when providing this information. If a staff member is asked to send out a notice to other church staff and/or members regarding a business or service they provide, the staff person should respond by saying “Our policy does not permit this, but I would be happy to keep your information at hand.” Staff can continue to seek referrals from other staff on their own behalf for doctors and other types of service providers, understanding that these referrals are of a personal nature and do not imply any endorsement by the church.

With regard to employment referrals, we recognize that from time to time you may be called upon to give a reference for a former staff member. Just as we ask for references from other churches, we want to be sure to provide them from those churches that ask. However, there may be some information that HR has that would be important in a reference call for a former employee. As such, we ask that you contact either our HR Manager or Executive Pastor before making a reference call as a staff member for a former staff member.

E.64.0—Personal Promotion/Sale of Personal Merchandise

It is great to be a part of a staff team. Being part of a team, we naturally want to share with one another in life opportunities. As a result, there are times when we would like to announce special opportunities that are occurring in our lives (musicals, plays, etc.) and sales/fundraising opportunities on behalf of our kids (school, sports, scouts, etc.) The church approves of this practice, however, there needs to be some limits on these opportunities. The basic guidelines are detailed as follows:

  • Please keep these opportunities to three times per year.
  • Please keep each opportunity to a one-time email to all staff or selected staff.
  • Please keep each fundraising opportunity to no more than a one-month period of time.
  • Please refrain from going office to office with any opportunity that presents itself.With regard to the sale of personal merchandise, employees, immediate family members of employees, or businesses operated by employees or family members may not directly sell merchandise (i.e. Amway products, Shaklee products, T-shirts, music, records, etc.) to employees, church members or visitors during normal working hours. Furthermore, sales may not be made for or at any church-related functions.

E.65.0—Parking on Church Facilities

Parking spaces on church facilities are available on a first-come, first-serve basis and may not be reserved without the approval of the Administration Director. Employees may not park in spaces that have been appropriately designated for a specific use or purpose (i.e. handicap, first time visitors, drop-off areas, etc.) During times of peak ministry programming, employees will be asked to park in outlying areas to reserve premium parking spots for church members and attenders.

Parking on church property is done at the employee’s own risk. Christ Community Church will not be responsible for any forms of theft or damage to an employee’s vehicle parked on or near church facilities. Additionally, Christ Community Church will not be responsible for any personal property left in vehicles that is lost, damaged, stolen or destroyed. Vehicles must always be locked when unattended. It is the responsibility of each employee to use prudent measures in safeguarding their vehicles while on church facilities.

E.66.0—Maintenance of Church Facilities

As part of the staff team, every employee shares in the responsibility for the care and maintenance of church properties, facilities, and equipment. Staff members should assist as needed with general janitorial issues if the maintenance staff is not readily available. Staff members are also responsible for reporting any maintenance or repair concerns to the maintenance team in a timely manner when they are either observed or reported.

In the interest of maintaining a clean and professional facility, pets and animals are restricted from inside church facilities at all campuses.

E.67.0—Updating Personal Information

In order to properly communicate employment information and administer employee benefits, Christ Community must maintain current and accurate records on all employees. Consequently, it’s important that you notify the HR Specialist whenever changes occur to any of the following personal information:

  • Name, address or phone number
  • Marital status
  • Change in dependant status
  • Person to notify in case of accident or illness
  • Physician or hospital preference
  • Insurance beneficiary
  • Military status
  • Death of a family member
  • Planned resignation
  • Planned retirement
  • Personal injury or illness sustained while on the job
  • Accommodations for temporary or permanent disability
  • Leaves of absence (including planned or actual for a medical condition that may last more than three consecutive days or involve medical treatment)

Section G—Organizational Structure

G.1.0—Ministry Team Descriptions

Administration Team

The Administration Team exists to serve and protect the church by evaluating, organizing, planning and executing a comprehensive administration and business operations program for the church. The Administration Team has direct oversight of facilities and grounds, information systems, safety/security, event management, risk management and legal matters. The focus is to ensure proper internal controls are in place that protect the integrity and safety of the entire ministry and all auxiliary functions so front-line ministry teams can be most effective in reaching people for Christ.

Adult Ministries Team

The Adult Ministries Team exists to advance the Christ Community Church mission through Community Groups by championing the role church-wide, cultivating leaders, and connecting all regularly attending adults. The main priority of the Adult Ministry Team is the provision, oversight, placement and training for Community Group Life. Periodically the Adult Ministry Team spearheads additional opportunities for belonging and growth.

Bartlett Campus Team

The Bartlett Campus Team coordinates with the St. Charles Campus Team to meet campus needs in the areas of finance, facilities, food services, event management, information systems, bookstore operations, etc. In addition, the Bartlett Team provides leadership for the Children, Students, Adult/Community Group and Creative Arts Ministries at the local campus.

Blackberry Creek Campus Team

The Blackberry Creek Campus Team coordinates with the St. Charles Campus Team to meet campus needs in the areas of facilities, food services, event management, bookstore operations, etc. In addition, the Blackberry Campus Team provides leadership for the Children/Students and Adult/Community Group Ministries, Benevolent, Community Impact and Creative Arts Ministries at the local campus.

Connections/Communications Team

The Communications Team exists to communicate and promote the programs and ministries of Christ Community Church, both internally and externally. The Communications Team does this through a variety of outlets and services including radio, TV, newspapers, direct mail, brochures, graphic design, video, signage, banners, and apparel.

The Connections Team exists to help new and existing members find a meaningful place to serve God within the ministries and partner ministries of Christ Community Church. This is done by working in partnership with both individuals and ministries. The Connections Team works with individuals to help them determine how God has uniquely created them to serve through their God-given spiritual gifts, passions, abilities, personality traits and experiences. They work with the ministries to create systems, processes, accountability, training, evaluation and awareness strategies to get people connected to their ministries.

