

Leaders in your church can take on different shapes. They can be elders, deacons, parking attendants or Sunday School teachers. How can you encourage these leaders and make sure that they are taking care of themselves—spiritually, emotionally and physically? Are they participating regularly in worship? Are they living a balanced life?

Improv Leadership: How to Lead Well in Every Moment

By |June 22nd, 2020|

Fletch talks with Stan Endicott, co-founder of Slingshot Group. Stan has developed Improv Leadership. Improv leaders apply five competencies to initiate powerful conversations, create memorable moments, and craft personal coaching strategies that help people [...]

Setting Vision for Your Church

By |May 14th, 2020|

Vision is more than one short statement. Your church needs that short statement but it also needs much more. The vision statement is the tip of the iceberg. Vision statements set out far-reaching goals and [...]

Streaming Sunday Slowed COVID-19

By |March 31st, 2020|

When 60 million Christians began to gave up in-person worship on Streaming Sunday, they helped slow the growth of Covid-19. Although there is tremendous economic loss in the Stay-at-Home orders, this helped reduce the [...]

Becoming a Healthy Church

By |June 3rd, 2019|

What will it take for your church to become a healthier church? Given the realities of your particular ministry setting, how will you begin that process? If you were to start that process today, [...]

Soapbox Racers

By |March 9th, 2018|

Driving 80 miles per hour in a Soapbox Racer is absurd. You will quickly crash. Accelerate your Soapbox Racer from 10 mph up to 30 mph. You will rejoice at going 30 mph. But your [...]

Two Vital Questions in Decision-Making

By |August 1st, 2016|

Few Christian leaders set out to promote or speak falsehood. I believe that falsehood among Christian leaders comes about more often by omission than commission (what is allowed to remain undone versus what is done [...]

How to Lead Change in a Church

By |March 16th, 2016|

Do you want change? Most people will say they don’t. If they do, generally it’s limited to changing a small section of their lives. When it comes to our organizations, as well as our careers, change [...]

Overcoming Irrelevance

By |May 24th, 2014|

Moving from the rural Midwest to Southern California changes your definition of “normal.” When the move includes connecting with a church that’s twice the size of the town you moved from, the redefinition demands a [...]

Strange Leadership

By |April 23rd, 2014|

My top two spiritual gifts are leadership and administration, so the subject of organization is something I love and gravitate toward. If you have the spiritual gift of administration, you love structure, systems, processes, [...]

Five Deficiencies That Stifle Church Growth

By |January 21st, 2014|

Emerging research tells us that successful turnaround pastors differ from their colleagues in temperament and emotional intelligence. The data imply an easy way for pastors to avoid the many challenges of a growing church. All [...]

Ten Common Vision and Momentum Killers

By |January 16th, 2014|

First of all, I believe momentum is usually a byproduct of great vision … and great vision needs momentum to move forward. There is definitely a relationship between vision and momentum. For context, I define [...]

It is Not Good … But It Can Be

By |August 21st, 2013|

In The E-Myth Revisited, Michael Gerber recognizes three primary roles in any successful business: the entrepreneur, the manager, and the technician. He describes these roles but is more concerned that small businesses fulfill all three and [...]

Becoming a 360 Degree Leader

By |August 9th, 2013|

The question we all have as we lead is how can we make a lasting impact. What I have learned over the years is that to make a lasting impact, you have to learn how to [...]

14 Leadership Lessons from an Orchestra Director

By |May 20th, 2013|

I think everybody has a certain perception of symphony orchestra directors, especially the top-end professionals. People probably view them as suave, sophisticated, jet-setters who have a pretty cushy job (yeah, sure, that’s me!) While that [...]

If Nothing Changes … Nothing Changes!

By |May 8th, 2013|

Change is hard. No, I mean real change is really hard! Oh sure, we all dream, imagine or wish that something in our lives will be different or better tomorrow; but taking the steps necessary [...]

The Power of Being Direct

By |February 28th, 2013|

You know the feeling. Something is wrong. You’re the leader. You really should say something about it. But confronting someone is the last thing you feel like doing. You consider your options. Perhaps you can [...]

Vision Statement

By |December 27th, 2012|

XPastor tries to help churches by providing some of the essentials for running a church---items like job descriptions, employment applications, review forms and policies. Below is the Vision Statement of Northwest Bible Church of [...]