
Articles on Strategy

Every church needs to have a strategy of how they want to do ministry. Foundational in deriving your strategy is your church’s culture and your place in the church universal in delivering the gospel to the lost. What is your ministry strategy?

Leading in Uncertain Times, Part 1

By |June 4th, 2021|

The understatement of the century is that the world has changed. And we are all continuing to live right in the middle of this shift. We are being forced to create and adapt new [...]

Three Strategies that Protect from Ransomware

By |May 25th, 2021|

Ransomware is a serious threat that costs a lot of unbudgeted dollars to fix. Effective protection is available! Here’s what I recommend. Ransomware is not like most malware threats that slip into systems under the [...]

What the Church May Look Like After COVID-19

By |April 2nd, 2021|

During the CapinCrouse 2021 National Church Virtual Seminar held on February 24 and 25, 2021, I had the opportunity to lead a workshop in which leaders discussed what the church may look like after [...]

Leadership Principles from the Tech World

By |March 23rd, 2021|

Molly Matthews is the CEO of Pushpay, a leading provider of donor management solutions that simplify and encourage engagement, payments, and administration, enabling customers to increase participation and build stronger relationships in their communities. [...]

Sexual Harassment in the Church

By |March 19th, 2021|

Hey Fletch … I would like to bring our staff through some type of sexual harassment training and share our sexual harassment policy. Are you aware of any videos, articles or resources that you [...]

Water Cooler Conversations While Working Remotely

By |January 27th, 2021|

Good team communication is a challenge anytime, but even more so when working remotely. While that topic can address many things, let’s focus on how to have those comfortable and helpful water-cooler-type conversations with [...]

Your Pastor’s Heavy Pack

By |December 9th, 2020|

Chances are, your pastor is exhausted. Here are the surprising reasons why. There’s something that church leaders need to know. If you serve on a church board or leadership council, please lean in. Pastor, [...]

Ask Better Questions

By |November 24th, 2020|

Questions are powerful—sometimes more powerful than we acknowledge. Unaware of how to use questions well, leaders unnecessarily bring uncertainty into their group discussions. Now, more than ever, stakes can be knowingly and unknowingly high [...]

Peace with Others

By |November 16th, 2020|

When we think about leadership, we don’t always think about peace. If you’ve observed a skillful and thoughtful leader, you know that their relationships are marked by peacefulness. I’m not suggesting that these leaders [...]

Leadership and the Art of Celebration

By |November 16th, 2020|

It goes without saying that 2020 has brought an abundance of challenges for ministry leaders. We’ve had to take on challenges we never would have expected and might not have been necessarily prepared for. [...]

6 Key Considerations for Budgeting in Changing Times

By |October 8th, 2020|

There is still considerable uncertainty about the global COVID-19 pandemic and its long-term effects. What will the effect be on your ministry’s future revenues, expenses, and opportunities? How can you best manage continually shifting [...]

Casting A Powerful Vision for Small Groups

By |August 21st, 2020|

Even though more than 90% of pastors say groups are the primary vehicle for discipleship in their church, anyone who’s been around church small groups know that groups can be hit or miss. Ryan [...]

Confident Leader

By |August 19th, 2020|

Fletch talks with Dan Reiland about Dan’s latest book, Confident Leader! This will be a fast paced discussion on a vital topic. Come and learn—bring your questions! Dan says about Confident Leader! … The moment [...]

The K Shape: Implications for Churches

By |August 16th, 2020|

This intriguing article, America's Two Coronavirus Realities by Dion Rabouin, perfectly describes what I am seeing in most churches and communities in the U.S. In my last ebook, Beyond: The Forward Focus Framework, I described three [...]