Creative Arts Team

The Creative Arts team of Christ Community Church exists to worship, pursue and serve God through the use of music, drama, dance and other forms of media. The Creative Arts Team makes it their goal to present the gospel through creative and compelling presentations that support the specific focus of each message/event. The Creative Arts Team is committed to continually improving the quality of our ministry through the gifts of our staff and volunteer members.

It is the goal of the Creative Arts Team to:

  • Bring the various areas of the Creative Arts ministry together to provide effective, multi-sensory communication of the gospel message.
  • Worship and glorify God with our creative process and output.
  • Inspire our members to use and explore their creative gifts.
  • Provide an avenue for artistic collaboration within a supportive environment.
  • Ensure that artistic exploration remains faithful to biblical truth and relevant within our church culture.
  • Apply standards of excellence in the artistic product that serves all church ministries.

DeKalb Campus Team

The DeKalb Campus Team coordinates with the St. Charles Campus Team to meet campus needs in the areas of food services, event management, information systems, bookstore operations, etc. In addition, the DeKalb Campus Team provides leadership to the Children, Students, Adult/Community Group, Benevolent, Community Impact and Creative Arts Ministries for the local campus.

Finance Team

The Finance Team exists to serve and protect the church by evaluating, organizing, planning and executing a strategy and structure for the financial operations of the church. They also serve in providing Godly stewardship of church resources and stewardship training and discipleship for the church family. The Finance Team has direct oversight of finances and bookstore operations. The focus is to ensure proper internal controls are in place that protect the integrity and safety of the entire ministry and all auxiliary functions so front-line ministry teams can be most effective in reaching people for Christ.

Human Resources Team

The Human Resource team exists to provide resources, structure and support to Christ Community Church and its ministries.The Human Resources team is committed to:

  • Identifying and responding to the changing needs of the organization in all areas of HR management.
  • Promoting recruitment strategies and collaborating with teams to create a highly performing, diversely gifted workforce.
  • Fostering open communication and responding to the needs of our staff in a supportive and proactive manner.
  • Developing growth and opportunities for staff through training and consultation.
  • Helping to maintain a positive, Christ-honoring work environment.
  • Facilitating policy reviews as legislative, economic, or market conditions affect church operations.
  • Providing leadership and guidance in the development, implementation and equitable administration of church policies, procedures, and benefits.

It is the goal of the Human Resources Team to consistently provide these services in a quality manner that honors the stewardship values of our church, but also recognizes our staff as a highly valuable resource for the effective implementation of ministry.

Leadership Team

Though not a formally-structured team, those listed on the organizational chart under the Leadership Team serve to equip the staff, Elders and Trustees in achieving high standards of purposeful, godly leadership. Through ongoing communication and intentional connection points, the Leadership Team strives to encourage these individuals to become ambassadors of the mission, vision and values of Christ Community Church and to equip them in putting these principles into practice through their specific area of leadership.

KidsWorld Team

The KidsWorld Team exists for the purpose of Helping Kids Meet Jesus and Become More Like Him. They do this by building teams of people who love God, like kids, and use their time and abilities to communicate God’s love and God’s truth to children. We offer a variety of ministries, programs, and services that revolve around seven key values.

KidsWorld is:

  • Bible Based—firmly rooted in God’s Word.
  • Safe—physically, spiritually, and emotionally.
  • Parent Connected—serving and equipping families.
  • Kid Appropriate—built around their style, needs, and developmental stage.
  • Relational—helping kids discover community life.
  • Creative—using imaginative ways to reach and teach kids.
  • Fun—a highlight of every week.

Student Ministries Team

The Student Ministry Team exists to Develop Students into Belonging, Growing, Serving and Reaching Followers of Christ. They do this through teams of people passionate about establishing relationships, programs and events that accomplish four things.

  • Helping students meet Christ and surrender their lives to Him.
  • Challenging surrendered students to develop habits and practices leading to maximized life-change and growth.
  • Turning growing students into servants and leaders by assisting them in discovering their giftedness and providing opportunities to serve.
  • Equipping serving students to mobilize as missionaries to ever-widening circles of influence where they can share God’s love.

Outreach Team

The Outreach/Caring Team exists to equip and mobilize the church to reach out with God’s love to those in our congregation, community and world who need care, compassion and the life-transforming encounter with His Kingdom. They mobilize teams to serve our communities as well as internationals through our partners. The Outreach Team is responsible for generating outreach strategies, events and follow-up for the church. Additionally, they provide care for those in our church body who find themselves in need or suffer from addictions, grief, marital strife or other life crises. The ministries included in this team are: Counseling, Pre-Marital Mentoring, Evangelism, Community Impact, International Impact, Benevolent Care, Catastrophic Care and Celebrate Recovery Ministries.

G.2.0—Organizational Chart

Staff will be given a copy of the current church organizational chart at the time of hire and can request updated copies at any time thereafter by contacting the HR Manager.

G.3.0—Leadership Structure

Christ Community Church is a “Staff-directed, Elder-protected” ministry. Our “Structure of Ministry” booklet can provide more detailed information on the leadership structure of the church, including the role of the Elder and Trustee teams.

Within the staff organizational structure, there are several different leadership groups. The Executive Team, which consists of the Executive Pastor and Senior Pastor, is responsible for the general oversight of the church. The Management Team is responsible for managing budgets, goals, time off, and resource allocations, while the Team Captain’s group works to set the direction for the church, manage the individual ministry teams, establish church-wide goals and determine the best methods of communicating to the church, staff and local community.

View the original PDF: Employee Handbook